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Innovation + Technik analysieren

Innovation + Technik analysieren. Cluster policy and cluster evaluation Challenges and limits of the impact analysis Lessons learnt from the NGPExcellence Project Dr. Matthias Künzel (VDIVDE-IT) 23 rd September 2011. Innovation + Technik analysieren.

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Innovation + Technik analysieren

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Innovation + Technik analysieren Cluster policy and cluster evaluationChallenges and limits of the impact analysisLessonslearntfromtheNGPExcellence ProjectDr. Matthias Künzel (VDIVDE-IT)23rd September 2011

  2. Innovation + Technik analysieren Developing a cluster through policy intervention is a complex endeavor… Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field that collaborate and compete at the same time. Michael E. Porter, 1998: Clusters and the New Economics of Competition, in: Harvard Business Review, November 1978 Macroeconomic policy, infrastructure programs, labour market policy/programs, educational programs, etc…. Framework conditions Cluster participants R&D programs, business development programs Coordination Support programs (financial or technical assistance) Cluster management organization

  3. ...andclusterassessmentaswell. Why? Benchmarking! Compare with the best / others in the same branch / region provides cluster (management) recommendations for its further development immediate feedback on the status of development • Cluster management is a long term business – forget quarterly reports • Cluster management is an individual thing depending on local and branch specifics • The soft factors are difficult to measure – informal contacts, the quality of a personal network,... • In a matured cluster a lot of activities run without coordination of the cluster management

  4. Innovation + Technik analysieren The NGPExcellence Project • Benchmarking of 143 cluster • management organizations from • eight countries • Benchmarking of 16 cluster • programs from nine countries • www.clusterexcellence.org

  5. Innovation + Technik analysieren Clusters areindividuals……R&D- andindustry-drivenclustersperformdifferently.

  6. Innovation + Technik analysieren Clusters areindividuals……thetechnologyfieldoftheclustermatters.

  7. Innovation + Technik analysieren Clusters areindividuals……theolderandthemorematurethehighertheimpact.

  8. Innovation + Technik analysieren Thank you very much! • VDI/VDE Innovation und Technik GmbH • Dr. Matthias Künzel • Steinplatz 1 • D-10623 Berlin • Tel.: +49 (0) 30 310078 286 • Fax: +49 (0) 30 310078 222 • E-Mail: matthias.kuenzel@vdivde-it.de

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