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Watershed Planning

Watershed Planning. Integrated Regional Water Management Program (IRWMP). DWAC Meeting August 2005. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. Proposition 50, Chapter 8 Program Two Programs: Planning Grant ($12 Million) Implementation Grant ($368 Million)

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Watershed Planning

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  1. Watershed Planning Integrated Regional Water Management Program (IRWMP) DWAC Meeting August 2005

  2. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan • Proposition 50, Chapter 8 Program • Two Programs: • Planning Grant ($12 Million) • Implementation Grant ($368 Million) • Two funding cycles for Implementation Grant: 2005/2007 • 1st- $148 Million • 2nd- $220 Million

  3. Program Preferences • Integrated projects • Regional supply reliability • Water quality • Reduce pollution in impaired waters and sensitive areas • Safe drinking water and water quality in disadvantaged communities

  4. Statewide Priorities • Water rights issues • TMDLs • Watershed Management Initiatives • Non-point Source Pollution Plan • Delta Water Quality Objectives • Floodplain management, desalination, recycling, state species recovery • Environmental justice • CALFED Bay-Delta Program

  5. Los Angeles County South Bay • Regional Area • Watersheds • Ballona Creek • Dominguez • Upper & Lower Santa Monica Bay • Over 2.6 million residents • 7% of the State’s population • Approx. 294 square miles of watershed • Approx. 70 miles of coastline • 3.1% of Ca’s coastline

  6. Watersheds with Cities in Region

  7. Overlay of West Basin’s Service Area

  8. IRWMP Process to Date Previous Plans Draft IRWMPs DWMP Single Draft IRWMP Dominguez BCWMP Workshops Planning Grant Application Ballona IRPs Step 1 Imp. Grant Application Santa Monica UWMPs Others... Final Project Submittals Initial Project Submittals to City of Los Angeles

  9. Goals of the IRWM Plan • Develop an appropriate area for integrated regional water management • Address major water related objectives and conflicts within the region • Identify water management strategies and how to integrate them • Identify short-term and long-term regional priorities • Identify action, projects and studies by which the Plan will be implemented. Identify linkages or interdependence between projects. • Develop a data management system • Demonstrate coordination with local land-use planning decision-makers • Analyze linkages between the Plan and local planning documents • Facilitate stakeholder involvement and communication throughout the Plan development

  10. Implementation Grant Application • Submitted July 14, 2005 • Two-Step application process • Step 2 call back in December and due in Spring 2006 • Funding Awarded Summer 2006 • $148 million available 1st cycle-$50 million maximum • Region requested: $49,889,000 • Goal: • Proposed projects must meet one or more of the objectives of protecting communities from drought, protecting and improving water quality, and improving local water security by reducing dependence on imported water and include at least one of the water management elements. The Implementation Grant is designed for projects that are ready for or nearly ready to proceed to implementation.

  11. Ecosystem Restoration* Environmental and Habitat Protection and Improvement* Water Supply Reliability* Flood Management* Groundwater Management* Recreation and Public Access* Storm water Capture and Management* Water Conservation* Water Quality Protection and Improvement* Water Recycling* Wetlands Enhancement and Creation* Conjunctive Use Desalination Imported Water Land Use Planning NPS Pollution Control Surface Storage Watershed Planning Water and Wastewater Treatment Water Transfers Water Management Strategies

  12. For Implementation Grant Application to be considered for funding, the proposed Plan must meet all of the following minimum standards: • Adopted by January 1, 2007 by all appropriate agencies and organizations; • Participation of at least 3 agencies, two of which have statutory authority over water management; • Contains one or more regional objectives; • Documents that the water management strategies (identified with an asterisk on the previous slide) were considered when formulating the IRWM Plan; • Integrated two or more water management strategies listed; and • Presents project prioritization and a schedule for project implementation to meet regional needs.

