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LEADER 2007-13: Your Views

Implementation of LEADER 2014-20 Scottish Government Perspective Alistair Prior, Head of Rural Communities Team. 18th March 2014. LEADER 2007-13: Your Views. Super!. I Love it when a plan comes together. Fan Dabi Dozi !. Smashing!. Lovely Jubbly !. All done in the best possible taste!.

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LEADER 2007-13: Your Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Implementation of LEADER 2014-20Scottish Government PerspectiveAlistair Prior, Head of Rural Communities Team. 18th March 2014

  2. LEADER 2007-13: Your Views Super! I Love it when a plan comes together Fan DabiDozi! Smashing! Lovely Jubbly! All done in the best possible taste! Great!

  3. In reality…. Blankety Blank! (!*!*?*!! aargh!)

  4. So where next? • Relationships • Eligibility • Administration • Claims

  5. Relationships Clear understanding of our respective roles in implementing Local Development Strategies - LDS Partnership (LAG) – constitution? - LDS Host Organisation – MoU/SLA? - Paying Agency/Managing Authority – SLA - Local Development Strategy Strategic Board – refreshed with focus on outcomes? - LEADER network - SLA contact group (with PA), Co-ordinators Group

  6. Eligibility • Rural Development Regulation (and where appropriate EMFF regulation) • Rural Development (Fisheries) Programme • Local Development Strategies – setting out themes and potential actions. • MA to ensure fit with relevant programmes (including demarcation with Structural Funds)

  7. Administration • Consider your own approach - how implementation could match LDS objectives, • Introduce web based IT Platform • Guidance underpinning processes • Ongoing learning/training – enhanced role for NRN • Dedicated NRN/MA support for co-operation actions • Funding to ensure capacity

  8. Claims As before, i.e. Running costs and projects paid locally then subsequently reclaimed from SG/EU - robust, transparent and proportionate monitoring by SG. - Positive, open and honest relationship….

  9. 2014 and all that…. • Lots happening…. • Dialogue ongoing… • Outcomes from today very important • Day long workshop on implementation related issues 28th April • Expanded LSB (21st May) to consider business planning guidance (for issue late May).

  10. Thank you! Alistair Prior Head of Rural Communities Team Food, Drink & Rural Communities Alistair.Prior@Scotland.gsi.gov.uk +44 300 244 9281

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