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The Preterite Tense

Learn all about the Preterite Tense in Spanish, its uses, conjugation rules, irregular verbs, and helpful expressions. Master the art of talking about specific past events with confidence!

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The Preterite Tense

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Preterite Tense

  2. What are the uses of the Preterite Tense? • 1) To talk about specific actions, completed at a specific time in the past. • Example: Ayer yo fui al centro comercial. • Yesterday I went to the mall.

  3. What are the uses of the Preterite Tense? • 2) To talk about successive completed events. • Example: Esta mañana yo me desperté a las cinco, me levanté a las cinco y diez, me duché, me vestí, me cepillé los dientes y salí para la escuela. • This morning I woke up, got up, showerd, got dressed…etc.

  4. Expressions Used to Help Identify the Preterite Tense • ayer – yesterday • anteayer- the day before yest • anoche – last night • la semana pasada – last week • el año pasado- last year • el fin de semana pasado – last • weekend

  5. Expressions Used to Help Identify the Imperfect Tense • el verano pasado – last summer • una vez – one time • un día – one day • de repente – suddenly • de pronto - suddenly • finalmente –finally

  6. Uses of the Preterite Tense • 3) To talk about actions that interrupt other activities. • Example: Mientras yo miraba la tele, mi amigo llegó. • While I was watching TV, my friend arrived.

  7. Uses of the Preterite Tense • 4) The beginning and end of certain states or situations. • Example: La clase empezó a las siete. • The class began at seven. • Example: Después de la cena, ella se durmió. • After dinner she fell asleep.

  8. How do I conjugate in the Preterite Tense? • You drop the ENDING and add a given set of endings to the STEM. • Are there stem changes? • Yes! In the sandal of “-ir” verbs only. • (ei , ou)

  9. How do I conjugate in the Preterite Tense? • Are there spelling changes? • Yes! In the “yo” form of “-ar” verbs (-gar, -car, -zar)… c  qu g  gu z  c • …and in the sandal of “-er/-ir” verbs whose stem ends in a vowel. (iy) • Are there irregulars? • Yes! There are lots of irregulars including “special” stems which have “special” endings. • GUSTAR: Two forms-gustó / gustaron

  10. Uses of the Preterite Tense • haber – hubo • there was/there were • This implies that an event “took place, ocurred” • Example: Hubo un accidente. • There was an accident.

  11. Imperfect Tense Endings“-AR” VERBS -é -amos -asteis -aste -aron -ó

  12. comprar – to buy compré compramos compraste comprasteis compró compraron

  13. “-ar verbs” • Verbs that end in “-gar, -car, -zar” have a spelling change before the -é ending of the “yo” form. • c  qu g  gu z  c • There are no stem changes in ”-ar” verbs of the preterite tense.

  14. buscar – to look for busqué buscamos buscaste buscasteis buscó buscaron

  15. pagar – to pay pagué pagamos pagaste pagasteis pagó pagaron

  16. empezar – to begin empecé empezamos empezaste empezasteis empezó empezaron

  17. jugar – to play jugué jugamos jugaste jugasteis jugó jugaron

  18. Imperfect Tense Endings“-ER/-IR” VERBS -í -imos -isteis -iste -ieron -ió

  19. comer – to eat comí comimos comiste comisteis comió comieron

  20. vivir – to live viví vivimos viviste vivisteis vivió vivieron

  21. ir - to go fui fuimos fuisteis fuiste fue fueron

  22. ser - to be fui fuimos fuisteis fuiste fue fueron

  23. ver – to see -vi -vimos -visteis -viste -vieron -vio

  24. dar – to give -di -dimos -disteis -diste -dieron -dio

  25. “-aer, -eer, -uir verbs” • Verbs that end in “-aer, -eer, -uir” have a spelling change in the sandal of iy. • ió  yó ieron  yeron • “-aer” & “-eer” verbs have accents on every “I” outside of the sandal. • “-uir” verbs have the same accents as usual (weak vowels)

  26. -aer, -eer verbs • (add accents to these) • caerse – to fall • leer – to read • creer – to think, believe • oír – to hear

  27. oír – to hear (notice accents) -oí -oímos -oísteis -oíste -oyeron -oyó

  28. leer – to read (notice accents) -leí -leímos -leísteis -leíste -leyeron -leyó

  29. caerse – to fall (notice accents) -me caí -nos caímos -os caísteis -te caíste -se cayeron - se cayó

  30. -uir verbs • (regular accents) • construir – to build, construct • destruir – to destroy • influir – to influence • concluir – to conclude

  31. influir – to influence(normal accents) -influí -influimos -influisteis -influiste -influyeron -influyó

  32. pedir – to ask for (ei) -pedí -pedimos -pediste -pedisteis -pidieron -pidió

  33. preferir – to prefer (ei) preferí preferimos preferiste preferisteis prefirieron prefirió

  34. dormir – to sleep (ou) dormí dormimos dormiste dormisteis durmieron durmió

  35. reír to laugh (ei) accent and spelling issues! reí reímos reíste reísteis rieron rió

  36. Verbs with “Special Stems” • There are a set of verbs that have an irregular stem. • This stem is used throughout the entire verb chart. • They also use a different set of endings. • They don’t have any accents!

  37. Endings for Verbs with “Special Stems” -e -imos -isteis -iste -ieron -o

  38. Verbs with “Special Stems” • hacer  hic- • hiz- in the él/ella form • querer  quis- • venir  vin –

  39. Verbs with “Special Stems” • decir  dij- • conducir  conduj- • producir  produj- • traducir  traduj- • traer  traj- • In all of these verbs the “i” is dropped from “-ieron” • (dijeron, condujeron, trajeron etc.)

  40. Verbs with “Special Stems” • andar  anduv- • tener  tuv- • estar  estuv- • poder  pud- • poner  pus- • saber  sup-

  41. querer – to want quise quisimos quisiste quisisteis quiso quisieron

  42. saber – to know supe supimos supiste supisteis supo supieron

  43. conducir – to drive condujimos conduje condujiste condujisteis condujo condujeron

  44. andar – to walk anduvimos anduve anduviste anduvisteis anduvo anduvieron

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