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Fundamentals of Nutrition. Nutrition includes all the body the processes related to food. Digestion Absorption Metabolism Circulation Elimination Nutritional Status refers to the state or condition of one’s nutrition. Fundamentals of Nutrition.
Fundamentals of Nutrition Nutrition includes all the body the processes related to food. • Digestion • Absorption • Metabolism • Circulation • Elimination Nutritional Status refers to the state or condition of one’s nutrition
Fundamentals of Nutrition Nutrition plays a large role in determining person’s: • Height • Weight • Strength • Skeletal and Muscular Development • Physical Agility • Resistance to disease • Appetite, posture, complexion, mental ability • Emotional and Psychological health
Poor Nutrition As beneficial are the effects of good nutrition so to are the effects of bad poor nutrition: • Hypertension – high blood pressure • Atherosclerosis – narrowing of arteries • Osteoporosis – tiny openings in bones – brittle bones • Malnutrition – state of poor nutrition – disease, fatigue, depression, poor posture, over/under weight, poor complexion, lifeless hair, irritability
Essential Nutrients Nutrients are composed of chemicals found in food – they are used by the body to perform all the body functions Six Essential Nutrients • Carbohydrates – provide heat and energy • Lipids – growth & development, heat, energy, insulation, protection • Protein – Build and repair of body tissue • Minerals – regulate body functions and body repair • Water – Carries nutrients and wastes throughout body, regulates body functions
Carbohydrates • Major source of readily available energy in the body • Commonly called starches or sugars • Considered cheaper source of energy because produced by plants • Easily Digested • Sources – Breads, cereals, noodles/pastas, crackers, potatoes, corn, peas, beans, grain, fruits, sugar and syrups
Lipids • Commonly called Fats and Oils • Most common found in human body are called triglyceride, phospholipids and cholesterol • Most concentrated form of energy in the body • Maintain Body Temperature – Insulation • Cushion Organs and bones • Two Classifications of Fats – Saturated & Polyunsaturated • Saturated Fats – solid at room temperature • Polyunsaturated Fats - Soft or oily at room termperature
Cholesterol Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) found in the body ad animal products Common sources of cholesterol: egg yolks, fatty meats, shell fish, butter, creams, cheese and whole milk Transported in the body by lipoproteins – HDL & LDL HDL – good cholesterol carries it back to liver for re-use, prevents buildup in arteries LDL – bad cholesterol – plaque buildup in arteries (atherosclerosis)
Proteins Proteins are the basic components of all body cells Essential for building and repair of body Regulates body functions by providing heat and energy Made up of 22 Building Blocks – Amino Acids 9 Essential Amino Acids – complete – essential to life, found in fish, meats , milk eggs and cheese 13 Non Essential – incomplete – usually vegetable foods: cereals, soybeans, dry beans, peas, corn and nuts
Vitamins & Minerals Vitamins are compounds that are essential to life. Important for metabolism, tissue building and regulation of body processes They make things happen in body – they do not provide nutrients or energy Two types – Water soluble (B complex, C, etc.) – Fat soluble (A,D,E,K) Minerals – Inorganic (non-living) elements Regulate body fluids, assist in body functions, aid in building of body tissue DO NOT PROVIDE ENERGY OR NUTRIENTS
Digestion Digestion is the process by which the body breaks down food into smaller parts, changes the food chemically and moves it through the system. Two Parts – Mechanical & Chemical • Mechanical – food is broken down by teeth and moved through body by peristalsis – wave like motion cause by smooth muscles • Chemical – Food mixed with digestive juices secreted in the mouth, stomach, small intestine and pancreases • Juices contain enzymes that break down food so it can absorbed into blood stream
Absorption & Metabolism Absorption – process where blood or capillaries pick up digested nutrients. Nutrients are than carried throughout body by the blood Most absorption occurs in the small intestine Water, Salts and some vitamins are absorbed in Large Intestine Metabolism – Process by which nutrients are used by the cells for building tissue, provide energy and regulation body functions During this process nutrients are combined with Oxygen and energy and heat are produced
