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Discover the secret to selling your home quickly and for top dollar with innovative marketing strategies. Learn how to stand out in today's competitive real estate market. Don't settle for traditional methods - get your home noticed and sold now!
Are You Fighting Mad And Ready To Do Something About It? If You Really Want To Get Your Home SOLDRight Now — Today — Without Giving It Away, Then This May Well Be The Most Important Letter You've Ever Received! Dear Homeowner, Based on information obtained from an online For Sale By Owner Service, it has come to the attention of hundreds of real estate agents that your home is available for sale, and your phone is probably ringing off the hook from agents who promise that they can do a better job and have the perfect formula to get your home sold if you only give them a chance. And I’ll bet you’re asking yourself…“What value is there in having an agent when I can do it myself??!!” It’s a fair question. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t all that simple. The most common answer you’ll hear is “you can’t market it like an agent, so you’re home won’t sell.” And while that is sometimes the case, it is only ONE of the many possible reasons why your home won’t sell. You may feel, deep down, that a lot more can be done. Let me just say this: I am absolutely certain that the majority of agents do everything in their power to get a home sold. Chances are they do their level best. Would it surprise you to learn it may not be the agent’s fault at all? But it’s certainly not your fault either, is it? Here’s what I mean. Things have changed and so have the strategies used in marketing real estate. Do you know the difference between “passive” selling and “active,” innovative marketing? Passive selling is what we used to do in real estate. Put up a sign, place the property in the Multiple Listing Service, and wait for a buyer to come to us. And if that didn’t work, we might hold an Open House or place an ad in the newspaper. Sound familiar? These methods simply are not enough in today’s marketplace. At this point, I’ll bet no one knows that better than you. Now contrast that with active, innovative marketing. In a nutshell, this is the type of marketing that is working. It requires you or your agent to actively and aggressively seek out, hunt down, and draw out the most likely buyer for your home. The targeted buyer, if you will. The targeted buyer (which is always the right buyer) will pay the most money for your home. Why? Because they’re the one person that is looking for and appreciating the very same features and benefits you were looking for when you bought your home. Therefore, everything you’ve done to the home has value to them. Makes sense, doesn’t it? So, passively selling is waiting and hoping. Active marketing, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. It is making things happen by taking action that produces specific results. Bob Cenk’s Home Selling System www.BobCenkRealEstate.com
After All, Results Are The Only Things That Count. So The Question Becomes “How In The Heck Do We Make Things Happen For You?” Well, to start with, you need to do things a little bit different, something “out of the ordinary.” You see, by doing things differently, your home will be noticed. Realize that your home is competing against about 5,000 properties that are for sale right now. In Order To Sell A Home Once, You Have To Sell It Twice! Chances are, another one of the reasons your home might not sell is due to a violation of this important marketing principle. Remember, in order to successfully sell your home once, it must be sold TWICE. First to the agents in the real estate community, and then to their home buyers. Are you starting to see the difference between Passive Selling and Active Marketing? Does All Of This Make Sense? There is a lot more to selling a home than just sticking a sign in your lawn, putting an ad in the newspaper, turning the listing into Multiple Listings Service, holding Open Houses, and waiting to see what might happen. And while this is exactly what used to happen just a few years ago, it’s simply ineffective in today’s competitive marketplace. This “conventional” method of selling is what many agents have been taught; in some cases it is all they’ve been taught, and that’s why it’s not their fault. They do everything they know how to do. They’re probably feeling just as bad (or worse) than you right now. That’s because… No One Likes Not Getting The Job Done! The only reason I’m so well educated about the subject of marketing is because about a year and a half ago when the market turned and people changed the way they made decisions, I invested over $30,000 and more than 200 hours in learning exactly what this marketing stuff is all about and how to make it sell properties in any market. You Don't Have To Wait Until Next Spring Or Until Interest Rates Drop Or For Consumer Confidence To Return Or For Any Of The Other Earth Shattering Events To Occur TO SELL YOUR HOME! If you are really serious about selling your home…If you really want it sold for the most money in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of headache and hassles to you, then call me. I would be happy to drop by and share with you everything I know and exactly what it will take to get your home sold. If you decide to hire me for the job, great. If not, at least you’ll have enough information to make an informed, profitable decision. PLEASE, DO NOT List Your Home Until You Meet With Me And Get All The Information You Need. The fact is, in the last month alone, about 800 homes, condos and townhomes actually sold and closed in the Greater Pittsburgh area. That doesn’t even include all of the new construction homes that are sold through the numerous new home builders and subdivision companies every day! The market is dry right now? The sky is falling for the seller? I don’t think so! Bad time of year to sell? Too hot, too cold, too dry, too wet? Not hardly. New construction is hurting your sale? It didn’t hurt 800 other homeowners last month! Let’s stop all of the lame excuses. The fact is, your home hasn't sold! Does an invalid excuse fix your situation? Forget about it! Bob Cenk’s Home Selling System www.BobCenkRealEstate.com
