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G324 ADVANCED PORTFOLIO IN MEDIA. EVALUATION. How To Approach The Evaluation. There are four set questions that need to be answered for the evaluation. The evaluation is marked out of 20 Your presentation of the evaluation needs to be electronic in format.
How To Approach The Evaluation • There are four set questions that need to be answered for the evaluation. • The evaluation is marked out of 20 • Your presentation of the evaluation needs to be electronic in format. • This will be completed on PowerPoint and include video and still images (as well as hyperlinks). • You also need to record an audio commentary to accompany your music video as part of the evaluation. • The PowerPoint Evaluation needs to be as interactive as possible- do not simply write paragraphs of explanation.
Target Audience Feedback • You need top start by showing all three of your media products to your stated target audience and get feedback from them. • How you gather this audience feedback is up to you- but you must show evidence in the evaluation of gathering it. Suggestions include: • Recorded Vox Pops of target audience responses to your products. • Screen shots of written comments/responses to your products from You Tube/Facebook/Your blog or other sites where you posted them. • Interviews with target audience to gather their opinions on the products. • Interviews with the artists themselves (if you made products for friends bands) to gather feedback on what you produced for them. • Filmed short focus group sessions where you show a small group from your target audience the products and ask for their feedback/opinions. • Remember: The feedback you gather MUST be from your originally stated target audience demographic.
The Four Set Questions • On the following slides are the four set questions that have to be answered in your evaluation. For each question I have provided suggestions/guidance for how to approach the answer. Ultimately however- it is up to you to decide how to present the evidence for that question within the PowerPoint Presentation. • Remember to present your answer in an interactive/electronic format. Avoid lengthy written responses. • I have also included hyperlinks to some examples of student responses to the questions.
Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? • Create an audio DVD commentary to accompany your music video (use the audio recorders). You should very specifically explain how your use of editing/camerawork/lighting/narrative/costume/setting/actors/representation was conventional for the genre of music video or if it challenged existing conventions. • Use Windows Movie Maker to illustrate/explain how your Website & CD/DVD Digipack uses/challenges conventions in terms of it’s layout/function/representation of the artist. • Screen shot all 3 of your media products next to similar real products and explain/illustrate how they follow/challenge conventions. • Here is an example of how a student presented some of the evidence for this question.
Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product (music video) and ancillary texts (the website & digipak)? • Within the PowerPoint Presentation illustrate/explain how all three of the media products you created form a cohesive ‘Media Portfolio or package’. Specifically, illustrate/explain how you achieved this through your choices concerning representation of the artist/costume/setting/location. • Could hyperlink directly to your Flickr account within this section to help illustrate your points. • You should be illustrating how all three products tie together as a package- rather than being created as three separate products. The question asks ‘How effective is the combination-so be honest. If you think one of the products doesn’t quite match the others then explain why and discuss this. • Include relevant feedback comments/observations made by your target audience as well as your own comments ( could insert in this section filmed Vox Pops footage of your target audience looking at/commenting on your three products-).
Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback? • For this answer you need to respond directly to the feedback you received from your target audience about your products. You then need to present this in an imaginative way within the PowerPoint Presentation. • Suggestions include: • Filmed Vox Pops of your target audience responding to your three media products & then your responses to this feedback. • Collate & comment on any feedback received directly from the band/artist (if relevant) • Be specific in explaining what you have learnt. Don’t say vague things like “I learnt that my target audience liked my video but were not too keen on the website”. Instead be direct and specific “Most of the target audience felt that my music video looked like an RnB video because of the way I had chosen to represent the artist and my choice of setting. However, I learnt that the Website was not so successful in following conventions as many of the target audience said the colour scheme I chose made it look like it could be for a Pop Artist”. • Could do annotated screen shots to illustrate what they specifically liked/disliked about the products.
Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? • For this answer you need to show/explain how at each stage of the project (planning stage/construction stage/evaluation stage) you used a range of media technologies to help you. • Suggestions for presenting evidence for this question: • Annotate the photo of you in the edit suite (that I emailed to you) showing all the technologies you used for editing. • Screen shots of websites/forums/media products/software etc that you used with annotations explaining at what stage of the production it was used and how specifically it helped you develop your products. • Refer back to the comments you make in your ‘Skills Analysis’ section of your blog to help you answer this question. • http://Here is a student example of evidence presented to answer this question.
Evaluation Deadlines • You need to do the evaluation over the Christmas break. • You will get feedback on how to improve your answers during the first week back and will be able to make improvements. • You then have to finally submit the completed Evaluation by FRIDAY 8TH JANUARY.
Equipment Etc… • Think ahead- book out sound recorders/video cameras etc NOW- to use over the break. • Make sure you have a DVD copy of your music video to bring home over the break. • Make sure you have emailed/saved to a stick drive anything you’ll need to complete the evaluation over the break.
Evaluation- The Mark Scheme • To achieve Level 4 (16-20 marks) your evaluation needs to demonstrate the following: • There is excellent understanding of the forms & conventions used in the productions. • There is excellent understanding of the role and use of new media in various stages of the production. • There is excellent understanding of the combination of main product and ancillary texts. • There is excellent understanding of the significance of audience feedback. • There is excellent skill in choice of form in which to present the evaluation. • There is excellent ability to communicate. • There is excellent use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.