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This is used in place of the word also . Ex: I am going to ride the roller-coaster, too.

When inserting clip art and other graphics, it may be necessary to “ungroup” the objects then “regroup” them to be able to free rotate the graphic as needed.

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This is used in place of the word also . Ex: I am going to ride the roller-coaster, too.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. When inserting clip art and other graphics, it may be necessary to “ungroup” the objects then “regroup” them to be able to free rotate the graphic as needed. To get rid of a border around a text box, double-click on the text box border to open the properties. Under the Colors & Lines tab, select “No Line.” To change the direction of text in a text box, select the text box, then go to Format  Text Direction. This template is designed so that the text/graphics are on the outside of the pyramid. This is used as a preposition describing the position of an object as in “She walked to the park.” This is used to show the quantity or order of something. Example: He ate two hamburgers. to two too This is used in place of the word also. Ex: I am going to ride the roller-coaster, too. Cut all the way across this line.

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