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An image is represented in a very useful way to enhance the outlook of your image in order to draw the attention of potential ones. An e-commerce website, magazines cover layout design and product catalog design, product photography, newspaper advertisement design are different areas where the Photoshop image editing is a must.
Welcome to Clipping Images.com
Clipping Images: International Graphic Design outsource provider • It is established in June 2004. It’s operated by PNS Media & Communications Ltd. which is a sister concern of PNS Group. Our Offices are located at Victoria, Australia & Dallas, USA. • We work on powerful workstations, high speed optical fiber connectivity with Backup VSAT connectivity, VDS/VPS, Full featured Web Server, both LOCAL & WAN and with all known and popular software used for graphics production. We have set our infrastructure in the most flexible way using up to date technology in both software and hard ware, so it is just as easy to process 1 image as it is to process 500. It enables us to deliver array of customized solutions to our clients.
Photoshop Image Editing • Clipping Images serves its customers with service for any form of digital images and product photos. Now you can get your face photos edited. • You can use our Photo Retouchor Photo Restorationto give a fresh new look your photo for social network profile or product photos, fix disparity in photos of your family album or edit photos of nature or wild photography with our cost effective Photoshop Image Editing service. Photoshop Image Editing
Let us edit your image with our specialized Image Editing Service • Glamour Retouch Photo Manipulation • Age Progression Image Masking • Clipping Path • Ornament Color Correction
Photoshop Editing Clipping Path Features • Clipping path is a hard-edged vector masking technique that encircles some desired areas and hides unwanted image elements. Clipping paths are typically used to hide the background or background change of an image or may be used to transform an image into any shapes, making the masked portions transparent or to any color background. • Clipping Path with Complexity • Clipping Path with Shadow • Natural Shadow Effect • Reflection Shadow • 3D effect to Product Image • Drop Shadow / Floating dimension effect to Product Image
Photoshop Editing Photo Manipulation Features • Clippingimages.com with a big team of highly skilled graphic designers works to manipulate digital images in terms of color, contrast and brightness giving the final result with is evidently identical in its density or contrast.Let us work to manipulate your image to as per your requirement with multi-featured Photoshop and give your photo a ‘larger-than-life’ outcome with our unmatched Photoshop image manipulation service at very competitive price. • Do you want to give those lighting effects or fading light or those enchanting contrast and density? Now manipulate your image as per your flying imagination, attach graphic design elements.
Photoshop Editing Photo Editing Features • Clippingimages.com is a photo editor online and works with a big team of graphic designers to provide real custom-made photo editing services online. It has more than 200+ certified and professional graphics artists that work using modern image editing tools to product elegant output. • Try ourFree Trialoffer of up to three images to judge our service quality. Get $6 off from your first bulk job order. Contact Us Today top know about special discount And seasonal offer. Real Estate Photo Editing • Fashion Accessories
Photoshop Editing Photo retouching service • Let us apply make-up and do cosmetic retouch to dull wedding photos or remove those unwanted fat from face and body of plus size bride with our most challenging Digital slimming glamour retouch operation. With years experience our retouchers will easily remove strain and perform high end retouching and Digital Cosmetic Surgery such as resizing, or reshaping of body parts and face, or give a fresh younger look to aging photos and give a perfect eye catching look on your photos. • Photographers often notice flaws in their attempt to click ideal photos. Photo Retouch is a very handy technique of Digital Image editing that works to make the photo look better in terms of quality and resolution and make it moiré usable.Photo Retouch or Photo Touch Upcan be defined as technique used for Image Altering, Color Correction, Exposure correction, Brightness/Contrast adjusting, sharpening with an intention to make on image look better. Glamour retouch Retouch Wedding Photo
Photoshop Editing Color Correction Features • Multiple Clipping Path also termed as Color Path or Color Correction Masking or Color Grading is nothing but an advanced form of clipping path. With multiple clipping path procedure, you can perform color separation of each and every object in a photo, do multiple filling, change object size / rotation, do opacity change and add color effect or color correction to give the image a new look. Designers use Photoshop to generate a number of layers while creating multiple clipping paths for an image.
Background Editing Photo Masking Features • Channel Mask/Raster Masking • Layer Mask for Photos having objects with Fine-Edge • Transparent Mask for Photos with Gradient Transparency • Translucent Mask for Photos having Translucent Objects
Background Editing Game Background Design Features
Contact Us • Try our Free Trial offer of up to three images to judge our service quality. Get $6 off from your first bulk job order. Contact Us Today top know about special discount And seasonal offer. AUSTRALIA OFFICE PNS Media & Communications Ltd.Corporate Head Office (AU)Fact 4 & 5, 37-51 Lusher Road,Croydon, Melbourne, V- 3136,Australia.Fax : 61-3-9723 9339Phone : 61-3-9723 9132, 9725 8188 Email: pnsgraph@hotmail.comEmail: info@clippingimages.com Website: http://www.clippingimages.com USA OFFICE PNS Media & Communications Ltd.205 Mineral SpringDrive Allen,State: TXZIP:75002United StatesEmail: info@clippingimages.comWebsite: www.clippingimages.com Production House (Bangladesh) PNS Media & Communications Ltd. 77/2, Shah Ali Bagh, Mirpur Dhaka 1216,Bangladesh. Fax: +88-02-9009225 Phone:+88-02-9009226 Email: info@clippingimages.com Website: www.pnsmedia.com, www.clippingimages.com
With Regards, Clippingimages.com