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Traditional lifts were expensive and its installation required a mechanical room, a new breaker box, or even rewiring for your entire structure.
Overview Traditional lifts were expensive and its installation required a mechanical room, a new breaker box, or even rewiring for your entire structure. Thanks to innovative technologies and proficient techs installing an elevator for a small space is quite easier. But before upgrading your home with the elevator installation, make sure you look upon these five essential tips.
1.CHECK ON NEEDS The first step is to decide whether to add or retrofit theelevator. If yousee,retrofittingislessexpensivebutmaylosestoragespaceor closet. Althoughtheinstallationofa newlifttakes a long time yet it can give you more choices in location andsize.
2. FIND A REPUTEDCOMPANY FOR LIFTINSTALLATION Once, you are clear with your choices, next thing is to find professionalsexperts. Theywill bettertellyouwhethertheycan accomplishyourneedsornot. Also, they willletyouknowwhereto install theelevatorandwherethepower linesneedtobeimplemented.
3. ChooseYour Lift Style ELEGANCE Voyager Series- having no machine room or pit, 10 sq. ft. footprint, premium stainless steel buttons, taller control panel, 5th generation shaft with light-up display. AURORA 1250 mm mid-back platform backed up with SAFIS safety system, LED Back-Lit luminescent control & service panel, SAFIS security reminder system , 6th Generation Doors and Shafts, Color choices- You can choose platform color according to wish
LIMITED 1250 mm mid-back platform, SAFIS safety system in swedish manufactured home lifts, Custom color options or Cibes powder coat options, Eco-Leather stitched traditional handrail, Custom platform color different than shaft color, All premiumchoice + standard Cibes textureseries. GALAXY 1250 mm mid-back platform, Control panel and laser lighting on service, Standard Cibes texture series, All premium choice, Less time taking for lifts installation for residential homes, Customized Residential Elevators for small space backed up with SAFIS safety system.
4.DECIDEWHENTOINSTALLYOURELEVATOR Inclinatorelevatorsarrive in preassembled form,so technicians need not go for a lengthy process. The time of installation for the imported lift will depend upon the number of landings and type of elevator.
5.Don’t Forget ToScheduleAnnual Maintenance Just after you installed theelevator at your place, make sure you are regular at elevatormaintenance. Ensure longevity, quality, andsafety of elevators with scheduled maintenance at least once ayear.
CibesLift-BestForYourPlace! Manufacturingandinstallingreliable,safe,anda customizedhomeelevatoristheneedoftime.So, makesureyou are hiringa professionalteamby yoursideforeasyinstallation. CibesLift is a leading company that makes use of Swedish technology in lifts in order to make it avaluable investment for you. Whether you needwheelchair lifts,villafor lifts,or customized lifts, just ask our experts. We are there to serve you!
ADDRESS EMAIL ID india@cibeslift.com PHONENO. +91 88008-87887 • Unit 708, Ambience Mall, NH – 8, Ambience Island, DLF Phase 3, Sector 24, Gurugram, Haryana 122002