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Propaganda & Persuasion Effects

Propaganda & Persuasion Effects. News Media & Propaganda. Whenever possible, propagandists attempt to control the news media. The role of the news media in propaganda varies according to country and culture.

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Propaganda & Persuasion Effects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Propaganda & Persuasion Effects

  2. News Media & Propaganda • Whenever possible, propagandists attempt to control the news media. • The role of the news media in propaganda varies according to country and culture. • In an open society, the news media are more often channels of propaganda than actual propagandists.

  3. When the state controls the news media, they are often utilized for propaganda purposes. • New technologies provide opportunities for propagandists (& counter-propagandists)

  4. Message Effects

  5. Theory of uniform effects: • Members of mass society perceive & respond to messages uniformly • Magic bullet theory • Hypodermic theory SOURCE --------------> RECEIVER

  6. Limited effects model • A variety of factors intervene between source & receiver to affect message reception • Considers: • source characteristics • message characteristics • receiver characteristics

  7. McGuire's Model of Persuasion • *exposure • attention • comprehension • yielding • retention • action

  8. Message Effects 1. Effects greatest when message reinforces existing opinions, beliefs, and dispositions. Selective exposure & Selective perception • Mass communication tends to reinforce rather than change

  9. 2.When change occurs, a multitude of factors are involved: • mass media • social conditions • group interaction • opinion leaders (multistep flow) • source credibility

  10. 3. Audience most likely to be influenced when issues are: • peripheral • unfamiliar • lightly felt • not tied to predispositions

  11. Deeply rooted issues, based on values and past behavior patterns, not as likely to experience change • political loyalty • race • religion

  12. 4. The propagandist who can get people to agree w/him on one or two issues is likely to influence attitudes on other issues as well. Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance people will make adjustments to maintain a "consistency of attitudes”

  13. 5. People can appear to accept an idea publicly without private acceptance. Spiral of Silence Public behavior may also differ from private behavior.

  14. 6. A dominant definition of a situation accompanied by a consistent, repetitious, and unchallenged message, increases the influence of the message. Perceived power of persuader is key

  15. 7. Consistent exposure to a specific point of view when the audience has none of its own stands a good chance of making some impact. Theory of exposure learning

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