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Anatomy & Kinesiology

Anatomy & Kinesiology. Terminology. Jan McElroy PT, MS, PCS 2009. Terms. These terms can refer to a location (i.e. a position on a bone) or a direction (i.e. a direction of movement). Anterior —toward the front of the body (also called Ventral)

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Anatomy & Kinesiology

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  1. Anatomy & Kinesiology Terminology Jan McElroy PT, MS, PCS 2009

  2. Terms These terms can refer to a location (i.e. a position on a bone) or a direction (i.e. a direction of movement) • Anterior —toward the front of the body (also called Ventral) • Posterior —toward the back of the body (also called Dorsal) • Medial —toward the midline of the body • Lateral —away from the midline of the body

  3. Terms • Cephalo —a direction; toward the top of the head (also called Cephalic, Superior, or Cranial) • Caudal —a direction: toward the bottom of the body or the feet (also called Inferior )

  4. Terms • Proximal – nearest the trunk or midline • Distal – farthest from the trunk or midline Proximal humerus Distal humerus Proximal femur Distal Femur

  5. Terms • Internal Rotation --in anatomical position when the rotation around an axis is forward and toward the midline of the body • External Rotation –in anatomical position when the rotation around an axis is backward and away from the midline of the body

  6. Planes ofMovement A: Frontal Plane B: Sagittal Plane C:Transverse Plane

  7. Planes ofMovement A: Frontal Plane — divides the body into a front half and a back half

  8. Movements in the Frontal Plane Head & neck: lateral flexion (or lateral bending) Trunk: lateral flexion (or side bending) Hips: abduction (when the limb moves away from the midline of the body) adduction (when the limb moves toward the midline of the body)

  9. Planes ofMovement B: Sagittal Plane —divides the body into left and right halves

  10. Movements in theSagittal Plane Head & neck: flexion & extension Trunk: flexion & extension Hip: flexion & extension Knee: flexion & extension Ankle: dorsiflexion & plantarflexion

  11. Sagittal Planemovements Knee extension Knee flexion Hip extension Hip flexion Ankle dorsiflexion Ankle plantarflexion

  12. Planes ofMovement C: Transverse Plane -- rotation around an axis (spine, limb, or limb segment)

  13. Movement in theTransverse Plane Head & neck: rotation Trunk: rotation Hip: internal rotation (also called medial rotation) external rotation (also called lateral rotation) Knee: very minimal internal and external rotation

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