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Financial instruments and aid delivery mechanisms for Local Authorities in the ENPI region Jean-Louis VILLE Head of Unit A3 DG EuropeAid. Presentation outline. Two main financial instruments in the EU external cooperation with third countries:
Financial instruments and aid delivery mechanisms for Local Authorities in the ENPI region Jean-Louis VILLE Head of Unit A3 DG EuropeAid
Presentation outline • Two main financial instruments in the EU external cooperation with third countries: • Geographical instruments (for bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the country/countries concerned) Examples: Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC),Covenant of Mayors and CIUDAD • Thematic instruments (for bilateral and multilateral cooperation – worldwide coverage) Example: Non-State Actors and Local Authorities (NSA-LA)
1. Geographical instruments (Bilateral and) multilateral cooperation programmes
Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) • Aim of the ENPI CBC programmes: Support cross border co-operation projects between EU Member States and the partner countries along the external borders of the European Union. • Total of 13 programmes (land border, sea crossing and sea basin programmes) • Almost 1 billion € to finance CBC 2007-2013 • Eligible actors: local and regional authorities as well as nongovernmental actors bordering the EU • Innovation of ENPI CBC: seven-year programming period, single budget, common legal framework, common implementation rules on both sides of the border (Member State / partner country)
CBC Overall objectives: • Promote economic and social development • Address common challenges • Ensure efficient and secure borders • Promote people to people co-operation should be addressed in each programme
Eligible regions for ENPI CBC land border and sea crossing programmes
CBC State of play: • All programmes havelaunched their first calls for proposals (some programmes have also launched their 2nd and 3rd calls) • 2,173 applications received in total and 120 projects already approved • Most programmes are in the process of contracting projects Website: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/neighbourhood/regional-cooperation/enpi-cross-border/index_en.htm
Covenant of Mayors • Initiative of the European Commission launched in February 2008 to seek commitment of Local Authorities in the fight against Climate Change • 2181 cities have signed up to the Covenant as of February 2010, including 25 cities in ENP countries! • Commitments of Local Authorities when joining the Covenant of Mayors: • To go beyond the EU’s CO2 20% reduction objective • Prepare a Baseline Emission Inventory • Set up and implement a Sustainable Energy Action Plan • Submit regular Implementation Reports • Organise Local Energy Days
Covenant of Mayors Upcoming project 2011: Support to the participation of cities in EaP/CA Countries in the Covenant of Mayors • EC Budget: 5 m € • Time Frame: 2011 – 2013 • Components: • Branch office of the CoM Secretariat in the region • Awareness Raising, help desk, methodologies guidelines for Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPS), • Assistance to implementation SEAPS: training, capacity building, investment climate, best practices • Assistance in the preparation of bankable projects • Grant component: Demonstration projects, networking between cities • Technical support of the Joint Research Centre (Ispra)
Covenant of Mayors Covenant of Mayors going East International Conference, Tbilisi, 21-22 October 2010 • Hosted by the city of Tbilisi (Covenant signatory) • 45 mayors or deputy-mayors of ENP and CA cities including 4 capitals • Awareness raised among local decision-makers • Introduction to technical challenges of Covenant commitments
CIUDAD (Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue) • Programme of cooperation with Local and Regional Authorities as well as civil society promoting • good governance and • sustainable urban development (themes include: environment, energy, economic development and reduction of social disparities) • Dialogue and cooperation between EU Member States and EU neighbours • First ENPI interregional cooperation between South-South, East-East and South-East • Coverage: 17 ENPI countries (no projects in Azerbaijan) 13
CIUDAD project partner distribution 21 Projects in 16 ENPI Countries ENPI South: 10 - EUR 5.5 million ENPI East: 6 - EUR 3.5 million Interregional: 5 - EUR 2 million 3 2 1 5 1 2 3 4 7 1 2 3 1 7 1 5 2 6 2 1 Project Lead Partners from EU and IPA Countries 3 1 Projects with Partners in ENPI Countries (including Lead Partners)
CIUDAD Total Budget : 14 million € (2010-2013) 21 demand-driven grant projects with approx. 500,000 € EU co-financing each (total value 11 m €) Supporting Mechanism (3m €) Technical Assistance to grant beneficiaries Monitoring and oversight of all projects Dissemination of results and thematic activities (networks) A second phase of CIUDAD (II) will be launched in 2012/2013 Website: www.ciudad-programme.eu 15
2. Thematic instruments Bilateral and multilateralcooperation programmes
Characteristics of thematic programmes • Complementary to geographic programmes • Direct support to civil society and to the decentralisation process where it is not possible or difficult to pass through the Authorities of the beneficiary country/countries • Crucial role for civil society actors and Local Authorities 17
Objectives of the thematic programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities” (NSA-LA) • General Objective: Support initiatives proposed/carried out by NSAs and LAs of the EU and Partner Countries in the field of development • Specific Objective: Strengthen the intervention capacity of NSAs and LAs in the policy-making process 18
Non State Actors /Local Authorities PROGRAMME NSA/LA programme 85% NSA - 15%LA Obj 1. Development actions in partner countries (in-country +multi-country) 84% (support operations aiming at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries ) Obj 3. Coordination and networking in Europe 2% Obj 2. Awareness raising and development education in Europe and acceding countries 14%
Country allocation in ENPI countries2007-2010 Local Authorities – Actions in-country • New calls for proposals under NSA-LA are launched every year (several currently open – • see EuropeAid website:http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/how/finance/dci/non_state_actors_en.htm)