Success Leaves Clues Let’s talk turkey here. You need an agent with THE most aggressive marketing plan in town. One that will ensure that the public gets to see your property’s best features! Do you believe success leaves clues? I do. And the first thing you should look at is an agent’s production. Jump onto their website. Do they even have a personal website? If they have less than 10 listings, that means not many other homeowners think they are that great either. Their volume won’t allow them to “cross sell” to your home. What does that mean? An agent with 10 or more listings receives dozens of calls every day from qualified buyers wanting to buy homes. They may be calling from a For Sale sign, the Internet, a magazine or a full page advertisement in the newspaper. However they’ve called, the home they are calling on may not match their exact needs. Your agent can cross sell them to focus on your home. The only way this works is for the agent to have lots of listings exposed to lots of buyers. Once again, the buyers can’t buy the home if they don’t know it’s for sale! You also need an agent that has superior communications. The days of you not getting feedback from showings (or even knowing if the people showed up) have to end right now. I am going to tell you, there is a better way. The fact is, your home may not sell for SEVERAL reasons other than price. In fact, it may be one of the most desirable homes on the market. How in the world can anyone buy it if the agent never brings anyone to see it? Not only will I address these issues in this letter, I will also explain how to choose the best agent to sell your home. You will easily become educated about choosing an agent (much more educated than 5,300 other agents would like you to be). I will shamelessly and ethically bribe you to list your home with me so that I can get you to the closing table. Yes, you read that correctly, not only will I show you how to weed out the “less than desirable agents,” I will BRIBE you to list with me. How will I do that??? Read on to find out. So As Promised, Here’s My Pitch. . . My team of professionals offers all of the services listed above. As a matter of fact, I own and manage one of the most successful real estate teams in the Pittsburgh area. My specialty is in selling homes that other agents or For Sale By Owners were not able to sell. Bribe #1: My Guaranteed Sale Program If I don’t sell your home at a price acceptable to you, I’ll sell it for FREE!That’s right! If I don’t sell your home at a price acceptable to you, I’ll sell it for FREE.* Bribe #2: My Sellers Competitive Advantage Program If I don’t sell your home for at least 95% of the asking price, I will refund $1,000 of our fee.Our well documented track record shows that our listings sell on average of 98.23% of their asking price. We feel so confident that with our aggressive marketing approach and our team system we will be able to sell your home for the Maximum Market Value, otherwise you save a thousand dollars! Now that’s putting our money where our mouth is, and I bet the competition can’t beat that! Bribe #3: My Guarantee To The Buyer Of Your Home If the buyer of your home is not satisfied with the purchase within the first 24 months, I will sell it for FREE. Yes, you read that correctly. I offer the buyer peace of mind when purchasing your home. How many Realtors believe in their real estate knowledge, outstanding marketing skills and a total commitment to service to make this guarantee? Why wouldn’t they? This guarantee to every potential buyer makes your home more attractive to all buyers. *Some Conditions Apply Bob Cenk’s Home Selling System www.BobCenkRealEstate.com
Bribe #4: Free Test Drive of Our Services If you are not happy with my service or marketing, after just 1 Day, you can walk! Just FIRE me. I’m sure you feel like I do about promises. Don’t tell me you are the best, show me. I will allow you to take my services for a free test drive! I feel confident that after meeting with me, you will see that I have the best home marketing program in Pittsburgh. Go ahead and list your home with me. If ANY of my promises don’t hold true, if you feel the advertising won’t work, or if you don’t think we are communicating better than anyone you’ve ever worked with in your entire life, FIRE ME! With my NO HASSLE 1 DAY LISTINGthere is never any obligation for you to work with me. If after one day, you don’t think my sales team is your best option, call me and tell me to take a hike! You are obligated to nothing if you exercise your right at any time — provided you have not accepted an offer on your home. So there you have it. A rather lengthy note explaining just the tip of the iceberg on the services my team provides. Do you see the difference? Visit my website at www.BobCenkRealEstate.comand then call me today. Remember I will allow you to take a free test drive with no obligation. Call 724-390-0006 x 101. Looking forward to hearing from you. Good Climbing, Bob Cenk The Bob Cenk Group Broadview Realty www.BobCenkRealEstate.com 724-390-0006 x 101 P.S. You didn’t think I would forget a powerful testimonial or three, did you? Check out what’s below!! “The Bob Cenk Group had our house under contract in just 17 days!” “We originally considered listing our Home as ‘For Sale By Owner,’ but then we heard about The Bob Cenk Group and their Home Selling System. We met with Bob and listened to what he had to say. We were impressed! We thought we could sell our house on our own, but after we saw the extensive marketing that Bob’s team provides, we knew we should list with them. Every step in the process was well organized and well executed. We got a quick sale in just 17 days and at the price we wanted! It was great to have a team of professionals working for us rather than having to do it on our own!” - Rick and Patty B. “I tried to sell my home myself without success. Bob Cenk came in and got it sold!” “I thought that “For Sale By Owner” was the best method to sell my home. After many disappointments, I listed my home with The Bob Cenk Group. I was impressed by the professionalism of Bob and his team, and by their creative and effective marketing approach. The bottom line is that they got my house sold at a great price when I needed it sold." - Mark R. “Our house SOLD in 44 Days” “At first we tried to sell our house by ourselves. After countless frustrations in dealing with agents and potential buyers on our own, we finally decided to list our home with The Bob Cenk Group. They went out of their way to accommodate our scheduling needs. We have kids and dogs and needed to make special arrangements each time our house was shown. Bob and his team kept us informed and got our home SOLDwithout disrupting our lives.” - Terry and Jackie C. (If you have already listed your home with another agent, please disregard this letter. It is not meant to be a solicitation.) Bob Cenk’s Home Selling System www.BobCenkRealEstate.com