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F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH. A STUDY IN HEBREWS. Living Diligently. 3:16-19; 4:1-7, 9-13. NYC Skyline – before and after 9/11. F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Living Diligently 3:16-19; 4:1-7, 9-13

  2. NYC Skyline – before and after 9/11

  3. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH Why do you think most American’s have stayed the same in their religious faith and practice? Because most American’s although moved by 9/11 did not remain diligent in their faith.

  4. Sam Thompson

  5. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH American’s Working Too Hard Need more fun: 68% Need a long vacation: 67% Often feel stressed: 66% Feel time is crunched: 60% Want less work, more play: 51% Feel pressured to succeed: 49% Feel overwhelmed: 48%

  6. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH Do you think it is realistic to plan one hour of alone time per day? One hour 3 days a week? One hour once a week?

  7. DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. What pattern of “drifting away” is outlined in the following versus? a. (3:16) The Israelites went through unbelief. b. (v. 17) The Israelites hardened their hearts in the wilderness. c. (v. 18) God passed judgment.

  8. DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. How can you compare your Christian walk to this pattern? a. Unbelief what? b. Hardened heart? c. Judgment

  9. DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. When something bad happens in a Christian’s life, why do they sometimes say, “why did God do this to me?” What is wrong with this attitude?

  10. DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. The word rest or rested is referred to 9 times in (Hebrews 4:1-12). Outline how it is used each time. a. (v. 1) Salvation b. (v. 3) Salvation c. (v. 3b) Salvation d. (v. 4) God’s Sabbath rest e. (v. 5) Salvation

  11. DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. The word rest or rested is referred to 9 times in (Hebrews 4:1-12). Outline how it is used each time. f. (v. 9) Sabbath rest for the people of God g. (v. 10a) Inheritance of Christ h. (v.10b) God’s Sabbath rest i. (v. 11-12) Rest in the Word of God

  12. DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. There are 3 categories of rest outlined in these passages, how are you “resting” in each? a. Sabbath rest in Christ through salvation- (Living without doubt) b. Our present rest claiming our inheritance- (Living victoriously) c. The future rest that will come in eternity- (Living in hope)

  13. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH 6. What is the command in (v. 11)? Do live diligently in our faith in Christ to avoid the disobedience the Israelites experienced

  14. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH 7. What resource is available to help us live diligently? (v. 12) The Word of God

  15. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH 8. What are the characteristics of the Word? (v. 12) a. It is living and active not dead and stale. b. It gets to the point and remains applicable. c. It convicts. d. It judges our thoughts and intentions of the heart.

  16. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH 9. What does (v. 13) teach about the fallacy of believing you can do things in secret?

  17. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH Enjoying the REST of God R elease your schedule E ase your pace S tudy the Word T ake a Sabbath “Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest…” Hebrews 4:11

  18. FLESHINGOUT YOUR FAITH The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.

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