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www.mmp.uwm.edu. Classroom Assessments Based On Standards (CABS). WMC State Mathematics Conference Green Lake, Wisconsin Leadership Pre-conference April 30, 2008 Beth Schefelker, MTS Joanie Marchillo, MTL Milwaukee Public Schools Auer Avenue K-8 School, MPS
www.mmp.uwm.edu Classroom Assessments Based On Standards (CABS) WMC State Mathematics Conference Green Lake, Wisconsin Leadership Pre-conference April 30, 2008 Beth Schefelker, MTS Joanie Marchillo, MTL Milwaukee Public Schools Auer Avenue K-8 School, MPS schefeba@milwaukee.k12.wi.us marchillojm@sbcglobal.net Dustine Walker, MTL Dr. Kevin McLeod, Mathematician OW Holmes K-8 School, MPS UW Milwaukee berkodl@milwaukee.k12.wi.us kevinm@uwm.edu The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EHR-0314898.
Session Purpose • Develop an understanding of the process used to build model CABS (classroom assessments based on standards) for grades K-7. • Use the MMP Assessing the Assessment Guide to analyze MPS CABS. • Engage in conversation with math teacher leaders regarding the implementation of CABS in their building.
Assessment “Of Learning” vs. Assessment “For Learning” • Assessments “of learning” are those assessments that happened after learning is supposed to have occurred to determine if it did. • Assessment “for learning” happens while learning is still under way. • (R.Stiggins, J. Arter, J. Chappuis, S.Chappuis, Classroom Assessments for Student Learning, Doing It Right-Using It Well, 2004)
The MPS Glossary Definition of CABS Classroom assessments aligned to the Milwaukee Public Schools’ LearningTargets; these assessments are developed, administered, and scored by teachers with the purpose of providing specific, meaningful, and timely feedback designed to improve student performance.
CABS Development: A Collaborative Process Year 1 • 50 Assessment Pilot Leaders grades 3 - 5 studied MPS Targets and WI descriptors, wrote, discussed, and piloted grade level CABS for all mathematics content strands. Summer Committee Work • 30 Leaders reviewed and aligned assessments for all grade levels with input from resources by NAEP, NCTM, as well as UWM mathematicians.
CABS Development: The process continues Year 2 • 80 Assessment Leaders Gr. 2-7 continued developing and testing CABS. Summer Committee Work • CABS were review by content strand with input from 5 UWM mathematicians. Year 3 • K5-Gr1 CABS Process
Features of the MPS model CABS Take a moment to look over the sample CABS. • What do you notice? • What questions do you have regarding the CABS?
MMP Assessing the Assessment Guide • Getting Started • Clarification Statements for CABS: • Round 1 - Align to MPS Targets and WI State Framework Descriptors • Round 2 - Align to WI State Framework DOK • Reflection and Comments • Anticipating Student Responses and Implications
Assessing The Assessment Round 1 • Work with a partner to analyze questions from the 4th grade CABS. • Using the MPS Target/Descriptor Worksheet align the questions to targets and descriptors. • Record your thinking next to each question or next to each descriptor on the worksheet. What were your thoughts as you worked through this first step?
WI State Assessment Framework DOK • Level 1 - Recognizing and Recalling • Level 2 - Using Fundamental Concepts and Procedures • Level 3 - Concluding and Explaining • Level 4 - Evaluating, Extending and Making Conclusions Definition of DOK : “Depth of Knowledge” (DOK) for each item is listed on reading and mathematics The Item Analysis reports. DOK is a measure of cognitive demand required to correctly answer the item. Source: WSAS online (TurnLeaf) reports under “More Info”
Assessing the Assessment Round 2 • Using the same set of CABS. • Use the DOK worksheet along with the Thinking Classification Chart to record the Level of thinking for questions on the CABS. • When finished, share your results with your table group, support your reasoning. • Try to come to a consensus. • Focus on problems: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #8, #12, #13, #15
Share Out Observations • What were some of the insights gained as you worked through this process? • What would be the benefit of teachers going through this process? • In what way could this process be applied to other assessments?
Insights from one of the Mathematicians - Dr. Kevin McLeod • Reflections on building CABS and the process. • Insights on working with the teachers. • Thoughts for future work.
Dustine WalkerMath Teacher LeaderO.W. Holmes Elementary School, MPSberkodl@milwaukee.k12.wi.us • CABS journey for O.W. Holmes • Classroom focused - monitoring system • 4-Day Constructed Response Process • Student Work Samples • Grade 3 • Grade 7
Joanie MarchilloMath Teacher LeaderAuer Avenue School, MPSmarchillojm@sbcglobal.net • CABS journey for Auer Avenue School • Student-Focused Monitoring System • Distributed Leadership • Support from Assessment Leaders • Kindergarten • Grade 4
Concluding Thoughts… • Implementing CABS has been a process. • Teachers have started to understand how to help build student understanding and improve classroom instruction.
Your Thoughts… • What are some of the ideas presented today that have struck you as you have engaged in this session on CABS?