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By Shaelyn

Alcoholism. By Shaelyn. Alcoholism. A disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on alcoholic beverages, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning. Also called alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence.

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By Shaelyn

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alcoholism By Shaelyn

  2. Alcoholism • A disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on alcoholic beverages, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning. Also called alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence.

  3. John disappointed his friends, his family, and his band by having about three dozen straight shots of vodka in one night which lead to his death. • His band (Led Zeppelin) broke up within three months after his death. John Bonham

  4. Drummer and sometimes singer in the band ACDC • Quit school at age 15 to pursue his career as a drummer. • Notorious as a heavy drinker throughout his career. • Died at age 33 of acute alcohol poisoning. Bon Scott

  5. Women that Drink when Pregnant are at Risk • Babies born to women who drink may: • Be born small • Have problems with sight and hearing • Have trouble learning • Have trouble following directions • Need special teachers in school • Have trouble getting along with other people • Need medical care all their lives

  6. Kids Alcoholism • Parents should be careful of choices that they make. • A study published in the September 2006 issue of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescents medicine involving 120 children ranging in age from 2-6 found the following: • Given play money to purchase miniature items from a play store, 28% bought cigarettes and 61% bought alcohol. • Children whose parents smoked were 4 times more likely to buy cigarettes. • Children whose parents drink were three times more likely to buy alcohol.

  7. Teen Alcoholism • Alcohol use among teens increases during high school years. • Alcohol related car accidents are a leading cause of teenage deaths. • Alcohol is also often a cause in other teenage deaths, including suicides, homicides, and people that drown. • Teens who drink are more likely to be sexually active than teens who don’t drink. • Things to look for if you think your teen is drinking: • Less or no interest in activities and hobbies • Bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and memory lapses • Difficulties or changes in relationships with friends, often characterized by joining a new crowd • Declining grades and problems in school • Frequent mood changes and defensive behavior

  8. Effects of Alcoholism on Families • An alcoholic can totally disrupt family life and cause harmful effects that can last a lifetime. Parental alcoholism also has severe effects on normal children of alcoholics (COA’s). • *Low Self-esteem • *Loneliness • *Guilt • *Nightmares • *Bed wetting • *Few friends • *Obsessive perfectionism • *Poor self-image • *Poor grades • *Likely to become alcoholics

  9. Resources • Resources for Alcoholics and families effected by alcoholism. • Central Kansas Foundation 825-6224 • Alcoholics Anonymous 823-3338 • AL-ANON Family Groups 823-1646 • Alcohol AAAAH A Abuse Action Addiction Helpline 800-207-1257 • Innovative Solutions Addictions Treatment Center 452-9200 • Kansas Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous Inc. 823-3058 • Salina Area Prevention Partnership 825-6224 • Veridian Behavioral Health Inc. 823-3654

  10. Alcohol Abuse in Sports • More likely to have cramps • Slows down hand-eye and complex coordination, balance, accuracy, and reaction time • May decrease strength, power, local muscles endurance, speed, and cardiovascular endurance • Negatively effects reaction time, fine and complex motor skills, and balance.

  11. Work Cited • Famous people-alcoholism • http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-deaths-through-alcohol • Famous people-alcoholism2 • http://www.soberrecovery.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-95227.html • Kids may mimic parents-alcoholism • http://discoverer.prod.sirs.com/discoweb/disco/do/article?urn=urn%253Asirs%253AUS%253BARTICLE%253BART%253B0000240929 • John Bonham: http://www.answers.com/topic/john-bonham • Bon Scott: http://www.answers.com/topic/bon-scott • Alcoholism-definition: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/alcoholism • Women that drink when pregnant • http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/DrinkingPregnancy_HTML/pregnancy.htm • Teen alcohol • http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/alcoholism/DS00340/DSECTION=9 • Families: http://allpsych.com/journal/alcoholism.html

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