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Prepare for the Interview. Get to know the place of employmentKnow the basic informationKnow your resumeDon't exaggerate, but don't sell yourself shortKnow why you are looking for or changing jobsAnxietyDon't fidget! Find a way to relieve stress.ConfidencePeople can see it by the way you ac

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    2. Prepare for the Interview Get to know the place of employment Know the basic information Know your resume Don’t exaggerate, but don’t sell yourself short Know why you are looking for or changing jobs Anxiety Don’t fidget! Find a way to relieve stress. Confidence People can see it by the way you act, enter a room, etc. Whether you feel confident or not, APPEAR confident.

    3. Before the Interview Night before and morning of interview: Eat a good evening meal and breakfast Don’t overdo the coffee or caffeine, but if you regularly drink it, don’t stop now! Take a warm, relaxing bath or exercise Get to bed early – be well-rested Give yourself plenty of time when getting ready and arriving at interview site. Be prepared for problems (e.g. stain on shirt or tie, run in nylons).

    4. Before the Interview What to wear – 1st impressions count! Body language Clothing – find out what type of interview it is Formal - Wear a suit (both genders) Be conservative – black, gray, navy blue Buy 2 so if you have a 2nd interview you’re not wearing the same thing! Extra shirts, nylons, ties Wear solid (white or light-colored) shirt or blouse; tie – simple design Shoes – polish; conservative color Don’t wear flip-flops or well-worn shoes! Casual Dress pants, coordinating sport jacket (men) Skirt, dress pants, coordinating blazer (women) Don’t overdress!

    5. Before the Interview Finer details Wrinkle free shirts Tie straight – tie tack Extra nylons Jewelry – bare minimum – not large, dangly Clean shaven Make-up – not overdone Lipstick & nail polish – NOT TOO GAUDY! Nails – trimmed; if too long they may wonder what you can do!

    6. What to Bring Portfolios, padfolios http://www.staples.com/Catalog/Browse/category.asp?PageType=5&CategoryID=20 Copies of resume Pen Notebook Briefcase or small purse Don’t bring bulky, frumpy handbags!

    7. First Sighting! If they are picking you up from the airport wear casual dress. Don’t let them see you in sweats, flip flops, etc. If you are being picked up at the hotel be on Time! Be in the lobby early. Don’t make them wait for you! If you are arriving at the interview place, BE EARLY! If you are unsure of the location, find it the night before or arrive early. If you arrive more than 15 minutes, it may seem like you are too anxious. You could be interrupting another interview. If you are too early, wander or drive around the area.

    8. Meeting the Interviewers Firm hand shake Be happy! Note names – remember them Be confident – not smug Body language – nonverbal gestures, mannerisms, stay calm No gum, hair twirling, chewing lip, wringing hands, playing with tie or pendant, clicking or tapping pen Hands – rest on your lap. May clasp, but don’t grip so hard your knuckles turn white! Don’t fold arms across chest while in interview Make eye contact Sit up straight

    9. Interviewing over a Meal Use proper etiquette! If you forget what silverware to use – use outside to inside. Don’t shove food in, take smaller bites, break into smaller pieces Don’t bite on silverware

    10. Interview Questions Answer more than just a “yes” or “no”, but don’t ramble on. KISS! Rehearse – privately & with others Videotape yourself It’s important what you say, but it may be more important how you say it. Don’t be negative! If you are leaving a job because the boss is a dork, don’t tell them that. State it in a positive way.

    11. Questions to Prepare For Describe yourself. What are your strengths & weaknesses? What made you interested in this position? What are your future goals? What can you bring to our program? What are your expectations with this position? How well do you work alone? In a group?

    12. Situation Questions Interviewers may ask you how you would handle a situation (emergency case, everyday treatment or rehab). What is the toughest situation you have dealt with? They may ask you questions about: Your personality Your skills & abilities Your accomplishments Your education Your work history Your interpersonal skills Did you do your homework? (Find out about employee)

    13. Illegal Questions Questions they can’t ask: Race, age, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, family, disabled, weight/height, sexual orientation, political affiliation, if you’ve been arrested (can ask if you’ve been convicted of a crime) Can ask about drug use.

    14. Exit Questions Once they have completed their questions, they will ask you if you have any Write your answers down in advance. Make a list & bring it with you. Always have at least one! When can I expect to hear from you? What are the responsibilities of the athletic trainer in this position? (If they have already answered this, don’t re-ask!) What are the expected hours & coverage? Am I to cover weekend, other school related, or other activities? How do the coaches communicate with the AT when there is an injury or emergency? How well do the coaches interact with the AT? How is the relationship between the AT and physicians? Wait until the end of the interview to ask about salary, benefits, continuing ed reimbursement, time off for conventions, membership dues. Thank them and say Goodbye

    15. What to Think When asking questions, you should be looking for: Is this a good fit for you? Do they provide for you what you need? Salary, benefits, good facility, good working staff Is this an organized department? Is there a positive, good rapport with the athletes? Doctors? Nurses? Coaches? AD? Is there an understanding of the demands on coaches & athletes, and where you fit into the plan & goals? Does the programs goals & ideals match up with yours?

    16. Top 10 Things Not to Say in an Interview (McKay, 2004,p. viii) That suit looks expensive! How much money do you make anyway? What would my salary be? I have to make more than I did at my last job. I’ve never heard of your company before. What type of business is this? It wasn’t my fault. My coworkers had it in for me. My boss was a jerk. I didn’t have to think twice about quitting after what he did. How much time do you give for maternity leave? How many vacation days will I have each year? I love to travel. I was thinking of Australia next year. If someone files a harassment charge against me, you would cover for me, right? I’d rather be working in my own field, but I can’t find anyone who will hire me, so this will do for now. Can I have my own office? I really don’t like working with other people.

    17. Finale Always send a thank you cared, note or email a couple of days later. This will help you stand out from other applicants. It may give you the edge. Make sure correct spelling is used.

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