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Idaho State Historical Society Pre-Proposal Conference

Idaho State Historical Society Pre-Proposal Conference. State of Idaho RFP02491 RFP issued (October 23, 2012) Pre-Proposal Conference (October 30, 2012) Questions Due (November 1, 2012) Closing Date (November 19, 2012). Pre-Proposal Conference October 30, 2012 10:00 a.m. MT.

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Idaho State Historical Society Pre-Proposal Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Idaho State Historical SocietyPre-Proposal Conference State of Idaho RFP02491 RFP issued (October 23, 2012) Pre-Proposal Conference (October 30, 2012) Questions Due (November 1, 2012) Closing Date (November 19, 2012)

  2. Pre-Proposal Conference October 30, 2012 10:00 a.m. MT 10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Welcome and Overview of Procurement Process Sarah Hilderbrand, RFP Lead • Purpose of the Conference: Introduce the state’s procurement team and representatives of Idaho State Historical Society for this Project and provide a forum to record questions from interested Proposers. • All questions asked during the conference must also be submitted in writing; questions are due (in writing) no later than November 1, 2012; answers will be posted to IPRO in the form of an amendment.

  3. Division of Purchasing Procurement Overview Continued • Proposals may be submitted manually or electronically via IPRO, the state’s eProcurement System; technical and cost proposals must be sealed separately (if submitting manually), and identified as provided in the RFP document. Proposers submitting manually are reminded to include a State of Idaho Signature Page, with an original handwritten signature. • Proposers which condition their proposal on the state’s acceptance of alternative terms and conditions, or proposers which state in their proposal that they do not agree to the terms, conditions, requirements or specifications contained in the RFP may be found non-responsive, as provided in the RFP document. • If you have any questions regarding the specifications, including the State’s Standard Terms and Conditions, the Solicitation Instructions to Vendors, or any other requirements or specifications in the RFP, you need to address those during the question and answer period.

  4. Overview of Project 10:15 – 10:30 a.m. Overview of scope of services and goals of Project (ISHS) • ISHS is seeking the services of a contractor to conduct a records holding analysis and prepare and present a final report to ISHS and its committee, which includes both state and local agency representatives. • The successful proposer will conduct a study analyzing the city, county and state records holdings within the state of Idaho and provide recommendations on a number of related matters, including an electronic catalog/unified database for internal and external users; standardized storage protocols; statewide training programs; projected costs of both a low and high technology solution; and recommendations on possible funding mechanisms. • The result of this initial study will be a final written report (prepared in two versions – one addressing a ‘high’ technology solution; and one a ‘low’ technology solution). • There is a not to exceed amount for this initial project of $65,000; however, the contract will be issued with optional renewals, and there may be additional work for the contractor based on the state’s needs and available funding.

  5. Opportunity to ask Questions 10:30 – 10:45 a.m. • Interested Proposers will have an opportunity to submit questions through November 1, 2012. Questions must be submitted in writing, to the RFP Lead. Questions and answers will be posted to IPRO in the form of an amendment to the RFP. • Proposers participating in this conference will have an opportunity to ask questions during the conference. • If you have a question, raise your hand, state your name and the company you represent, and ask your question. • Your question will be recorded. If you have your question in written form, please provide it to the RFP Lead before you leave the conference. • If an answer is available at the conference, the question will be answered. If the state is unable to answer the question during the conference, the question will be answered in the amendment.

  6. Closing Remarks 10:45 – 11:00 a.m. • Proposers are reminded that the sole point of contact for this RFP is the RFP Lead: Sarah Hilderbrand, State Contracts Manager Division of Purchasing P: 208.332.1612 F: 208.327.7320 sarah.hilderbrand@adm.idaho.gov • Submit all questions in writing prior to November 1, 2012. • Review the RFP thoroughly, and respond to all requirements. • Submit a State of Idaho Signature Page with a handwritten original signature is submitting manually. • We appreciate your participation.

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