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Core Laboratory

Core Laboratory. GCRC Core Lab. The primary mission of the GCRC Core Laboratory is to provide timely and accurate laboratory services not available through the MGH clinical laboratories, or that demand special processing and/or other specialized assay requirements. Core Lab Services.

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Core Laboratory

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  1. Core Laboratory

  2. GCRC Core Lab The primary mission of the GCRC Core Laboratory is to provide timely and accurate laboratory services not available through the MGH clinical laboratories, or that demand special processing and/or other specialized assay requirements.

  3. Core Lab Services • Reviews proposed studies and requested tests to ensure that requested services are within the scope of the Core Lab. • Provides guidance about how the Core Lab can support new studies. • Core laboratory-only studies are encouraged. • Space and specialized equipment is available for use by trained study staff as requested through the protocol application. GCRC Core Lab personnel will train study staff as appropriate.

  4. Core Lab Tests • The laboratory is fully equipped for general laboratory work and for the performance of radioimmunoassays (RIA) and enzyme-linked immunosorptive assays (EIA). • Examples of tests performed by the Core Lab include, but are not limited to, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, C-peptide, growth hormone, osteocalcin, TNF-alpha, adiponectin, resistin, ghrelin, vWF, and salivary cortisol. • Assay kits for testing are supplied by the Principal Investigator.

  5. General Guidelines for the GCRC Core Lab • Training is required for any study staff using the GCRC Core Lab. • Cell phones are not permitted in the lab. Please leave phones on desks or file cabinet in room 405D. • All persons entering the lab must be wearing closed-toe shoes. Long pants are preferred. Disposable lab coats are available. See Dept. of Pathology Dress Code Policy for further questions. http://intranet.massgeneral.org/pathology/documents/Dress%20Code%20Policy%20May%202005.pdf • Gloves, sample bags, paper towels, or styrofoam cups should not be disposed in the BioHazard box unless visibly contaminated with body fluids.

  6. General Guidelines for the GCRC Core Lab Cont. • The computer next to the centrifuge is a clean computer and should not be touched if wearing tainted gloves. • Please ask before signing/logging off the computer in 405D.

  7. Equipment Usage:Marathon Benchtop Centrifuge • If spinning the blood cold (4oC), please allow time for the centrifuge to cool to at least 10oC before starting. • Use sample carriers and lids with corresponding numbers to help balance the centrifuge. • When finished, the centrifuge should be turned off with the lid propped open a few inches.

  8. Equipment Usage:Sink Usage in Room 405F • Both the cold and hot water knobs turn counterclockwise. • To prevent leakage, do not push the knob past the starting point when turning off water. • When disposing of capped tubes with blood or other bodily fluids, please dispose of in the red biohazard boxes. • When disposing of blood or other bodily fluids in the sink, please flush with plenty of water to dilute the sample.

  9. Dealing with Blood Spills in the Lab • If a blood spill is too much for you to handle, please call the Safety Office at 6-2425 right away. • If you are able to handle a blood spill, please clean it wearing gloves and using disposable paper towels. The area must then be disinfected with an approved hospital disinfectant.

  10. Dealing with Blood Spills in the Lab Cont. • Approved hospital disinfectants include: • Virex – spray bottle under the hood in Bulfinch 412 (see label) • Bleach – 1.5oz per gallon dilution (see label) • Expose – 1:256 dilution (see label) * If any unsafe occurrences happen that you feel may be a potential problem, then you MUST bring it to the attention of a Safety Officer.

  11. Infection Control (ID What Hospital STDS are for Study Staff) • MGH Policy and Procedures pertaining to Infection control must be followed. This may be found at Partners Applications > Clinical References > MGH Policies and Procedures > Infection Control • All users of the Core Lab are required to follow standard infection control and lab safety procedures and must attend annual MGH BB (Bloodborne) Pathogen-TB-Infection Control training. • Standard infection control procedures include, but are not limited to, hand washing and/or use of CalStat, proper use of Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, face shields, protective gowns.

  12. Infectious Waste Disposal • Liquid infectious waste to be disposed of in the sink. • Biohazardous waste to be disposed of two standard locations: red-bagged, large red plastic biohazard boxes or sharps container. • All materials not significantly contaminated may be disposed of in the clear bag with regular rubbish.

  13. Infectious Waste Disposal Cont. • Materials to be placed in the red-bagged, large red plastic biohazard box include: • Gloves - only if significantly contaminated with blood • Kimwipes - only if significantly contaminated with blood • Bench protectors - only if significantly contaminated with blood • Capped specimen tubes, used or unused • Plastic pipets-only if contaminated with blood * Avoid throwing liquids in these containers

  14. Infectious Waste Disposal Cont. • Materials to be placed in the Sharps Box include: • Pasteur pipettes • Needles • Broken glass

  15. What to do in case of emergency • Chemical inventory is updated annually and available in the lab. • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available online at Partners > Utilities > MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets. • Spill Kits are located under the sink in Core Lab Room 405F. • In the case of a needle stick, skin or mucous membrane exposure – wash or irrigate the area and then report to the acting supervisor if on site. Always report to Employee Health Service 6-2217 (open weekdays and on call 24/7), or to Emergency Services with the name and unit # of the subject involved.

  16. Fire Safety • All users of the Core Lab must complete annual Fire and Safety Training • Fire extinguishers are located in the following areas: • Room 405 on the wall behind the entry door • Room 405E on the wall to the right of the centrifuge. • On the outside, left wall of room 402 • In the vestibule of rooms 408A/412 • Far end of the center bench in room 412 • On the wall in hallway across from the elevator

  17. General Core Lab Safety • Showers are located in both room 412 and room 405 near the fume hoods. • In the event of an evacuation, all people in the Core Lab are to meet on Blossom street, across from the Gray lobby entrance.

  18. References and Forms • MGH Policies and Procedures • Infection Control Manual • Transporting Specimens – Refer to Laboratory Safety Manual • http://intranet.massgeneral.org/pathology/documents/Dress%20Code%20Policy%20May%202005.pdf

  19. Contact Us! • Lorna Lampert– Core Lab Supervisor & Lab Safety Officer • (617) 726-3692 • llampert@partners.org • Andrea Marckmann – Core Lab Technologist & Alternate Safety Officer • (617) 724-9581 • amarckmann@partners.org • Location: Bulfinch 405 • Hours: 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday-Friday

  20. Go Back to GCRC Orientation

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