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Chapter 11:


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Chapter 11:

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  1. Chapter 11: SELF AND PERSONALITY By: Susan Gupton

  2. A SIMPLE REMINDER! Module 11 is harder than the last few modules! The best description I can give of this module is that it is very similar in nature to that of Module 2. It is similar in that there are several theories to keep straight in order to SUCCESSFULLY PASS MODULE 11!!!

  3. In this presentation we will try to master the following: • Erikson’s Theory vs. Freud’s Theory • Erikson’s Eight Stages • Social Learning Theory vs. Psychoanalytic vs. Psychometric • State vs. Trait (stability of personality) • Goodness of Fit • Personality changes with age

  4. These objectives are not all you need to know. However, we have found that this is the material students often have the most trouble mastering!

  5. More emphasis on social influences Development continued throughout life (womb to tomb) Emphasis on rational ego More emphasis on sexual urges Development was complete in early childhood Emphasis on irrational id Erikson v. Freud

  6. Erikson’s Eight Stages • Trust v. Mistrust (Birth-1) • Autonomy v. Shame (1-3) • Initiative v. Guilt (3-6) • Industry v. Inferiority (6-12) • Identity v. Role Confusion (12-20) • Intimacy v. Isolation (20-40) • Generativity v. Stagnation (40-65) • Integrity v. Despair (65-older)

  7. Erikson’s view on the word “CRISIS” • Crisis does NOT mean a problem that the person has. • It is an encounter between the INDIVIDUAL’S maturing EGO and the demands of the SOCIAL WORLD • THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT YOU WILL SEE THIS AGAIN!!! HINT HINT!!!!!!

  8. Committment Crisis

  9. Committment Crisis

  10. Committment Crisis

  11. Committment Crisis

  12. Committment Crisis

  13. Committment Crisis

  14. Committment Crisis

  15. Committment Crisis

  16. Committment Crisis

  17. Three Important Learning Theories • Social Learning • Psychometric • Psychoanalytic • It is important to know how each theory compares with the others and to note the similarities and differences between them. • Think Chapter 2!!!!!

  18. IMPORTANT TERMS TO REMEMBER! • STATE  depends on situations that the individual is going through at the time Example: you are anxious about exams • TRAIT  stable through life across time and situations Example: you are an anxious person at every age and in most situations

  19. Has stages People undergo similar personality changes at similar stages Age-related TRAIT NO stages People undergo similar personality changes in five dimensions Stable TRAIT PSYCHOANALYTIC V. PSYCHOMETRIC

  20. Influenced by environment Personality can change at any time People change if environment changes Situational influences on behavior STATE Has stages People undergo similar personality changes at similar stages Universal Age-related TRAIT SOCIAL LEARNING V. PSYCHOANALYTIC

  21. Influenced by environment Personality can change at any time People change if environment changes Situational influences on behavior NO stages People undergo similar personality changes in five dimensions Stable SOCIAL LEARNING V. PSYCHOMETRIC

  22. GOODNESS OF FIT • The fit between biological dispositions and environmental expectations • Example: Personality is STABLE if goodness of fit between your personality and environmental expectations • IF fit is NOT good there is less stability and more change in personality


  24. I hope this presentation has been helpful and you will find the material beneficial not only to pass the quiz but to apply to everyday life! I created a self test on the material presented. You can turn your work in to a tutor or Dr. Ironsmith. This will earn you 5 Imperial Credits (so make good use of this opportunity) GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

  25. Which theorist believed in the following? • Development was completed in early childhood and stages end in adolescence • Placed the most emphasis on irrational ID • Emphasis was placed mainly on biological and sexual urges

  26. For the following two examples, identify which of Erikson’s eight stages best matches with the examples • Sammy wants to pour the milk on his cereal by himself. When mommy starts to pour the milk, he puts his hands over the bowl and shouts, “No! Me Do It!” • Hannah sees Dr. Eppler teaching Elizabeth how to knit, and Hannah begs us to also teach her how to knit. That same day, Hannah also pleads to be allowed to help make Joey’s birthday cake.

  27. For the following three examples, identify whether they best fit the Social Learning Theory, Psychometric, or Psychoanalytic models • Stable across the lifespan, and is different for each individual • Universal/age related changes, similar for different people at the same age • Can change at any time in a person’s life, depends on the situation at hand and is strongly influenced by the environment

  28. Which theorist believed the following? • Development continued throughout a person’s life • More emphasis was placed on social influences • Emphasis was placed on the rational ego

  29. 8) Which theorist is being described in the following statements? • Emphasis was placed on learning experiences and child rearing • Emphasis was placed on modeling and imitation • No stages – development is continuous

  30. 9) Which identity status is being described? • Have not yet experienced a crisis • Accepted identity which was merely suggested to you by your parents • Diffusion • Moratorium • Foreclosure • Achievement

  31. Which identity status is being described? • Have not thought about who you are • Have not committed to an identity • Diffusion • Foreclosure • Achievement • Moratorium

  32. Answers for the self test: • Freud • Autonomy v. Shame • Initiative v. Guilt • Psychometric • Psychoanalytic • Social Learning Theory • Erikson • Bandura • C- Foreclosure • A- Diffusion

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