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Text Analysis for Translation Purposes. Course objectives. The course is designed to: E quip students with pre-translation analytic skills Train them to analyze different types of texts.
Course objectives • The course is designed to: • Equip students with pre-translation analytic skills • Train them to analyze different types of texts. • Train them conduct different kinds of analysis: lexical, grammatical, pragmatic, stylistic, textual, and thematic, literary, semiotic, critical discourse, and functionalist analysis. • Train them to use text analysis to get a deep understanding of texts and to identify the challenging elements in different text types. • The ultimate goal of pre-translation text analysis is to maximize translation accuracy.
Course main components • Introducing the concepts and importance of text typology and text analysis • Linguistic analysis (phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, stylistic) • Textual analysis • Literary analysis • Semiotic analysis • Functionalist text analysis • Critical discourse analysis
What is text typology? • Text typology is a branch of text linguistics that is concerned with the classification of texts into different types based on certain criteria. Texts that belong to a certain text type share common features.
What are the types of text typology? • Texts can be classified based on the field they belong to: scientific, religious, literary, political, journalistic, military, legal, medical, etc. • They can be classified based on the communicative purpose into narrative, descriptive, expository, procedural, and argumentative. • Reiss (1971/2000) developed a special text typology for translation purposes. Based on language functions, this taxonomy divides texts into informative, expressive and operative.
Reiss believes that different text types require different translation methods
Informative texts are information-oriented; represent facts, and therefore, the content is important. • The main task for the translator of such a text is to correctly convey all the facts (for instance: instruction manual, report, essay, leaflet); • Language features • • Often written in the present tense, unless reporting objectively on past events or activities. • • Formal and impersonal language• The first and second person are usually avoided; generalized participants• Passive voice is very often employed (is made; is placed)• Technical terms• Exact details or information
A torch is a useful tool to carry around which lets you light up the dark. It consists of a switch, one or two batteries, a bulb, a reflector, a case and a lens. When the switch is turned on, it makes a circuit with the battery and the bulb. The reflector and the lens make the light in the bulb stronger. A torch is useful when going somewhere where there are no street lights. It is also useful to have in case of power cuts.
Expressive texts are sender-oriented and mostly creative. The translator needs to re-create the form (novel, short story, poetry, drama, biography). • Language features• First or third person storyteller or “voice”• Process or action verbs to recount events• Most often in the past tense, but may be in the immediate present for effect• Vary sentences length: simple, compound or complex• Short sentences increase tension, urgency, and speed; longer sentences provide contrast and detail, and indicate leisureliness and meditation.
I was absolutely devastated after watching last night’s episode of Carte Blanche on Shaken Baby Syndrome. It has upset me beyond words. How could a person do such a thing to an innocent little baby? If this is the way a child is being treated in a DAYCARE (where the children are being left with people who are supposed to keep them safe and looked after) then these day mothers need to be taken to task and the daycare needs to be shut down, AND they need to have a record against their name to prevent them from coming in contact with any children again! It’s absolutely disgusting!
Operative texts are meant to affect people's opinions, behavior, and induce responses. • The translator often resorts to adaptation to achieve similar response or effect (advertisement, sermons). • Language features (of argumentative texts)• Avoid using the first person • No emotional language• Write about the topic in general terms•• Nominalization of concepts • • Use strong modal verbs such as “must, “should”, “will not”• Use words expressing certainty: definitely, ultimately, undoubtedly, unequivocally• Avoidance of “I” is not always possible in an argument essay e.g. “I believe…”
Foxhunting is a subject that provokes very strong feelings. Many people believe that it is cruel to hunt a fox with dogs and totally agree with its ban. Many farmer and even conservationists, however, have always argue that the fox is a pest which attacks livestock and must be controlled.
Language features (of persuasive texts)• Persuasive language• Subjective but not too emotional • Language should be formal• A direct appeal to the readers
Going to school is a waste of time. Childhood is too important a time to spend in school. In the first place, no one asks children if they want to go. Since they spend so much time in school it is only fair that they should be consulted. Secondly, very little of what they learn is useful. By the time children grow up and are earning a living, they will have forgotten most of what they have learned in school. Finally, experts admit that children learn more by doing things than by sitting and listening. Children would learn more by just going outside and getting on with life. There are a number of reasons why going to school is a waste of time. Children haven’t been asked if they want to go, most of what they learn in school isn’t very useful and they would learn more by going out and doing things. Going to school should be voluntary.
Language features (of instruction or procedural texts)• Use command words (Cut..; Pour…; Fold…)• Most sentences start with a verb • Use correct technical terms• Exact details or information • 1. Melt butter slowly • 2. Add sliced onion, a pinch of salt and pepper and the sugar • 3. Cook on a low heat, stirring from time to time, until the onions have browned
Exercise 1: Identify the text type of the following texts: • Basically, a headache is an adverse reaction to stress. The personality and physical make-up of an individual determines his ability to cope with stressful situations. Beyond a certain point, he cannot continue, and head pains occur. This point varies with each individual. Headache is not a disease but a symptom- a true sensation with intense unpleasantness. It may be indicative of underlying disturbance within the skull, or in other systems of the body, or in the personality. Most headaches are of minor significance, but they can be the symptoms of the beginning of serious diseases.