Energy Energy is needed for all work in body both voluntary (skeletal muscles) and Involuntary (breathing, digestions, etc.) The rate at which the body uses energy just for maintaining its own tissue without doing any voluntary work is called BASAL MATABOLIC RATE -BMR
Measuring Food • Food vary in the amount of energy they contain. • For example a candy bar contains more energy than an apple • When the body metabolizes nutrients to create energy heat is released. • The amount of heat released is the way energy content of food is measured • The heat is measured in a unit called Kilocalorie or just calorie • The number of calories in food is called its caloric value • Carbohydrates and Proteins have 4 calories/gram • Fat has 9 calories/gram • Vitamins, Minerals, Water = 0 calories
Measuring Food An person’s caloric requirement is the number of calories needed by the body in a 24 hour period. • Caloric requirements vary from person to person • Physical activity, gain/loose weight, age, sex, size of person, climate, physical condition General Guideline – 1 Pound = 3,500 calories General Guideline – Maintain weight – 15 calories/pound/day • 120 lb. person: 15 x 120 = 1800 calories/day • Decrease 500 calories/day is 3500 calories/week = 1 lb. • Recommended safe and efficient to loose 1 – 2 lbs./week
Maintaining Good Nutrition Good Health is everyone’s goal and good nutrition is the best way to achieve good health • This is accomplished by eating a balanced diet in the correct amounts. • Choosing foods from the five major food groups within recommended servings per day is best way to maintain good nutrition • Foods should be from the FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID
Diets • Regular Diet – is balanced and is generally for the ambulatory patient • Calories may be reduced, rich foods: deserts, creamed sauces, salad dressing fried food should be omitted. • Liquid Diets – Include clear and full liquids • Clear Liquid Diet – Carbohydrates & water (apple juice, grapefruit juice, fat free broths, plain gelatin, fruit ice, ginger ale, tea & black coffee • Full Liquid Diet – all clear liquids plus, strained soups, cereals, fruit and vegetable juices, yogurt, hot cocoa, custard, ice cream, pudding & sherbet • Nutritionally inadequate and should be used for a short time • Used after surgery, patients with acute infections, vomiting or diarrhea
Diets • Soft Diet – similar to regular diet except foods require little to no chewing • Diabetic Diet – Patients with Diabetes (body does not produce enough hormoneinsulin to breakdown carbohydrates) – limit/eliminate carbohydrates in diet • Sugar heavy foods need to be avoided – candy, soft drinks, deserts, cookies syrup, honey, gum, jams/jellies • Caloric Controlled Diets – include both low and high calorie diets • Patients to loose or gain weight • Low Cholesterol Diets – restrict food high in fats/cholesterol • Restrict saturated fats, beef, liver, pork, shellfish, egg yolk, creams, cheese, whole milk, coconut and palm oils • Cardiovascular patients, heart disease, atherosclerosis
Diets • Low Fat Diets – foods to be avoided: cream, whole milk, cheese, fatty meats, rich deserts, chocolate, nuts, fried food. • Obese patients and patients with gall bladder disease • Sodium Restricted Diets – Low Salt, do not add salt to foods, limit smoked foods, processed foods, picklesand olives • Patients with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, kidney disease, fluid retention • Protein Diets – Include low and high protein • Foods : meat, fish, mild, eggs, cheese • Patients with Kidney disease, renal failure, growth concerns
Diets • Bland Diet – easily digested foods not to upset digestive system • Foods to be avoided: coarse foods, fried food, highly seasoned, pastries, candy, raw fruits & vegetables, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee and tea • Patients with ulcers, colitis, and other digestive disease • Low Residue – Eliminates or limits food that are high in bulk & fiber. • Limit raw fruits & vegetables, whole grain breads, cereals, nuts, seeds & beans • Patients with digestive disease, rectal disease and diarrhea