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iTrader. Oriental Global System Co. Ltd. 東方環球系統有限公司.
iTrader Oriental Global System Co. Ltd. 東方環球系統有限公司 http://www.i-Trader.comhttp://www.i-Total.comHong Kong Headquarter: Rm.2507 & Rm.1906-07 Billion Trade Ctr., 31 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, H.KTel. : (852) 2790-3350Fax : (852) 2951 4004 E-mail : info@i-Trader.comShenzhen Office: Rm. 1906, 19/FL., B Block Carrianna Friendship Square, 2002 Renminnan Rd,Shenzhen, ChinaTel. : (86) 755 - 8236-1805Fax :(86) 755 - 2518-2028 E-mail : Shenzhen@iTrader.com.hkShanghai Office: Unit 705, Shanghai Bund International Tower, No. 99 Huang Pu Road, Shanghai, ChinaTel. : (86) 021 - 6357-8677Fax :(86) 021 - 6357-7377-838E-mail : Shanghai@iTrader.com.hk
Company Profile Oriental Global System Co. Ltd. was established in Hong Kong in 1993. We are the most competitive software developer and international trading and manufacturing total solution provider. We are also a leader in the software industrial. Oriental is committed in performing software research and development. Our main products are trading and enterprise management software with functions for manufacturing, trading and retail. For management software, we offer an user-friendly interface to represent advanced management concept. Oriental assists your company in responding to the fast changing market quickly. Our products also help you to increase your company’s value and competitiveness in the international trading environment. Oriental has its own development team, training team and system consultancy team. We are committed to provide you with scientific and quality solution/services. System Features Since the joining of China into the WTO, enterprise management has been taken to a new electronic era. In order to fulfill the needs of business, with the joint effort of our market research team, system consultancy team, and software development team, we have developed a new version of iTrader, iManufactory and iFinance. All of these software are developed based on the advanced management concept for ERP system. - iTrader was developed based on the need of SME. It fulfills the daily business operation flow for most of the SME. iManufactory includes Sample Order, BOM, Production Planning, MRP, Sales Confirmation, Sales Invoice, Purchase Order, Sub Job Order, Quotation, Inventory , Debit Note, Credit Note, Shipping Documents and Costing modules. iFinance helps enterprises to fix all the problems in Financial sector, which includes Cash Flow Analysis, Forecast Analysis, A/R Ageing, AP Ageing, Bad Debit Alert, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Trial Balance, Statement of Accounts, etc. All these modules are connected via a geographical interface. The geographical interface gives users hints on the steps needed to be taken during daily operation and it is not only simple but also easy to use. It helps enterprises reduce stock volume, redundant capital and cost, utilize available resources and minimize production cycle. - - - The system is an important tool for enterprise to increase their profit and competitiveness.
Features and Benefits • We are a professional software developer that we support a huge amount of companies and industries for a long journey. We provide free consultancy for your Business and company workflow solution. Here are some key features of our products: • - iTRADER: Order Processing System (Customer Enquiry, Photo Offer, PI / Sales Confirmatin, P/O, Invoice, Packing List, Debit Note, Credit Note, Shipping Document, CRM etc.) • - iMANUFACTORY: Manufacturing System (Manufacturing Order Processing, Inventory Control, BOM, MRP, CRP, etc) • - iFINANCE: Financial System (Customer Leger, Supplier Leger, General Ledger, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Cash Flow/Forecast Analysis, AR Ageing, AP Ageing, etc.) • - iANALYZER: Analysis System for CEO • - Sales Turnover Aging by Container, CBM, Quantity and Amount • - Purchase Turnover by Container, CBM, Quantity and Amount • - Shipment Turnover by Container, CBM, Quantity and Amount • - Outstanding Shipment by Container, CBM, Quantity and Amount • - Customer Payment Aging Report • - Supplier Payment Aging Report • - Cash Flow and Forecast Analysis • - Profit and Loss for each department, each type of account • - Profit and Loss for Group • - Balance for Group • - Top 20 Analysis • . Top 20 Customers • . Top 20 Products • . Top 20 Suppliers • . Top 20 Best profit margin Items • - Stock Level Control / Re-order Level Control • - Shipment Forecast • - Business Activities, etc. • - iWEBQUERY: Web Order/Shipment Tracking System for Customers • . Order Tracking / Web Confirmation • . Shipment Tracking • . Statement of Account • . New Products with Photo • . Web Orders • Auto E-Mail Alert: Factory P/O Shipment Reminder, Factory P/O Confirmation Reminder, • Customer Outstanding Shipment Reminder, • Customer Outstanding Payment Reminder, etc. • - EDI Link / EAI Link : We can provide EDI link with your global partners, such as Target, Wal-Mart, Woolworths, • EAI Link with SAP system.
