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The hypothalamo-pituitary axis

The hypothalamo-pituitary axis. petercelec@gmail.com. Hypothalamus. Nervous regulation of the autonomous nervous system – adrenal medulla Production of ADH and oxytocin supraoptical and paraventricular nuclei neurophysin Regulation of hormone production in the pituitary grand.

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The hypothalamo-pituitary axis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The hypothalamo-pituitary axis petercelec@gmail.com

  2. Hypothalamus • Nervousregulationoftheautonomousnervoussystem – adrenalmedulla • Productionof ADH and oxytocin • supraoptical and paraventricularnuclei • neurophysin • Regulationofhormoneproduction in thepituitary grand

  3. Hypothalamus • Liberins • CRH (ACTH), TRH (TSH), GHRH (GH), GnRH (LH, FSH), Salsolinol (PRL) • Statins • Somatostatin (GH), Dopamin (PRL)

  4. Overview

  5. GnRH

  6. GHRH

  7. Prolactin

  8. Prolactin functions • Lactation • Immunomodulation? • Behavior? • Water and electrolyte balance? • Metabolism? • Reproduction?

  9. CRH

  10. TRH

  11. ADH - vasopressin

  12. ADH - vasopressin

  13. Oxytocin

  14. Oxytocin

  15. ADH & oxytocin

  16. Pathology

  17. GH • Overproduction of GH • Gigantism • Acromegaly • GH deficiency • Nanism • GH deficiency sy • Somatopause

  18. ADH disorders • Deficiencyof ADH • Diabetes insipidus • Polydipsia, polyuria • Central • Renal • Overproductionof ADH • Syndromeof IAD • Hypoosmolalityofplasma, hyponatriemia, oliguria

  19. Hypopituitarism • General • Selective • Trauma, infection, hemorrhage , tumors... • Inborn errors • Therapy - supplementation

  20. Sheehan's syndrome • Intra-partum infarction of the pituitary gland • mother & child • GH – LH/FSH – TSH • Consequences?

  21. Discussion • Journalinfo, authorinfo? • Aim? • Objects? • Methods? • Main results? • Limitations? • Application? • Conclusions?

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