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My Name is Mike Smith and I am here to give you and overview of the Book

My Name is Mike Smith and I am here to give you and overview of the Book “The Weather Makers” on Climate Change, its effects on our planet and what we can do about it. The Weather Makers. Slide 2. The Weather Makers. Slide 3. The Weather Makers. Slide 4. The Weather Makers. Slide 5.

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My Name is Mike Smith and I am here to give you and overview of the Book

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Name is Mike Smith and I am here to give you and overview of the Book “The Weather Makers” on Climate Change, its effects on our planet and what we can do about it.

  2. The Weather Makers Slide 2

  3. The Weather Makers Slide 3

  4. The Weather Makers Slide 4

  5. The Weather Makers Slide 5

  6. The Weather Makers Slide 6

  7. The Weather Makers Slide7

  8. Whitechuck Glacier, Washington State 1973 Whitechuck Glacier, Washington State 2006 The Weather Makers Slide 8

  9. An Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore) The Weather Makers Slide 9

  10. Forests The Weather Makers Slide 10

  11. Oceans The Weather Makers Slide 10b

  12. Ice Cores The Weather Makers Slide 11

  13. The Gulf Stream Slide 12 The Weather Makers

  14. Oil discovered at Beaumont, Texas in 1901 Slide 13 The Weather Makers

  15. Slide 14 The Weather Makers

  16. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #1 – Plankton Loss Lake Tanganyika Slide 15 The Weather Makers

  17. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #1 – Plankton Loss Lake Tanganyika Slide 16 The Weather Makers

  18. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #2 – Plankton Loss Antarctic Slide 17 The Weather Makers

  19. Arctic Slide 18 The Weather Makers

  20. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #3 – Spruce Bark Beetle Alaska Slide 19 The Weather Makers

  21. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #4 – Weather - Hurricanes Hurricane Katrina 2005 Slide 20 The Weather Makers

  22. Hurricane Katrina 2005 Slide 21 The Weather Makers

  23. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #5 – Coral Reefs Coral Reefs Slide 23 The Weather Makers

  24. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #5 – Coral Reefs Coral Reefs Slide 24 The Weather Makers

  25. Slide 25 The Weather Makers

  26. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #6 – Weather Flooding Queensland, Australia 2011 Slide 26 The Weather Makers

  27. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #6 – Weather Flooding Queensland, Australia 2011 Slide 27 The Weather Makers

  28. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #6 – Weather Flooding Mississippi River, 2011 Slide 28 The Weather Makers

  29. Mississippi River, 2011 Slide 29 The Weather Makers

  30. Assiniboine River, Manitoba 2011 Slide 30 The Weather Makers

  31. Assiniboine River, Manitoba 2011 Slide 31 The Weather Makers

  32. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #7 – Weather - Drought The Sahel Area, Africa Slide 32 The Weather Makers

  33. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #7 – Weather - Drought Southwest Australia Slide 33 The Weather Makers

  34. Kwinana Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant near Perth Australia Slide 34 The Weather Makers

  35. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #7 – Weather - Drought Northward shift of the Pacific Jet Stream Slide 35 The Weather Makers

  36. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #8 – Sea Level Rise Columbia Glacier, Alaska Slide 36 The Weather Makers

  37. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #8 – Sea Level Rise Greenland Slide 37 The Weather Makers

  38. The North Pole Slide 38 The Weather Makers

  39. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #8 – Sea Level Rise Patagonian Ice Fields Slide 39 The Weather Makers

  40. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #8 – Sea Level Rise The Antarctic, Larsen House Shelf Slide 40 The Weather Makers

  41. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #8 – Sea Level Rise The Antarctic, Amundsen Sea Slide 41 The Weather Makers

  42. Failure to Adapt to Temperature Change #8 – Sea Level Rise The Antarctic, West Antarctic Ice Sheet Slide 42 The Weather Makers

  43. Overall, the IPCC predicts that sea level will rise by about 2 metres in the next 200 years. Slide 43 The Weather Makers

  44. International Institute for Environment and Development, Gordon McGranahan The rising tide: Assessing the risks of climate change and human settlements in low elevation coastal zones. Population and Land Area in the Low Elevation Coastal Zone* by Region, 2000 * Land less than 10 metres above sea level Slide 43b The Weather Makers

  45. Computer Models for Weather Forecasting Contrails Slide 44 The Weather Makers

  46. Tipping Point 1 – The Collapse of the Gulf Stream Slide 45 The Weather Makers

  47. Tipping Point 2 – Collapse of the Amazon Rain Forests Slide 46 The Weather Makers

  48. Tipping Point 3 – Methane Release from the Sea Floor Slide 47 The Weather Makers

  49. Cities are vulnerable to water and service shortages Slide 48 The Weather Makers

  50. The Road to Kyoto 1995 Slide 49 The Weather Makers

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