國際網絡/Internet 1. VAN EDI Messages 2. Internet Mail 3. Internet Phone 4. Internet Fax 5. Video Conference International Trading & Manufacturing Systems iTOTALTM is a total-solution software for the MS Windows platform. It is an extensive management system package for all aspects of your business (e.g. Garment, Toys, Electronics, Bags, Accessories or Sundries). It can accomplish all the tasks that trading and manufacturing operations have to perform: from sourcing to shipping, production (MRP, Size and Color), POS,Web Camera, inventory control, web query, EDI, Auto E-mail Alert and accounts keeping. 產品硏發Sourcing Product & Project Management 物料清單/成本計算 BOM + E.C.N. 要求報價 RFQ & Quotation 報價/客戶查詢 Quotation/Enquiry 板單/Sample Order 生產單/物料編排 Job Order / MRP & CRP 採購合同 Purchase Order (Material/Product) 銷售合同 Sales Confirmation Proforma Invoice 倉庫管理Accessory/Material Inventory Control 收貨管理 Goods Receipt+IQC 銷售發票/裝箱單Invoice/Packing List 生產控制Production Control 送貨單 Delivery Note 應付帳A/P, D/N, C/N 會計總帳G/L 銀行信貸系統 L/C System 員工薪金Production Payroll 應收帳 A/R, D/N, C/N 跟单系統FOLLOW-UP(PI / SC, PI, INVOICE, GRN, QUOTATION, ENQUIRY) 船務系統Shipping Doc. (Linking with TradeLink Systems) EDI/ EAI電子採購系統 Auto E-mail Alert自动電邮提醒系統 Auto Synchronizer中港資料自動更新系統 (China Shop and Manufactory) 網上查詢 / Web Query1. Inquire Order Shipment Schedule 2. Inquire Outstanding Shipment 3. Inquire Customer O/S Statement 4. Inquire Sales Status 5. Inquire Product Information 6. Inquire Inventory Status7. Inquire Production Status 8. Supplier Production Schedule Update Forwarder Trade Link 客戶/Customer 供應商/Supplier工廠/Manufactory Banking System Web Camera iManufactory.com iTrader.com.hk iFinanceSys.com
國際網絡/Internet 1. VAN EDI Messages 2. Internet Mail 3. Internet Phone 4. Internet Fax 5. Video Conference iManufactory Systems forGarment Business 板 单Sample Sheet / Enquiry 查 板Sample Inspection 出 板Sample Delivery 做 板Sample Production 报 价Quotation 客 户Customer/Prospect 物料需求分析Fabric & MaterialDemand Analyzing 大货订单Bulk Order / SC 生产制单Production Sheet 请 购 单Purchase Request 工序设定Production Process Enactment 外发加工单Sub-manufactory Demand Analyzing 物 料 仓Material Warehouse 采购单/ POPurchase Order 排 期Bulk Schedule 工票打印Piece WorkTicket Printing 排 产Bulk Production 收 货 单Goods Receipt Note 外发物料/出库Material Stock Out 裁剪/手工/縫紉Cutting & Hand Making/Sewing 物料入库Material Stock In 外发入库Material Stock In 车间领料WorkshopMaterial Issue Note 外发结算Sub-manufactorySettlement 工票统计Ticket Statistics 成品入库Finished Product Slip 生产进度Production Status 计件工资Piece Rate 成本分析Cost Analysis 人事薪资考勤Production Payroll(Wages + Allowances) 成 品 仓Product Warehouse 销售,船務管理Sales & Shipping Management 应付帐款 (AP,DN,CN)Account Payables 应收帐款 (AR,DN,CN)Account Receivables 总 账General Ledger Auto Synchronizer中港資料自動更新系統 (China Shop and Manufactory) Forwarder Trade Link 客戶/Customer 供應商/Supplier工廠/Manufactory Banking System Web Camera iManufactory.com iTrader.com.hk iFinanceSys.com
iManufactory Systems forElectronics Business Sourcing Product & Project Management 產品硏發 China Factory (中國廠房) Product/Material 成品/物料 ECN 工程修 改通知 Substitution Parts 代替品 Warehouse 倉庫 Work Centre 工作間 BOM 產品結構 Cost Sheet 成本單 Vendor Quotation 供應商報價 CRP 能力需 求計劃 Sub-Job Order 加工單 Quotation 報價單 Manufacturing Order 生產單 Purchase Order 物料採購 MRP 物料需 求計劃 Purchase Request 请购單 排 期Bulk Schedule Sales Order 銷售訂單 排 产Bulk Production Inspection Quality Control 品質檢定 GRN 收貨單 D/Note 送貨單 Stock In 入库 Inventory Control 倉庫管理 MI/ME/MR 發料/補料 /退料 Accounts Payable(AP, DN, CN) 应付帐款 Quality Control 品質控制 Progression Note 生產進度表 Invoice 發票 Packing List 裝箱單 Picking Enquiry 提料查詢 Accounts Receivable(AR,DN,CN) 应收帐款 General Ledger 总帐 ShippingDocuments 船務文件 Auto E-mail Alert自动電邮提醒系統EDI/ EAI電子採購系統 Auto SynchronizerEDI Messages E-mail VPN Internet Phone Video Conference FOLLOW-UP/ WIP跟单系統 Sales & Marketing Office (香港辦公室) Inventory 庫存 Sub- Contract 加工 Production 生產 Purchase 採購 Sales 銷售 Shipping 船务 Quotation報價單 Account 会计