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By: Kels Sl. Seminole. There tribe name is said like this: “ SEH-minn-ole “ There tribe name is from a Spanish meaning “ wild “ SEMINOLE . How to say the Seminoles name. Seminoles Area.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: KelsSl Seminole

  2. There tribe name is said like this: “ SEH-minn-ole “ There tribe name is from a Spanish meaning “ wild “ SEMINOLE How to say the Seminoles name

  3. Seminoles Area The Seminoles live in Florida. The Seminoles started in Northern Florida. When the American attacked them, they migrated south into the Everglades. Some Seminole tribes were made to move to Oklahoma in the 1800’s along with other tribes that lived close.

  4. Seminoles Homes Seminoles lived in homes called chickees. The roofs were made with plaster and wood. They were attached by palmetto fiber. The Seminoles lived in small villages with 2-3 homes. Sometimes they were larger with 10-12 homes.

  5. Seminoles food The Seminoles were farmers and hunters the women did all the farming. They ate corn, beans, and squash. The men hunted deer, wild turkeys, rabbits, turtles etc. They also made soups, stews, and cornbread.

  6. Seminoles Crafts The Seminole tribe make baskets. They also make woodcarvings. They string beads and do beadwork. They do patchwork designs also.

  7. Seminoles Family life Seminole villages are very small. The entire village might have 2 homes,1 eating house and 2 storage houses. There homes were built in a circle. With a central open area used as a protection play area for children.

  8. Seminoles Flag

  9. Sources http://www.floridapast.com/seminole-life-in-floridapast-8.html http://folklife.nsula.edu/SoutheasternBasketweavers/default.htm http://www.flheritage.com/facts/symbols/flagdetails.cfm?id=24 http://www.bigorrin.org/seminole_kids.htm http://postville8.pbworks.com/w/page/17917435/Southeast-Cherokee,%20Seminole,%20Creek http://brevardmuseum.com/floridas-american-indian/?gclid=CNz7wKrbmbsCFRaTfgodRywAew http://postville8.pbworks.com/w/page/17917435/Southeast-Cherokee,%20Seminole,%20Creek http://www.semtribe.com/Culture/Chickee.aspx http://fcit.usf.edu/florida/photos/native/miccos/miccos08.htm http://nativeamericans.mrdonn.org/southeast/seminole/dailylife.html

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