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High School for Surveyors “E.MASI“. Schools in Italy. Infant School. Primary School. Low Secondary School. Age 6-11. Age 12-14. Age 3-5. High School. Age 14-19. Professional School. Liceo. Technical School. University. A SHORT HISTORY.
Schools in Italy Infant School Primary School Low Secondary School Age 6-11 Age 12-14 Age 3-5 High School Age 14-19 Professional School Liceo Technical School University
A SHORT HISTORY ITG “E.Masi” is a over 50 year old technical school for surveyors, that are technicians who deal with building construction. It was so called as a memorial to Eugenio Masi, a surveyor who died during the second world war, with the rank of captain. A lot of students of our school have become teachers and professional people in the fields of building construction and environment.
Subjects Studied at Eugenio Masi School CLASS 1° /2° Italian History Drawing Science English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Religion Physical Education Information and Communication Tecnology CLASS 3° / 4° / 5° Italian History English Maths Topography Technical drawing Cadastral survey Construction Systems (plumbing, heating, etc) Religion Physical Education
New projects • Topic orientated projects • „TOP s“ • Class 3: job-orientated training • Class 1-2-3: ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) courses • Class 3-4-5: CAD 2D and 3D Courses • Class: All e-twinning and class exchanges • Class: All English Courses
Extra-curricular activities after lessons: Motorcycle Driving Licence Music Film debates Health Education Sports School Newspaper Safety Courses
High School for Surveyors “E.MASI“ 63 teachers 1 secretary - 6 deputy secretaries 8 caretakers Headmistress: Mr Pasquale Palmisano Deputy Heads: Mr Luigi Orsogna Mrs Marina de Palma • Timetable: • Morning lessons 8:10 to 13:10 (Monday to Saturday) • Physical Education lessons 13:30 - 15:30 et 15:30 – 17:30 (Monday to Friday) • occasional afternoon • lessons 15:30 to 19:30 480 pupils On average 23 pupils in a class 20+3 classes
Class teacher We are deeply involved with taking care of our pupils. Each class is taken care of by one teacher: he is in contact with the families who are continuously informed of their disciplinary state and progress. So projects can be done and/or problems can be dealt with more effectively. In some classes with disabled pupils there are „special needs teachers“ who take care of them.
ITC-lessons • Computer technology is introduced to the pupils. It is supposed to be helpful for their future job. Tools are : • Internet investigation • presentation • working with and on technical drawings 2D – 3D • working with texts • English didactic software
FINAL EXAMINATION At the end of Class Five there are written and oral exams in almost all subjects Compulsory written exams: Italian and another professional subject Oral exams in six subjects
taking care of pupils as individuals not only during lessons. taking joint action together with pupils in solving problems.. offering additional projects and giving support. taking care of pupils with choosing a profession. practising close cooperation with our pupils‘ parents. practising close cooperation within staff. What we do to improve the quality of our school
Foggia (pop.154.000), rural area in Puglia, south of Italy. Fields of wheat and tomatoes, olive groves, fruit trees, vineyards. 123 km to Bari airport. 40 Km to Gargano one of the best touristic attraction in Italy. Location