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Clinical outcome of thin corneas after laser in situ keratomileusis. Faik Orucov * , MD , Joseph Frucht-Pery, MD , David Landau, MD, Eyal Strassman, MD, Abraham Solomon , MD. *Refractive Surgery Department, I stanbul S urgery H ospital Istanbul, Turkey.
Clinical outcome of thin corneas after laser in situ keratomileusis Faik Orucov*, MD, Joseph Frucht-Pery, MD, DavidLandau, MD, Eyal Strassman, MD, Abraham Solomon, MD *Refractive Surgery Department, Istanbul Surgery Hospital Istanbul, Turkey Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel Authors have no financial interests in any of the mentioned products or companies
PURPOSE To evaluate the clinical outcome of laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for the treatment of myopia with thin corneas.
METHODS • SETTING: Hadassah Optimal Laser Center,Jerusalem, Israel • Retrospective study • N: 193 eyes • Preoperative CCT<498 microns • Calculated RST≤ 250 microm • F/U : at least one year • Exclusion criteria ; • - incomplete documentation • - lost to follow-up
RESULTS Patient characteristics & Preoperative data
RESULTS Distribution of preoperative central corneal thickness CCT484.83±10.32 Range 455-497 mm
RESULTS Topographic values &The predictability of the procedures Scattergram showing achieved versus attempted correction.
RESULTS Postoperative data.
CONCLUSION • LASIK was safe in patients with thin corneas and myopia. • More studies with longer follow-up are needed to elucidate further the safety of the LASIK in thin corneas.