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Records. Record aggregate of data elements Possibly heterogeneous Elements/slots are identified by names Elements in same fixed order in all records Design Issues : 1. What is the form of references ? 2. What unit operations are defined?. Record References. Definition Syntax COBOL

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  1. Records • Record aggregate of data elements • Possibly heterogeneous • Elements/slots are identified by names • Elements in same fixed order in all records • Design Issues: 1. What is the form of references? 2. What unit operationsare defined?

  2. Record References • Definition Syntax • COBOL • level numbers for nested records • Other PLs • recursive definition • Field References • COBOL • field_nameOF record_name_1 OF ... OFrecord_name_n • Other PLs use dot notation • record_name_1.record_name_2. ... .record_name_n.field_name • Fully qualified references include all record names • Elliptical references allow leaving out record names if the reference is unambiguous • Pascal's with clause allows to abbreviate references

  3. Record Compile-Time Descriptor field 1 field n A compile-time descriptor for a record

  4. Operations on Records • Assignment • Pascal, Ada, C • allowed it if the types are identical • Ada • RHS can be an aggregate constant • Initialization • Allowed in Ada • Allowed using an aggregate constant • Comparison • Ada • = and /=; one operand can be an aggregate constant • Move Corresponding • COBOL • Moves all fields in the source record to fields with the same names in the destination record • Note: the fields may not be in the same order

  5. Arrays vs. Records • Access to array elements is slower than access to record fields • Array subscripts are dynamic • Field names are static • Dynamic subscripts for record fields? • but type checking would be complex • it would be much slower

  6. Unions • Union • Elements can store different type values during execution • Discriminatedunion • tags for indicating types for type checking • Free union • notype checking • Design Issues for unions • What kind of type checking should be done? • Should unions be integrated with records? • FORTRAN • EQUIVALENCE, No type checking • Pascal • both discriminated and nondiscriminated unions

  7. Unions Different fields Common fields A discriminated union of three shape variables discriminant field form determines which fields have data values

  8. Type Checking of Unions • Pascal’s can’t be type checked effectively: • User can create inconsistent unionsbecause the tag can be individually assigned var blurb : record case tag: boolean; true: (i: integer;) false: (x: real;) end; blurb.tag := true; {it's i, an integer} blurb.i := 47; {ok } blurb.tag := false; {it's now x, a real!} write (blurb.x); {writes 47 as real?!} • The tag is optional!

  9. Union Examples, cont. • Ada • discriminated unions • No inconsistent unions, safer than Pascal • Tag must be present • Tag cannot be assigned by itself • All assignments to the union must be aggregate values that include the tag • C and C++ • free unions (no tags) • Not part of their records • No type checking of reference • Java has neither records nor unions • Evaluation • potentially unsafe in most languages (not Ada)

  10. Sets • Unorderedcollection of distinctvalues from some ordinal type • Operations • Union • Intersection • Difference • Design Issue • Maximum number of elements in the set base type

  11. Pointers and References • Provide access to dynamic storage • Pointers • The address of the data – a number • Flexible – you can do arithmetic on the addresses! • Few, if any safety checks on access using pointers • E.g. C, C++ • References • Points to the data implicitly • No address arithmetic • Much safer • E.g. Java, Lisp

  12. Heap Storage Implicit – Automatic Explicit – programmer’s instructions 0 Text Data Heap Stack

  13. Problems with Pointers • Dangling pointers (dangerous) • A pointer to a heap-dynamic variable that has been de-allocated • To create a dangling pointer • Allocate a heap-dynamic variable with one pointer • Set a second pointer to the value of the first pointer • De-allocate the variable using the first pointer • Second pointer is now dangling • Lost Variables / MemoryLeaks(wasteful) • A heap-dynamic variable that is no longer referenced • To create a lost variable: • Allocate a heap-dynamic variable with a pointer • Set the pointer to another heap-dynamic variable

  14. Pascal and Ada Pointers • Pascal: only for dynamic storage management • Explicit dereferencing necessary - postfix ^ • Dangling pointers are possible - explicit dispose • Memory leaks are possible • Ada • A little better than Pascal • Some dangling pointers are avoided • Dynamic data is automatically de-allocated at the end of pointer's type scope • All pointers are initialized to null • Memory leaks possible • Rare, as explicit deallocation is rarely done

  15. C and C++ Pointers • C and C++ • Explicit dereferencing and address-of operator • Domain type need not be fixed - void * • void * can point to any type and can be type checked (cannot be de-referenced) • Address arithmetic in restricted forms, e.g.: float stuff[100]; float *p; p = stuff; *(p+5) is equivalent to stuff[5] and p[5] *(p+i) is equivalent to stuff[i] and p[i]

  16. Pointer Assignment The assignment operation j = *ptr

  17. FORTRAN Pointers • FORTRAN 90 • Can point to heap and non-heap variables • Implicitdereferencing • Pointers only to variables with TARGETattribute • TARGETattribute in declaration INTEGER, TARGET :: node • A special assignment operator for non-dereferenced references REAL, POINTER :: ptr (POINTER is an attribute) ptr => target where target is pointer or non-pointer with TARGET attribute • This sets ptrto have the same value as target

  18. C++ and Java Pointer/References • C++ • Reference Types • Constant pointers that are implicitly dereferenced • Used for parameters • Advantages of both pass-by-reference and pass-by-value • Java • Only references, no pointers • No pointer arithmetic • Can point only to objects (all on the heap) • No explicit deallocator • Garbage collection is used • No dangling references • Dereferencing is always implicit • No memory leaks

  19. Dangling Pointers Solutions to dangling pointer problem • Tombstone • Extra heap cell that is points to the heap-dynamic variable • The actual pointer variable points only at tombstones • Deallocating heap-dynamic variable sets tombstone to nil • Another pointer can't use it anymore • Locks and keys • Pointer is represented as (key, address) pair • Heap-dynamic variable has extra lock cell • Allocating heap-dynamic variable places lock value in lock cell • Pointers have a copy of the lock value in the key cell • Deallocating the variable sets its lock cell to an illegal value • Access via other pointers then causes an error

  20. Implementing Dynamic Variables

  21. Heap Management • Single-size cells vs. variable-size cells • Reference counters vs. garbage collection (lazy approach) • Reference counter • Every heap-dynamic variable has a counter of pointers currently pointing to it • Once counter becomes 0 memory can be reclaimed • Eagerapproach • Disadvantages • Space required • Execution time required • Complications for cells connected circularly

  22. Garbage Collection • Garbage collection • Allocate and disconnect • When all available cells are allocated, gather all garbage • Every heap cell has an extra garbage collection bit • All cells initially set to garbage • All reachable cells marked as not garbage • All garbage cells returned to list of available cells • Disadvantage • When you need it most, it works worst • Takes most time just when program needs cells in heap most • More efficient methods don’t wait until absolutely necessary

  23. Evaluation of Pointers • Pointers or references are necessary for dynamic data structures • No modern PL can't be without them • Pointers are like goto's • They widen the range of memory cells that a variable can access • Dangling pointers are a problem • Memory leaks are a problems • Heap management is a problem

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