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I. Church Benevolence : Passages

I. Church Benevolence : Passages. Ac.2:44-45 Ac.4:32, 34-37. Who ? Believers 32; Among them , 34. How ? Sold land/ Houses 34; Feet , 35. Examples Barnabas 36-37; Ananias 5:1-11. The shift of ownership. (2) Ananias owns value of land. (3) Ananias gives value of land. (1)

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I. Church Benevolence : Passages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I.ChurchBenevolence:Passages Ac.2:44-45 Ac.4:32, 34-37 Who? Believers 32; Among them, 34 How? Sold land/ Houses 34; Feet, 35 Examples Barnabas 36-37; Ananias 5:1-11

  2. The shift of ownership (2) Ananias ownsvalue of land (3) Ananias givesvalue of land (1) Ananias ownsland (4) church ownsvalue of land

  3. Ac.2:44-45Ac.4:32, 34-37 Ac.6:1-7 Implies daily distribution of alms(v.1-2) Church chose men of character(v.3) Apostles do their work (v.4)

  4. Ac.2:44-45Ac.4:32, 34-37Ac.6:1-7 Ac.11:27-30 Appears to be collective action Disciples contributed Sent thru B. and Paul (= 4:35) Elders would oversee distribution

  5. Ro.15:25-32 Raised for saints (25) Contribution (fellowship) (26) The least they could do (27) 1 Co.16:1-4 Collection for poor saints at Jerusalem (1, 3) Churches of Galatia Chose own messengers 2 Co.8-9 (8:4; 9:1) 1 Tim.5:16

  6. II. Each Church Did Its Own Work Each congregationwassufficientto work2 Co.8:1-5 Each congregationwas independentAc.20:281 Pt.5:2-3

  7. Ac.20:28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God… This: Elders (pl.)oversee a flock(sg.) NotThis: Elders (pl.)oversee flocks(pl.)

  8. 1 Pt.5:2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers… This: Shepherd(Overseers)the flock amongyou Not this: Shepherd(Overseers)the flocks anywhere

  9. Each congregation could use means / methods to do its work • This: • Not this: FoodClothingShelterMedicine Church PROVIDES Benev.Society FoodClothingShelterMedicine ? Church FUNDS

  10. III. General Authority;Authorized Agents • Ac.6:1-4, note three things: Servants appointed to serve tables(over this business, 3) For needy widows in church at Jerusalem Faithful men do it right

  11. Requires judgment calls • 1 Pt.5: chief Shepherd entrusts care of flock to shepherds • Elders cannot legislate • They act w/in scriptural guidelines • Elders’ work is separate from deacons • Elders assign jobs to deacons, while they oversee (do own work) • One deacon buys supplies…

  12. Ac.21:18-20 No reference to contribution Their reaction (20) implies acceptance (Ro.15:31) [Cf. Ac.11:27-30] 24:17, Luke’s only reference. Gave it to elders? What if church has no elders? Church “leaders” must decide objects of relief Elders? Church Church Relief No Elders?

  13. The steps: • Church entrusts messengers with support (Ac.11:27-30) • They deliver it to elders of chur-ches accordingtotheirneeds Does this make messengers a benevolent society? No more so than servants appointed in Jerusalem, Ac.6

  14. Illustrated by Evangelism, Ac.13:2-3 • Antioch sent B. and Paul • Ac.13:6…12, general authority required them to use judgment about best prospects for studies • Spend two years trying to convert Elymas?

  15. General Authority in Evangelism Means MethodsLocationsProspects Antioch SENDS Barn.& Paul M.Society Means MethodsLocationsProspects Antioch FUNDS

  16. General Authority in Evangelism Means MethodsLocationsProspects Antioch SENDS Barn.& Paul They had same general authority to choose means, methods…as servants in Ac.6 did in meeting needs of widows Barn. and Paul had to make choices; it did not make them a M. society

  17. Illustrated by Edification, Ac.14:21-22 • Elders select teachers who must use judgment about effective ways to present material, how much time to spend on each verse, etc. • This comes under general authority and is not an edification society (college)

  18. MeansMethodsPlacePersonnel Edifiesitself Church MeansMethodsPlacePersonnel Edif.Society(College) Church FUNDS

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