  13. Draft IRWMP • Why develop a Draft IRWMP? • Consolidate previous information within region • Assist grant application reviewers • Provide roadmap for development of a formal adopted IRWMP by Dec. 2006 • Score more points on the Implementation Grant application • What did it entail? • Consolidated information from plans prepared by City of LA • Incorporated new information from UWMPs and other sources • Reorganized into a framework to simplify review by State • Submitted with application on July 14

  14. Project Selection Process • Tier 1 Project List Based on: • Equal watershed coverage • # of projects • Amount of funding requested • Most # of projects (22/36) • As many agencies as possible (14/15) • Each agency’s internal ranking • Score based on info. From Project Form and Chapter 8 Guidelines • Meets all Water Management Strategies

  15. JWPCP Marshland Enhancement Large Landscape Conservation/Runoff Reduction Management Program 16th Street Watershed Runoff Treatment, Reuse & Infiltration Project Wilmington Drain Restoration Multiuse Project North Santa Monica Watershed Runoff Treatment, Reuse, and Infiltration Project - Stage One Dockweiler Watershed Runoff Treatment, Reuse, and Infiltration Project - Stage One Machado Lake Artificial Aeration and Circulation Project Ozone Park Retrofit Runoff Treatment, Reuse & Infiltration Project Fwy Runoff Infiltration Madrona/Palos Verdes Lateral Grand Blvd Tree Wells LA Harbor Low-Flow Diversion Peck Park Imperial Highway Sunken Median Culver City BMPs Stone Canyon Creek at UCLA Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project Lafayette Daylighting Goldsworthy Desalter Lomita Integrated Storm to Vadose to Water Supply - Cypress Hill Reservoir Lomita Integrated Storm to Vadose to Water Supply - Oceanview Depression Ballona West Bluff Acquisition and Restoration List of Tier 1 Projects

  16. Projects • 10/22 are within Dominguez Watershed • Address water supply reliability, water quality, and habitat restoration • Meets some of the recommended projects in the Dominguez Watershed Management Master Plan (identified with an asterisk)

  17. Water Supply Reliability Madrona/Palos Verdes Lateral Water Recycling Project* Lomita Integrated Storm to Vadose to Water Supply- Cypress Hill Reservoir Lomita Integrated Storm to Vadose to Water Supply- Oceanview Depression

  18. Water Quality JWPCP Marshland Enhancement* Large Landscape Conservation/Runoff Reduction Management* Machado Lake Artificial Aeration and Circulation Project* Expansion of Goldsworthy Groundwater Desalter Los Angeles Harbor Low-Flow Diversion Project*

  19. Habitat Restoration Wilmington Drain Multi-Use Restoration Project* Peck Park Canyon Restoration Project*

  20. Participating Entities • City of Culver City • City of Lomita • City of Los Angeles • Bureau of Sanitation • Department of Recreation and Parks • City of Santa Monica • City of Torrance • County of Los Angeles- Department of Public Works • County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power • Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative • State Coastal Conservancy • UCLA Institute of the Environment • West Basin Municipal Water District • West Bluffs Conservancy and Ballona Ecosystem Education Project

  21. Supporting Entities • Audubon Society • Ballona Wetlands Land Trust • Betty Karnette, Assembly member (54th District-Long Beach)- Assembly California Legislature • California Center for Land Recycling • California Conservation Corps • City of Manhattan Beach • Heal the Bay • Janice Hahn, Councilwoman 15th District-City of Los Angeles • Mono Lake Committee • Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority • Mountains Restoration Trust • San Gabriel & Lower LA Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) • Southern California Marine Institute • Surfrider Foundation • Water Replenishment District of Southern California

  22. Step 2 Application • Draft PSP released in July • Comments accepted in August • Final PSP released in December • Up to 18 attachments required • Bottom line: • Requires extensive details on benefits, costs and schedule • Assume greater level of effort that Step 1

  23. Schedule of Activities

  24. IRWMP Planning Process-Next Steps

  25. Contacts • West Basin MWD • Jennifer Bender (jenniferb@wcbwater.org) • Leighanne Reeser (leighanner@wcbwater.org) www.westbasin.org

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