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The Scientifically Spiritual Side of Holistic Well-Being- Chakra Bracelets

Coastal Classic Creations details about why Chakra Bracelets are used for holistic well-being. For more details, visit: www.coastalclassiccreations.com.

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The Scientifically Spiritual Side of Holistic Well-Being- Chakra Bracelets

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  1. The Scientifically Spiritual Side of Holistic Well-Being- Chakra Bracelets Chakras drive their roots from the ancient Vedic and Tantric texts. They were mentioned in some of the oldest Hindu writings. Dating from 1500 to 500 B.C. Chakras are vital energy centers that exist in all of us. They are constantly spinning energy vortexes that interact with our bodies on a physical and cosmic level. However, they are not visible to the human eye. What was mentioned in the Vedas hundreds of years ago, took scientists years to accept after numerous fact checks from Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to David Bohm’s postulates! Before we dive into how a chakra bracelet works, let’s find out what are the chakras and how they work entangled with our subatomic particles. The tale of the Seven Chakras The seven main chakras in the human body are stacked upwards on top of one another. Each chakra holds its significance and they go like this: 1.Muladhara- The root chakra is at the base of the spine from where the stack of chakra starts. It is the epicenter of stability and security that inculcates our basic needs as human beings. 2.Svadhisthana Chakra- This is the sacral chakra just below the belly button. It is the center of sexuality and the core of creativity.

  2. 3.Manipura Chakra- The solar plexus located on the upper abdomen, mainly between the breastbone and belly button. This chakra is intertwined with our sense of self- esteem and power. 4.Anahata Chakra- The Heart chakra at the center of the chest. This is responsible for uniting the upper and lower chakras, and this makes the heart chakra a source of love and connection. 5.Vishuddha Chakra- Also known as the throat chakra, this whirlpool of energy helps to unravel the higher truths and deepest emotions in life. 6.Ajna Chakra- This is the third-eye chakra that relates to intuition, and it is located between the eyes. 7.Sahasrara Chakra- Located at the top of the head, this chakra is about attaining spiritual connection and achieving self-awareness. How can a chakra bracelet help? Amidst our chaotic work schedules and atrociously busy lifestyle, meditating or connecting with the higher power is becoming more impossible every day. Unlocking the chakra requires positive spiritual, physical, and mental well-being, and a chakra healing bracelet can help with that. With agate, Sodalite gemstones, green aventurine, garnet, carnelian, lava rock, and other striking stones, a chakra bracelet can help to confer divine energy. On the baseline, it can harmonize all the chakras, eliminate confusion, bestow clarity and create a sense of balance between the mind, body, and soul. Conclusion Deciphering the Vedic texts one step at a time, scientists have found that perhaps chakras are metaphors for energy. Science accepts the interdependence between matter and energy. The body is matter, and it’s visible; whereas chakras are energy, and they are invisible. The chakra or Buddha bracelets can be an excellent way to soothe your nerves and make you feel calm and peaceful. The wearer of the chakra bracelets can get rid of the negative hindrance in their aura and amplify their creativity. When all the negative vibrations hovering over the body are tossed in a bin, your physical health also improves spectacularly, which is another tremendous advantage of chakra stones.

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