Dodgers • Dodgers is a game that can involve as many children as you like. It is good for practicing running, dodging and fielding. • Steps • 1. Choose two even teams. • 2. Mark out a large diamond with four cones. • 3. The fielding team all field inside the diamond and try to pass the ball amongst themselves to hit a dodger below the shoulders. Fielders cannot run with the ball. • 4. Line the batting team up in pairs at the starting cone and explain that one of each pair is the dodger and wears the colored band. • 5. Instruct the dodger to throw the ball into the diamond then run into the diamond trying to avoid being caught by the fielders. • 6. The other partner runs round as many cones as possible until their partner is caught. • 7. Change innings when the last dodger is caught. • The winning team is the one who has run the most times round the diamond.
I couldn’t have imagined the circuitous form my training would actually take. The forward progression through residency and fellowship was nothing more than a comfortable lie my body would ultimately dismantle. My body somehow understanding that despite completing my training, despite being surrounded by every form and severity of disease, I had yet to learn what it meant to be sick. I would experience an illness—followed by a long, painful recovery—that took me apart, piece by piece, and put me back together in a conformation so different I questioned if I still existed at all.
This study examines the importance of imaginative play in allowing children to experiment with, and practice, social and emotional behaviors. Through the safety of imaginative play children are able to experiment with different social responses, and reinforce their understanding of socially acceptable behaviors. In addition, imaginative play provides a safe environment for children to investigate, and learn to manage, a range of feelings and emotions. Finally, imaginative play provides a fun way for children to engage with and practice the ideas and concepts that they need to understand their world and organize their own learning. Adults are essential for guiding children to reach their full potential. This includes a role in encouraging and supporting imaginative play so that the child’s self-esteem and wellbeing is nurtured as he or she develops. Consequently, it is essential that all early childhood professionals are aware of the importance of imaginative play in child development.
The rising level of obesity in young Australians is a result of decreasing levels of activity and an excess of food. It is a particularly worrying trend, as the future health and wellbeing of Australians is at risk. Government, healthcare professionals, families, and individuals, all have responsibility for turning around the problem. Nonetheless, the federal and state Governments must lead the way by providing improved public education campaigns that raise awareness and encourage all Australians to eat better and exercise regularly.
Germinating petunia seeds • Follow these instructions to germinate petunia seeds. • You will need: • • a packet of petunia seeds • • a seed tray or small pots • • loamy friable soil or potting mix • • water • • fertilizer. • 1. Fill seed tray with soil. • 2. Incorporate fertilizer into soil. • 3. Scatter seeds on the surface of the soil. • 4. Cover seeds with a 3 mm layer of soil. Press firmly. • 5. Spray water to moisten the seed bed. • 6. Place seed tray in warm, sunny position (at least 25°C). • 7. Keep soil moist by watering gently while seeds are germinating. Seeds will germinate in approximately 10–14 days.
Indonesian Maid beheaded • An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said. The woman was beheaded in the Southern province in what was the second execution in the country. The maid was earlier found guilty of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewelry.
What is text analysis? • Text analysis means breaking down a text into its basic characteristics on different levels and it can be done from different perspectives. It involves a close examination of all the text components and factors contributing to the creation of meaning in the text.
What are the types of text analysis? Types of text analysis include: • Linguistic analysis (phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, stylistic) • Textual analysis (cohesion, coherence, thematic organization and thematic progression) • Literary analysis • Semiotic analysis • Functionalist text analysis (extra- and intra-textual factors, giving more emphasis on extra-linguistic aspects: translation brief, audience, situational aspects, intentions, etc.) • Critical discourse analysis
What is the importance of text analysis? Translation researchers agree, though using different terminology, that the translation process consists of three stages: • Pre-translation stage (text analysis, planning, comprehension), • Translation stage (translating, transferring, drafting, production, formulating, creating), • Post translation stage (revising, reviewing, producing final draft).
Text analysis is important for the following reasons: • Helps you reach a deep understanding of the text and all its dimensions (author’s intentions, attitude, style, tone, etc.), • Helps you identify the different kinds of meaning in the text and how they were created, • Enables you to read between the lines to extrapolate embedded meanings, • Enhances your critical reading skills, • Sensitizes you to language in general,
Sensitizes you to the language specifically used in a text and the peculiar linguistic (lexis, grammar, level of formality, etc.) and textual features (thematic organization and information structure, text type, etc.) of that text, • Helps you understand the communicative situation (the extralinguistic factors such as the cultural, social, and professional background knowledge), • Helps you choose the right translation method and translation strategies, and thus helps you make informed decisions, • Helps identify potential translation problems, • The ultimate goal is to help you produce a successful translation.
Pre-translation analysis is one of the most important professional skills a translator should practice and master before embarking on the process of reformulating a ST. Using it systematically helps making it a conventional operation for professional translators until they come to a point where it is performed nearly subconsciously.
A ruler is an instrument for drawing straight lines. • إذا توضأت فأحسن الوضوء • أخبرني أثابك الله. • The Persian gulfis an important area. • أيها الناس اسمعوا وعوا ؛ من عاش مات، ومن مات فات، وكل ما هو آت آت، ليل داج، ونهار ساج، وسماء ذات أبراج، ونجوم تزهر ، وبحار تزخر، وجبال مرساة، وأرض مدحاة، وأنهار مجراة. إن في السماء لخبرا، وإن في الأرض لعبرا، ما بال الناس يذهبون ولا يرجعون؛ أرضوا فأقاموا ، أم تركوا فناموا، يقسم قس بالله قسما لا إثم فيه، إن لله دينا هو أرضى له ، وأفضل من دينكم الذي أنتم عليه ، إنكم لتأتون من الأمر منكرا . • The American president is visiting Israel next week. • (يوسف: 84 )"و ابيضت عيناه من الحزن فهو كظيم" • Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?