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Germantown High School Student Services

Get ready for the 2011-2012 pre-registration at Germantown High School! Learn about graduation requirements, college admissions, course offerings, exit exams, and more. Make informed choices to set a strong foundation for your academic journey.

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Germantown High School Student Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Germantown High School Pre-Registration Presentation Principal: Wesley Quick Assistant Principals: Brent Brownlee (A-G), Syl Burrell (H-N), and Nason Lollar(O-Z) Counselors: Shannon Cox A-G Taylor Walden H-N Rebecca Cobb O-Z Germantown High SchoolStudent Services Pre-registration 2011-2012

  2. Terms to be familiar with: *Semesters *Credits (.5 credit equals one semester, 1 credit equals one FULL year) *Just remember, each square on your choice sheet equals a one semester course* *Your choice sheet is NOT your schedule, just your requests of courses

  3. EnglishMath (4 credits) (4 credits) English I Algebra I English II Geometry English III Algebra II English IV One other math GHS Graduation Requirements

  4. GHS Graduation Requirements ScienceHistory (4 credits) (4 credits) Biology I .5 MS Studies One Physical Science .5 World Geo. Two other full credits World History US History .5 US Gov. .5 Economics

  5. GHS Graduation Requirements Continued HealthComputer (.5 credit) (1 credit) Contemporary STEM Health ONLY Physical Education(.5 credit)

  6. GHS Graduation Requirements Continued Fine ArtsElectives (1 credit) (5 credits) Band Any courses of Art your choice Theatre Choral Music

  7. Total credits required to graduate:

  8. State mandated exit exams:    All students must pass the following exit exams in: *US History *Biology I *English II *Algebra I

  9. Mississippi Community College Admissions: Any student who meets the graduation requirements for high school graduation is automatically eligible for admissions into any community college in Mississippi. *The ACT test is the only other requirement for admissions* However, if you score a 20 on the ACT, you are eligible for FREE tuition at Holmes Community College

  10. Mississippi University Admissions Requirements There are 8 major Universities in Mississippi: • Alcorn State University • Delta State University • Jackson State University • Mississippi State University • Mississippi Valley State University • Mississippi University for Women • University of Mississippi • University of Southern Mississippi

  11. Mississippi University Admissions Requirements: English Math (4 credits) (4 credits) English I Algebra I English II Geometry English III Algebra II English IV One math above Algebra II is recommended

  12. Mississippi University Admissions Requirements: Science History (4 credits) (4 credits) Biology Ms Studies/World Geo Chemistry* World History (*recommended) US History 2 other sciences Gov/Econ Health/PE: ½ credit of each Fine Arts:1 creditComputer:1 credit

  13. Mississippi University Admissions Requirements Continued: TWO Required Electives: 1st credit must be either: Foreign Language OR Advanced World Geography 2nd credit must be one of the following: 2nd year language Advanced World Geography 5th math 5th science

  14. Course Descriptions A complete list of Course Descriptions can be found on the Germantown website (www.ghsmavs.com) and click on the Counselor’s tab. Or please refer to the packet handed out for a specific list of 9th grade course offerings

  15. Watch the Pre-Requisites!

  16. English recommendations • ELA 8th now = Regular English I next year • (moving from Regular English 8th to Accelerated English I requires an A in English 8th and teacher recommendation. • For teacher recommendation, ask them to sign their name on line #1) • Accelerated ELA 8th now = Accelerated English I next year

  17. Math recommendations 8th grade math = 9th grade Algebra 8th grade Algebra = 9th grade Geometry 8th grade Geometry = 9th grade Algebra II

  18. Science Attention students taking 8th grade science! You have two options for science classes in the 9th grade: • Intro to Biology or • Biology 1 (NOTE: students MUST have a final grade of 80 in 8th grade science in order to take Biology. If you sign up for Biology and you do not have a final grade of 80 at the end of the year, you will be moved to Intro to Biology)

  19. Science Attention students taking Biology I in the 8th grade: Please sign up for the best science class for you, based on your interests. Make sure you meet all prerequisites for the class you wish to take.

  20. Social Studies All 9th graders take: Mississippi Studies for one semester and World Geography for one semester

  21. Madison County Career Exploration All 9th graders are required to take Freshman Focus as one of their electives

  22. Electives Please choose your electives wisely! You are encouraged to take your “required electives” as early as possible in your high school career. (ex: health, art, PE)

  23. ActiveStudent Directions for how to enter your choices were included in the packet of information. Please pay very close attention to the directions to avoid mistakes. If you have questions, please see a counselor or email your GHS counselor.

  24. Your choice sheet is due: To your STEM teacher NO later than Monday, Feb. 27 or Tuesday, Feb. 28 COMPLETED and entered into ActiveStudent! ALL alternate courses filled out AND parent signature ONLY TURN IN YOUR CHOICE SHEET, the rest of the packet is yours to keep!!!

  25. NOSCHEDULE CHANGES Therefore, please choose wisely!

  26. Stay informed! Students AND parents are encouraged to sign up for the GHS Counseling Department’s text reminders for the Class of 2021! Simply send: @f64ad8 to 81010

  27. SAVE THE DATES! Registration will be open soon via www.ghsmavs.com for our annual Finally Freshmen Event July 31st and August 1st . Hear from various representatives to help prepare you for high school AND you will have the opportunity to pick up your MAC book!

  28. Questions? Shannon Cox A-G scox@madison-schools.com Taylor Walden H-N twalden@madison-schools.com Rebecca Cobb O-Z rcobb@madison-schools.com

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