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Bio Do Now

Bio Do Now. Do you have the same DNA as the person sitting next to you? How can you tell? Get out your notes. mutation. Any change in the nucleotide-base sequence of a gene/DNA molecule Either on chromosome level or nucleotide level.

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Bio Do Now

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bio Do Now • Do you have the same DNA as the person sitting next to you? • How can you tell? • Get out your notes

  2. mutation • Any change in the nucleotide-base sequence of a gene/DNA molecule • Either on chromosome level or nucleotide level

  3. Germ cell mutation- occurs in gamete (egg or sperm) affects offspring • Somatic cell mutation- occurs in body cell, affects individual

  4. Gene Mutations • Point mutations- substitution of a single nucleotide • Frameshift- insertion or deletion of a nucleotide

  5. Original DNA: • DNA: TAC CTA CTC GAG TAG • mRNA: AUG GAU GAG CUC AUC • tRNA: UAC CUA CUC GAG UAG • Start: She ate ham stop • Mutation 1: • DNA: TAC CTA CTC GAC TAG • mRNA: AUG GAU GAC CUG AUC • tRNA: UAC CUA CUG GAC UAG • Start: She ate Sam stop

  6. Original DNA: • DNA: TAC CTA CTC GAG TAG ACT… • mRNA: AUG GAU GAG CUC AUC • tRNA: UAC CUA CUC GAG UAG • Start: She ate ham stop • Mutation 2: • DNA: TAC CAC TCG AGT AGA CT… • mRNA: AUG GUG AGC UCA UCA GA • tRNA: UAC CAC UCG AGU AGU CU • Start: hea the ama ndw asn ots ad…

  7. Come up with your own three letter word sentence. • Model a point mutation • Model a frameshift • Which is more likely to have an effect on a protein, a point mutation or a frameshift mutation?

  8. Chromosome mutations

  9. Car analogy

  10. Chromosome mutations • Deletion- loss of part of a chromosome

  11. Chromosome mutations • Duplication- gene on a chromosome is copied twice

  12. Chromosome mutations • Inversion- part of chromosome breaks, flips around backwards, and reattaches

  13. Chromosome mutations • Translocation- piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome

  14. Chromosome mutations • Non-disjunction- chromosome fails to separate during meiosis, one gamete receives 2 copies, the other none

  15. Mutations can be: 1) harmful- lethal or detrimental to growth and development 2) beneficial- give evolutionary advantage 3)neutral- no change in gene expression or protein structure

  16. For each of the following: • Transcribe into RNA and find the amino acid sequence that it codes for (table p.244) • Determine what type of gene mutation has occurred Original: TAC CTA GAA CCG ATC Mutation 1: TAC CTA GAA CCA ATC Mutation 2: TAC CTA GAT ACC GAT C Mutation 3: TAC CTA AAC CGA TC Mutation 4: TAC CTT GAA CCG ATC

  17. Read about mutagens • p.255

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