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EUSE Toolkit for Diversity Transfer of Knowledge and Practice. Edyth Dunlop N Ireland Union of Supported Employment 13 June 2013. Programme. Supported Employment model Project rational Overview of Project Needs Analysis Key Findings
EUSE Toolkit for Diversity Transfer of Knowledge and Practice Edyth Dunlop N Ireland Union of Supported Employment 13 June 2013
Programme Supported Employment model Project rational Overview of Project Needs Analysis Key Findings Transfer and Adaptation of Supported Employment Model
Supported Employment Developed in the late 1970’s & 1980’s Initially developed for people with significant learning disabilities Based on the principle of Zero Rejection and everyone has the capacity to learn and work Train/Place (or place and pray) V’s →Place → Train → Maintain &Progress
Project Rational EUSE Supported Employment Toolkit Project Funded under EU Leonardo Partnership Programme (2008 – 2010) Number of partners 11 (lead partner Dundee City Council) 11 Position Papers 5 How to Guides Available on www.euse.org
How to Guides Client Engagement Vocational Profile Job Finding & Employer Engagement On and Off the Job Support Qualities of a good Employment Support Worker
Key Learning Supported Employment model has been mainstreamed in a number of EU states for people from other disadvantaged situation i.e. Portugal, Norway, Spain, Sweden etc Many common issues effecting economic inclusion for all disadvantaged groups Updating inclusive practice
EUSE Toolkit for Diversity This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Aim of the project “To transfer and adapt the EUSE Supported Employment Toolkit to four regional cluster groups of Europe for people from a disadvantaged situation other than people with disabilities”
Objectives To conduct a need analysis in each of the partner states regarding the economic exclusion of specific disadvantage group To review the Supported Employment Toolkit ensuring its applicability To customise the Supported Employment Toolkit to meet the needs of specific groups for the four regional cluster groups
Objectives To test the Supported Employment Toolkit with at least 48 organisations To Translate the Supported Employment Toolkit in to 9 languages To deliver capacity building training and train the trainer training to the partners
Objectives To agree minimum standards to deliver training To conduct an external and internal evaluation To agree a sustainability strategy
Project Partners (12) Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment (Lead Partner) Dachverband Berufliche Integration, Austria Rytmus, Czech Republic Status Employment, England Kiipula Foundation, Finland Theotokos Foundation, Greece Irish Association of Supported Employment (Ireland)
Project Partners Irish Association of Supported Employment (Ireland) Skinner Cooperativa Sociale, Italy Associação Portuguesa de Emprego Apoiado, Portugal Asociación Española de Empleo con Apoyo, Spain Activa, Sweden Supported Employment Schweiz, Switzerland
Focused Disadvantaged groups Ex-offenders Young school leavers People recovering from substance
Project Overview Project time frame 1 October 2012 – 30 September 2014 Six Project meetings Northern Ireland Czech Republic Dublin Switzerland Spain Austria
Work packages Project Management Needs Analysis Adaptation Capacity Building & Train the Trainer Communication and Dissemination Evaluation
Project Outputs Needs Analysis Report Adapted Supported Employment Toolkit Supported Employment Toolkit translated in to 9 languages Trained staff to deliver Supported Employment Toolkit and agreed standards of delivery Website – www.eusetoolkit.eu Evaluation Report
Main Findings From Needs Analysis Report High rates of unemployment across all states for specific disadvantaged situations For example young school leavers (Not in education, employment and training) highest rate of unemployment across Europe and continually to increase
Common issues Low educational achievements (qualifications) Experience – can not get a job without experience and can get experience with out a job Self belief/self confidence Lack of support
Low aspirations Life style choices Hectic lives/emotional vulnerability Disclosure (offenses/substance abuse) Employer attitudes Lack of experienced staff
Unemployment among these specific groups highlight that there is a structural not a temporary issue which will not go away unless something is done about it Supported Employment could be an option to consider.
Questions Identify the most important steps for people from other disadvantaged situation? What is missing in one or more of the steps? Other factors that may impact on people from other disadvantaged groups: Social Economic Legislative
For further information www.eusetoolkit.eu