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Reason for Selecting This Major to Investigate I was good at geography in school, but I never dreamed that geography was one of the hottest career fields that will have a strong future for decades to come. Academic Integrity
Reason for Selecting This Major to Investigate I was good at geography in school, but I never dreamed that geography was one of the hottest career fields that will have a strong future for decades to come. Academic Integrity There are many rules and regulations about helping preserve academic integrity of learning, all intended to maintain the high value of an ASU degree. The Student Judicial Affairs site has an extensive list of regulations: htpp://www.asu.edu/studentaffairs/studentlife/judicial/academic_integrity.htm These are but two examples of responsibilities and consequences quoted from the above site: “A student may be found to have engaged in academic dishonesty if, in connection with any Academic Evaluation or academic or research assignment (including a paid research position), he or she:” “ I. Uses materials from the Internet or any other source without full and appropriate attribution” “The Grade of "XE 1. The XE grade denotes failure through academic dishonesty. The XE grade will be recorded on the student's official and unofficial transcript with the notation "failure due to academic dishonesty." The XE grade shall be treated in the same way as an "E" for the purposes of grade point average and determination of academic standing.” Entrepreneurial Thinking in Geographical Sciences “Across the country, tens of thousands of trained [geospatial] workers are needed to fill positions that are going begging” http://www.gis.com/careers/index.html A GIS certificate exists for undergraduates wanting a career related to GIS. GIS is more than making maps or GoogleEarth. It opens doors to entrepreneurial thinking about new business opportunities and how government can better help people. (Source: http://geography.asu.edu/ education/degrees.php) Research in Geographical Sciences Some research shows that dense mangrove forests protect coastal areas from the damaging effects of the December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Professor Myint’s research uses remote sensing to determine the validity of this idea. (Source: Interview with Professor Soe Myint.) Geographical Sciences at the New American University: An Investigation of a B.S. in GeographySam(amntha) Smith for ASU 101 Research after the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 suggested that coastal mangrove forests can provide protection from Tsunamis. (Source: http://geology.com/news/2005/10/coastal-mangrove-forests-provide.html). This is an example of how Bank of America used GIS to find out where their coverage is strong and weak in the New York City market area. (Source:http://www.gis.com/whatisgis/index.html). Sustainability in Geographical Sciences By going to the Brickyard Building in downtown Tempe, you can visit the Decision Center for a Desert City research project that is studying how climatic change, changes in water use, and political policies can all affect the sustainability of water use in metropolitan Phoenix. (Source: Hallway Displays in Decision Center for a Desert City) Phoenix nighttime temperatures have climbed as the city has grown, research carried out by geographers in the DC/DC project. Graphic from Christian Science Monitor Article found on Decision Center Desert Theater Website http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/1219/p01s03-ussc.html Social Embeddness in Geographical Sciences The Arizona Geographic Alliance, started in 1992, has more than 3000 members and helps strengthen geography Arizona. (Source: http://alliance.la.asu.edu/azga/) The Arizona Geographic Alliance has many resources for teachers on its website, including maps, lesson plans, and special programs. One special program is GeoMath that helps teachers improve math scores through the teaching of geography. (Source: http://alliance.la.asu.edu/azga/)