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P10505 – Cold Pressure Fusing II Performance Review Team Fusion 5/7/2010

P10505 – Cold Pressure Fusing II Performance Review Team Fusion 5/7/2010. Introduction. Two results are analyzed, standard deviation to indicate pressure uniformity and average pressure Presentation Outline Present data Justify ANOVA assumptions Analyze significant factors

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P10505 – Cold Pressure Fusing II Performance Review Team Fusion 5/7/2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. P10505 – Cold Pressure Fusing IIPerformance ReviewTeam Fusion5/7/2010

  2. Introduction • Two results are analyzed, standard deviation to indicate pressure uniformity and average pressure • Presentation Outline • Present data • Justify ANOVA assumptions • Analyze significant factors • Analyze interactions • Conclusions

  3. Comparison of Average Pressure and Standard Deviation across Skew Angles

  4. Signal to Noise Ratios • S/N = µ/σ = Std Dev/Mean

  5. Average Pressure vs. Skew Angle Note: Standard deviation is not the analysis of variance between these average pressure data points. It is the analysis of pressure variations across the entire scan.

  6. Standard Deviation vs. Skew Angle

  7. Main Effects Plot for Standard Deviation

  8. Skew Angle Curve Fit

  9. ANOVA Assumptions • These assumptions must be justified to perform an Analysis of Variance. • Normal distribution • Constant variance • Constant mean • Independent data

  10. Justification of ANOVA Assumptions

  11. Justification of ANOVA Assumptions

  12. ANOVA Table for Standard Deviation Legend Green: P-value < 0.005 Orange: P-value < 0.015 White: P-value > 0.010

  13. Main Effects Plot for Standard Deviation

  14. Interaction Plot for Standard Deviation

  15. Interaction Plot for Standard Deviation

  16. Interaction Plot for Standard Deviation

  17. Interaction Plot for Standard Deviation

  18. ANOVA Table for Average Pressure Legend Green: P-value < 0.005 Yellow: P-value < 0.010 Orange: P-value < 0.015 White: P-value > 0.010

  19. Main Effects for Average Pressure

  20. Interaction Plot of Average Pressures

  21. Conclusions • Abaqus model was on target • Experimental results point to 1.91° as the optimal skew angle to maximize pressure uniformity • The average pressure value changes based on the configuration, but several configurations fell in the acceptable pressure range

  22. Optimal Design • Standard Deviation • Main Effects: 1.9 deg, portrait, 130 lbs, k=270 • 2nd Order Effects: 1.9 deg, portrait, 170 lbs, k = 270

  23. Optimal Design • Average Pressure • Main Effects: • Load is variable but ~140 lbs, • Orientation is variable, no specified preference • Compliance is variable but ~415 lbs/in, by interpolation • Interaction effects agree with main effects, except landscape orientation is preferred • P-value for the average pressure DOE is 0.105 • P-value for the standard deviation DOE is 0.000

  24. Representative 1.4° skew angle pressure pattern (U4) 1.4° skew angle, k = 270 lb/in (gray), 170 lbs load, landscape

  25. Representative 1.9° skew angle pressure pattern (U16) 1.9° skew angle, k = 270 lb/in (gray), 170 lbs load, landscape

  26. Representative 2.4° skew angle pressure pattern (U24) 1.9° skew angle, k = 270 lb/in (gray), 170 lbs load, landscape

  27. Average Pressure vs. Test Configuration

  28. Standard Deviation vs. Test Configuration

  29. Probability Plot of Average Pressure

  30. Probability Plot of Standard Deviation

  31. Standard Deviation vs. Test Configuration

  32. Residuals vs. Test Configuration

  33. Standard Deviation vs. Test Configuration

  34. Customer Needs

  35. Customer Needs

  36. Engineering Specifications

  37. Final Design

  38. Recommendations

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