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Decimal to Fraction Conversion

Decimal to Fraction Conversion. Section 5.2. Learning Targets. I can convert a fraction to a decimal by dividing . I can convert a decimal to a fraction. Decimals to Fractions. Copy the decimal without the point. This will be the numerator.

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Decimal to Fraction Conversion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Decimal to Fraction Conversion Section 5.2

  2. Learning Targets • I can convert a fraction to a decimal by dividing. • I can convert a decimal to a fraction.

  3. Decimals to Fractions Copy the decimal without the point. This will be the numerator. The bottom number is the place value of the last number. Reduce your fraction. Example: 0.25 =

  4. Mixed numbers to fractions Copy the portion of the number that is whole. Change .28 to a fraction Reduce Example: 14.28 =

  5. Practice • Change each decimal to a fraction in simplest form. • 0.35 • 0.64 • 2.75 • 15.80

  6. Changing fractions to decimals To change a fraction to a decimal, simply divide the top number by the bottom number. Add a decimal point and a 0 after the 1 and divide. Continue adding 0’s and dividing until there is no more remainder or a pattern occurs. Example: Change to a decimal

  7. Changing Mixed numbers to decimals If there is a whole number with a fraction, write the whole number to the left of the decimal point. Then change the fraction to a decimal. Example:

  8. Practice • Change these fractions to decimals

  9. Types of Decimals • Two types: • Terminating - 0.16 • Repeating – What is the difference?

  10. How to change a repeating decimal to a fraction. • Set the original decimal equal to a variable. • Multiply each side by a power that is needed to move the repeating # in front of the decimal.

  11. Subtract the original value. • Solve the equation • Reduce

  12. Example • Change to a fraction in simplest form. Change to a fraction in simplest form.

  13. Are you noticing a pattern? Can you predict what these would be?

  14. Practice • Handout • Work in pairs of 2 to complete

  15. Homework • Complete Common fraction to decimal chart (Timed quiz on Friday) • Finish Classwork page

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