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Hero Trait Synthesis Essay. English 9 Perry High School. Prompt. Write an argumentative synthesis essay that identifies a single-most important trait/character attribute that you deem essential for all heroes to possess. Compare Atticus from TKAM to any other hero of choice.
Hero TraitSynthesis Essay English 9 Perry High School
Prompt • Write an argumentative synthesis essay that identifies a single-most important trait/character attributethat you deem essential for all heroes to possess. • CompareAtticusfrom TKAM to any other heroof choice. • Be sure to address the opposingclaimin the third body paragraph.
Essay Format • Introduction paragraph • Hook • Thesis • Body paragraphs • Paragraph 1- Atticus • Paragraph 2- Your Hero • Paragraph 3 Counterargument • Conclusion paragraph
Body Paragraph Format S • Topic Sentence/Statement • Evidence/Examples • Explanation • Statement • Evidence/Examples • Explanation • Concluding Sentence E Two SEE-sets Per Paragraph E S E E
Introduction Paragraph • Hook- pique the interest of your reader • Thesis- address the prompt & let your reader know what you believe
Hook Example 1 (Metaphor) Metaphor- compare two things to make a point or to introduce an idea. What could you compare a hero to??? A little bee, however small, makes a big difference. Bees pollinate flowers and in turn make the world a better place to live in. Heroesalso make a big difference in their society.
Hook Example 2 (Quote) Quote- include an important or interesting quote to introduce an idea. Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun and humanitarian, calls individuals to be compassionate with people who are different when she states that "If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Mother Teresa exemplifies the hero trait of __________.
Hook Example 3 (Anecdote) Anecdote- tell a very short story to make a point or introduce an idea. She was a mother to all that needed her. She helped the poor, fed the hungry, operated over 500 missions in more than 100 countries. This extraordinary individual went by the name of Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa exemplifies the hero trait of __________.
Hook Example 4 (Analogy) Analogy- a short logical statement that compares two unlike things to make a point or introduce an idea. As one stone dropped in water ripples out to the entire lake, so can one person's sacrifice make the a difference in the lives of people long after their time.
Hook Example 5 (Historical Anecdote) Historical Anecdote- a true short story given to make a point or introduce an idea. When one person refused to give up her seat on a bus it changed everything. Rosa Parks made a difference for all African-Americans and their human rights. Rosa Parks is the perfect example of how one person’s courage can make a difference in society.
Thesis Statements • Clearly state what trait is most important/essential for a hero to have • Tell the readers how this trait creates heroes, or how this trait sets heroes apart, or why it is essential for heroes to possess this trait.
Thesis Example 1 • Use an “although” statement to address the prompt and set-up the counter-argument. • Althoughmany will say that courage is the single-most important trait a hero possesses, sacrifice is the attribute that allows a hero to rise above the rest and be remembered.
Thesis Example 3 • Use a “however” statement to address the prompt and set-up the counter-argument. • Optimism is a necessary trait for any good person; however,resilience and actually overcoming trials is what sets heroes apart from others.
Introduction Paragraph Example Hook • As one stone dropped in water ripples out to the entire lake, so can one person's sacrificemake the world a better place. Although many will say that courage is the single-most important trait a hero possesses, sacrifice is the attribute that allows a hero to rise above the rest and be remembered. Thesis
Body Paragraph Format S • Topic Sentence/Statement • Evidence/Examples • Explanation • Statement • Evidence/Examples • Explanation • Concluding Sentence E Two SEE-sets Per Paragraph E S E E commentary that ties these SEE-sets back to your topic sentence
Body Paragraph 1 Example Topic/Statement Sacrifice is what sets heroes apart from the others, and the fictional character, Atticus Finch from the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is a perfect model of this. For example, he puts aside his personal safety to protect Tom Robinson from those that would lynch him. Author Harper Lee writes that Atticus tells the lynch mob from Old Sarum to “turn around and go home again” (Lee 172). S Examples/Evidence E
Body Paragraph 1 Example Cont. Explanation E Atticus knew the men came to the jail to execute Tom Robinson, and he also realized that they would possibly harm him if he got in their way. But Atticus made a tough decision to sacrifice his own safety for Tom anyway. Another example of sacrifice in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is when Atticus was assaulted by Mr. Ewell. After Bob spits in his face, “Atticus didn’t bat an eye, just took out his hand-kerchief and wiped his face and stood there and let Mr. Ewell call him names” (248). Statement S E Example
Body Paragraph 1 Example Cont. Explanation E It is not hard to see that spitting in one’s face is disrespectful, and it probably took a good deal of sacrifice to put aside his pride in order to remain a good role-model to his children and the town of Maycomb. Clearly, Atticus demonstrates the important heroic trait of sacrifice as he was consistently willing to shield others from harm and put aside his pride for the sake of his community. Closing Sentence
Body Paragraph 2 Example Statement The most important character trait in heroes is sacrifice, and real-life heroes, such as Mother Teresa, prove this. For example, journalist Jim Rice, in an article from the New York Times entitled, “Made for More than This,” writes, “Mother Teresa has dedicated her life to feeding the poor, creating a hospice center, and teaching the youth to read and to practice proper hygiene in Calcutta, India”(2). S In-Text Citation Example E
Body Paragraph 2 Example Cont. Explanation E She worked tirelessly to feed, clothe, house and protect those people who had nothing, had no one and no place to go. She could have lived an easier life, but chose to sacrifice her comfort for the good of others. Another example of her sacrifice is evidenced in the creation of The Mission of Charity. Thiscongregation was dedicated to caring for “the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone” (Rice 3). Statement S E Example
Body Paragraph 2 Example Cont. Explanation Mother Teresa worked tirelessly, serving the disadvantaged in India whom most in society would consider a burden. Creating and increasing her ministry to the poor went on for decades and continues today. Clearly, Mother Teresa demonstrates the heroic trait of sacrifice as she put aside her comfort for the sake of those with so much less in society. E Closing Sentence
Counter-Argument Paragraph • Concedeto Opposing Position • Agree that opposing position has a strong point • Refutethe Opposing Position • Prove to be wrong of false
Concede & Refute the Opposing Position Concede to Opposition Some believe that courage is the single-most important trait of a hero. Being strong in the face of danger or personal harm is admirable, butsacrifice is a far greater attribute. To consistently give up comfort and safety for the good of others, for the good of society, is much more noble. ONE SEE set about either Atticus or your hero showing that sacrifice is more important than courage Refute the Opposition Final piece of evidence
Conclusion Paragraph Conclusions should give a finished feeling to the essay. It should come full circle, completing the ideas begun in the introduction. However, the conclusion should NEVER simply repeat the information from the introduction paragraph (boring).
Conclusion Paragraph • Restatethe thesis USING NEW WORDS (paraphrasing) • Sacrifice, or foregoing safety and comfort,is what puts heroes on a higher level than others. • Connect back to your hook but put a spin on it and/or add wit. • So as Mother Teresa calls people to be compassionate for others in need, one is to be reminded of the importance of sacrifice in heroes and everyone else.