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Introduction to Queuing Theory and Traffic Modeling

Introduction to Queuing Theory and Traffic Modeling. Prof Nelson L. S. da Fonseca State University of Campinas, Brazil Trento, March 2004. Multimedia Networks. Quality of Service. “ Perception of the quality of the transfer of information expressed by quantitative metrics”

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Introduction to Queuing Theory and Traffic Modeling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Queuing Theory and Traffic Modeling Prof Nelson L. S. da Fonseca State University of Campinas, Brazil Trento, March 2004

  2. Multimedia Networks

  3. Quality of Service • “Perception of the quality of the transfer of information expressed by quantitative metrics” • Most commonly used QoS parameters: • Delay • Loss rate

  4. 33011 bytes (33) 25239 bytes (30) 17179 bytes (27) 9265 bytes (24) 7042 bytes (21) 4819 bytes (18) 2617 bytes (15) 2006 bytes (12) 1393 bytes (9) 793 bytes (6) 447 bytes (3) 227 bytes (1) Quality of Service 1393 bytes (9) 793 bytes (6) 447 bytes (3) 227 bytes (1)

  5. transmissio A propagation B processing queuing Delay

  6. Transmission delay: R=bandwidth (bps) L=pkt size (bits) delay = L/R transmission A propagation B processing queuing Delay Propagation delay: • d = link length • s = propagation speed (~2x108 m/sec) • delay = d / s

  7. Queuing Delay traffic intensity = La/R

  8. Queuing Delay

  9. Traffic • Flow of bytes. Telecom networks built to transport traffic;

  10. Course Goals To understand the queuing phenomenon and relevance of traffic characteristic

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