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Welcome to the Northwestern High School Library Media Center. Ms. Wolfe – Library media specialist Ms. Rodriguez – Library media assistant Various student aides. We are here to help you!. The library is open to serve you!. From 9:00-9:20 A.M. without a pass
Ms. Wolfe – Library media specialist Ms. Rodriguez – Library media assistant Various student aides We are here to help you!
The library is open to serve you! • From 9:00-9:20 A.M. without a pass • 9:30-4:10 P.M. with a pass from your classroom teacher – only the teacher whose class you are in can excuse you from your class! • Lunch Time: • You may report directly to the library without a lunch pass. • If you want to go to/from the cafeteria, you will need a pass. You may get one from any teacher or from us in the morning, or you may apply for a permanent pass. • 4:10 P.M.-4:30 P.M. without a pass – Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday • We are open till 6:00 on Mondays and Thursdays!
During the school day, you need three things to use the library. • A legal pass • Your ID • Uniform
Take advantage of our resources! • Information for assignments in books • Computers to use for school projects • Books to read for fun • Periodicals for school projects and for fun • A quiet place to WORK
The library has different sections. • 2 class areas • 5 computer banks with 6 computers each • 6 computers that print • Other areas to work quietly • Different book sections – can you think of the different book sections?
The library organizes it materials. Two types of books: • Fiction • Nonfiction, including reference • Quick check: • What is fiction? • What is nonfiction? • What is reference?
Fiction books are organized one way… “Call number:” FIC and… last name of the author Example: The Color Purple by Alice Walker FIC Wal
…and nonfiction is organized another way. Dewey Decimal System Call number and… last name of the author for everything but biographies
000-099 General Knowledge 100-199 Philosophy Psychology 200-299 Religion Mythology 300-399 Social Science Folklore 400-499 Language, including dictionaries 500-599 Math Science The Dewey Decimal System groups topics.
600-699 Medicine Technology 700-799 Arts Entertainment 800-899 Literature 900-999 Geography History Biography The Dewey Decimal System groups topics.
Find information in reference materials. • Encyclopedias • Dictionaries • Almanacs • Atlases • Collective biographies/Biographical dictionaries Reference books have their own section and are organized according to Dewey.
Biographies have their own section. Books about people’s lives Call number = 921 Look at the subject of the book (who it’s about) Example: A book about Hank Aaron 921 AAR
The library has certain expectations… • While in the LMC speak with a quiet voice. • No food or drinks. • If you pull something off of a shelf and don’t remember where it goes, place it on top of the shelf to be put away.
You can check out books with a class or on your own! • Find a book that will INTEREST you • Take your book to the circulation desk • Your ID and book will be scanned • The due date will be stamped on the book • No ID = no book check out! (We will make special exceptions till we get IDs.)
Appropriate Typing class assignments Designing PowerPoint presentations or webpages for class Researching a class assignment Career and college searching E-mail for school purposes- with permission Inappropriate Playing games Checking personal email Visiting social sites General surfing Designing personal web pages We follow the Student Code of Conduct for computer use.
Lunch is part of the school day. • The Internet is limited to SCHOOL USE during school hours. This includes LUNCH! • You may do research on the Internet during lunch, but general surfing is not allowed. • Gaming is never allowed. • Why can’t we surf or check email? Why can’t we play games? We don’t have the bandwidth to allow it.
Save your computer work to the network. • At Northwestern, students can access their work from any networked computer in the school. It is accessed through “My Documents.” • Always make sure that you let the computer synchronize when you log on and log off. If you don’t, then your files might not transfer.
Use the computer to find books (pt. 1). • In Internet Explorer, go to Northwestern’s page: • http://www.pgcps.org/~nwest.
Use the computer to find books (pt. 2). • From Northwestern’s page, go to the library’s page.
Use the computer to find books (pt. 3). • From the library page, scroll down till you see Northwestern High School Wildcat Library Catalog (OPAC). • Click on the link.
Know your search options. Not useful yet – Revisit soon! Advanced search: (two or more terms) Search by icons or pictures Simple search: one term
Know your search options. You can search here at NHS, or look in other schools You can search for awards like the Pulitzer, MD Black-Eyed Susan, etc. If you know your lexile level, you can search by lexile level.
Choose the best search. Today we will focus on the Basic Search. • One term only Sometime, try your own Power search!
Select the best Search Terms. Type in the term for which you would like to search. Your term can be one word... …or it can be more than one word
*The Keyword button searches in all categories Choose the best Type of Search. • Keyword • Title • Author • Subject • Series Click on the button that matches your search
Examine your Search Results Searched for college Information you see: 201 books found Go to next page. Book cover Title Copy availability Author Call number
Take advantage of some useful features Click Details to see more about the book. (It looks gray, but when you put your mouse on it, it becomes active.) Click to keep a record of the titles you want.
Details view gives you more information.Click “Find it” to find similar books. Find info about copies. This is information about the title (author, summary, etc.) Go to the next result in your search. Book summary More about a topic (Vampire fiction) More books by the author (Stephenie Meyer)
Check on copy availability. Some copies are in, some are out. Note that the due date is given. This tab gives information about the each book: in or out, when due, etc. Scroll down for copies at other schools
Coming soon: manage your account. Soon you will be able to log in to renew your books. There will be an announcement here when you can log in.
Remember to return -- or renew -- your books on time. • Books are due back 2 weeks after check out. Reference books are due back the next day. • Overdue books may cause your report card to be held until you return the book. • Fines are charged for lost books: • 25¢ a day for reference materials • 10¢ a day for other materials • If you lose a book, you will have to pay to replace it. Don’t let that happen to you!