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Joni and Friends Programs

Note for Presenter: Show the Joni and Friends IDC Training Guide Orientation DVD and click on IDC Chapter 6 min. Minimize the DVD to share other chapters later.

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Joni and Friends Programs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Note for Presenter: Show the Joni and Friends IDC Training Guide Orientation DVD and click on IDC Chapter 6 min.Minimize the DVD to share other chapters later.

  2. Mission Statement:To communicate the Gospel and equip Christ-honoring Churches worldwide to evangelize and disciple people affected by disabilities.

  3. Joni and Friends Programs

  4. Provide accessibility for the disabled • by modifying: • homes • Churches • Hospitals • Clinics

  5. Medical Outreach

  6. Joni and Friends Curriculum, Kits andBook Resources

  7. Two Different Joni and FriendsDisability Awareness ProgramsFor Children Ages 4-12

  8. Disability Awareness and Missions Program supporting Wheels For The World • 52 page Teachers Guide • Reproducible pages • DVD and sing-along CD

  9. A children’s Disability Awareness Program includes 5 lessons-understanding 5 disabilities with ideas for new friendships. • The Fishers of Men Project-A Missions Opportunity to help your group sponsor campers to a Joni and Friends Family Retreat • Teacher’s Manual • DVD and sing-along CD • Posters and publicity brochures.

  10. How to build mutually fulfilling relationships based on how Jesus related to individuals with disabilities. • User friendly! Great basic intro to Disability Ministry using simple language, examples and graph. • Addressing the challenge of attitudinal barriers: From indifference to identification. Helpful Graph.

  11. Preparing your church to welcome all • A Disability ministry leaders “must have” manual • Detailed action schedule for the development of an effective Disability Ministry • Great preparation for a Disability Ministry Sunday.

  12. Welcoming and Including People and Families • 10 practical tips for becoming a disability friendly church. • Helps churches address common fears and misunderstandings when beginning a Disability Ministry. • 23 min DVD

  13. The chapter “The Mind That’s Mine” Helping Kids Understand How Our Minds Work.” blends the lessons of God’s creation, being made in the image of God and the fact that we all have many gifts but we are one Body in Christ. This chapter is the premise to the following lessons. • Excellent lesson plans for building awareness and understanding among children using specific, visual and tangible lesson plans addressing autism spectrum disorders and emotional, mental, visual and hearing impairment. • Fact sheets on general impairments both severe and moderate. • Lesson plans, letters and devotions for families

  14. 12 steps to initiating a Disability Ministry. • 77 sections identify a diagnosis, explains general characteristics of a student with the diagnosis. • Suggests ways to address and offer physical assistance. • Teaching methods that work. • Resource list • Great for Children’s Ministry leaders.

  15. Basic information for teachers who serve a population of students that include the disability community. • Overview of disabilities • Behavior Management tips • Methods for inclusion

  16. Insight and understanding necessary to provide for the particular needs of children with learning disabilities. • Speech and language disorders, academic skills disorders and attention deficit disorders.

  17. Definitions • Common Classifications • Keys to good discipline • Keys to a good environment • Tips for teachers • Ministry Opportunities

  18. Regardless of ages this booklet provides useful information about mental retardation and offers practical suggestions for making your teaching as effective as possible.

  19. Helping congregations to understand the emotional and physical needs of the families and the special needs of siblings. Practical ways to help How to get started

  20. See how one church is reaching out to serve children with disabilities. • Parents share how they want God’s best for their children and discover how God is bringing them into a faith community. • Great promotional tool to share with your pastor and for recruiting volunteers in your church. • Closed Caption DVD two versions:6 min and 10 1/2 min

  21. Sharing your passion to see people affected by disabilities embraced and included in the life of your church. • Sharing this passion to church leadership. • Scriptural basis for Disability Ministry • Calling leadership to action that will transform your church.

  22. Evangelizing children with special needs . Great resource for Sunday School Teachers and leaders of other children’s programming. • Addresses the hard questions children with disabilities ask about faith and explains how to present the Gospel on their level. • Ideas for discipling new Christians considering their pace for learning, environment and building one truth upon another.

  23. Leader Guide 30 pages • Participant Guide • Four lesson Bible Study. Can be done in a two hour meeting. • Equip volunteers with eyes to see, hands to help and hearts that care for those affected by disability • Use at a volunteer interest meeting to determine the gifting of each person and their understanding of God’s perspective on disability.

  24. Create a Recruiting Team • Easy for volunteers to say yes • Help volunteers succeed without burnout. • Tips for teaching “Can-Do” Kids • Provide the right tools • Say “Thank You” Often!

  25. People with disabilities go to church with unique needs. • They look for compassion and acceptance-not perfection. • Caring for families at church. • Models include Sunday school, respite care programs, VBS, parent support groups, sibling workshops, camps and church events. • Serving Siblings

  26. Ideas for inclusion in areas such as evangelism, baptism & Communion, worship, children’s ministry and church leadership. • Disability information and inclusion strategies • Great introductory to Disability Ministry.

  27. Practical guide from experienced mentors. • Complete with outlines and reproducible materials to get you started. • Professional and parental perspectives offered

  28. Bible Study: Explore God’s hope for us through our sufferings with your group. • DVD and Video • Leader ‘s manual • Participants guide • A copy of the book When God Weeps

  29. NEW

  30. Learn about 5 specific Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) • 10 Strategies for including people with ASD • Develop action plans for ongoing ministry with children and adults with autism.

  31. Addresses how congregations, families and service providers can work together to support the full participation of individuals affected in their faith community of their choice

  32. God calls us to include all children, no matter the challenge. • Practical ideas that can be easily integrated into any classroom.

  33. Ten quick tips to reach every child in the classroom. • Learn how to identify and connect with children who have special needs. • Surveys and tools to guide teachers as they partner with parents and establish action plans that work.

  34. Orientation DVD 6 min

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