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Hardy-Weinberg Problems

Hardy-Weinberg Problems. 2450=bald=q 2 2550 =hairy=p 2 +2pq 5000=total. q=.7 p=1-.7=.3. q 2 = 2450 =.49 5000. . . p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1 .592+2(.59x.41)+.412=1 .35 + .48 + .17 = 1. p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1 32 + 2(.3x.7)+.72=1 .09 + .42 + .49 = 1

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Hardy-Weinberg Problems

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  1. Hardy-Weinberg Problems 2450=bald=q2 2550=hairy=p2+2pq 5000=total q=.7 p=1-.7=.3 q2 =2450 =.49 5000 . p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .592+2(.59x.41)+.412=1 .35 + .48 + .17 = 1 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 32 + 2(.3x.7)+.72=1 .09 + .42 + .49 = 1 9 + 42 + 49 = 100 X 18 H’s 42 h’s 42 H’s60 H’s 60 H’s 102 total genes 42 = .41=q 60 =.59=p 102 102

  2. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #4 6400=smooth tongued=q2 3600=forked tongued=p2+2pq 10,000 6400=q2=.64 10,000 1-q=p 1-.8=.2 q2=.64 q=.8 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .22+2(.2 X .8) + .82=1 .04 + .32 + .64= 1 FF Ff ff 4 + 32 + 64 = 1 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .562+2(.56X.44)+.442=1 .31 + .49 + .19 = 1 X 8 F’s 32 f’s 32 F’s 40 F’s 40 F’s 72 genes 40=.56=p 32=.44=q 72 72 a. freq.of F=.2 freq. of f =.8 b. .32 Ff c. freq.of F=.56 freq. of f =.44 d. FF=.31 Ff =.49 ff =.19

  3. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #5 3120=.65=q2 4800 q2=.65 q=.81 3120=brown eyed=q2 1680=black eyed=p2+2pq 4800 p=1-.81 p=.19 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .192+2(.19 x .81)+.812=1 .04 + .31 + .65 =1 BB Bb bb

  4. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #6 4860=q2=.81 6000 4860=white=q2 1140=green=p2+2pq 6000 p=1-.9 p=.1 q2=.81 q=.9 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .12+2(.1 x .9)+ .92=1 .01 + .18 + .81 =1 GG Gg gg 1 18 81 =100 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .532 +2(.53 X .47)+.472=1 .28 + .50 + .22 = 1 GG Gg gg .78 green x 2G’s 18g’s 18G’s 20G’s 20G’s 38genes 20=.53=p 18=.47=q 38 38

  5. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #7 1600 weak-legged=q2 8400 strong-legged=p2 +2pq 10,000 1600=q2=.16 10,000 q2=.16 q=.4 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .62+2(.6 X .4)+.42=1 .36 + .48 + .16 = 1 AA Aa aa p=1-.4 p=.6 a. .4 b. .6 c. .36 d. .48

  6. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #8 180=q2=.36 500 180=nude=q2 320=hairy=p2+2pq 500 p=1-.6 p=.4 q2=.36 q=.6 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .42+2(.4 x .6)+ .62=1 .16 + .48 + .36 =1 HH Hh hh 16x.5 48x.5 36 =100 8 24 36 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .292 +2(.29 X .71)+.712=1 .08 + .41 + .50 = 1 HH Hh hh .49 hairy 16H’s 24h’s 40H’s 24H’s72h’s96h’s 40H’s 96h’s 136genes a. .4 e. .49 b. .48 c. .16 d. .71 40=.29=p 96=.71=q 136 136

  7. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #9 2400=q2=.16 15000 2400=normal=q2 12600=clumsy=p2+2pq 15000 p=1-.4 p=.6 q2=.16 q=.4 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .62+2(.6 x .4)+ .42=1 .36 + .48 + .16 =1 RR Rr rr 36X.25 48X.25 16 9 12 16 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .412 +2(.41 X .59)+.592=1 .17 + .48 + .35 = 1 GG Gg gg .65 clumsy 18R’s 12r’s 30R’s 12R’s 32r’s 44r’s 30R’s 44r’s 74genes a. .6 e. .48 i. .35 b. .4 f. .59 c. .36 g. .41 d. 16 h. .65 30=.41=p 44=.59=q 74 74

  8. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #10 720=q2=0.0144 50000 720=dark=q2 49280=light=p2+2pq 50000 p=1-.12 p=.88 q2=.0144 q=.12 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .882+2(.88 x .12)+ .122=1 .774 + .21 + .0144 =1 RR Rr rr 774X.10 210X.10 14 77.4 21 14 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .782 + 2(.78 x .22)+ .222=1 .61 + .34 + .04 =1 RR Rr rr 61X.10 34X.10 4 6 3.4 4 12L’s 3.4l’s 15.4L’s 3.4L’s 8 l’s 11.4 l’s 15.4L’s 11.4l’s 26.8genes 155L’s 21l’s 176L’s 21L’s 28l’s 49l’s 176L’s 49l’s 225genes 15.4=.57=p 11.4=.43=q 26.8 26.8 2nd generation 176=.78=p 49=.22=q 225 225 1st gen.

  9. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #10 cont. p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .572+2(.57 x .43)+ .432=1 .32 + .49 + .19 =1 RR Rr rr 32X.1 49X.1 19 3.2 4.9 19 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .212 + 2(.21 x .79)+ .792=1 .04 + .33 + .62 =1 RR Rr rr 4X.1 33X.1 62 .4 3.3 62 .8 L’s 3.3 l’s 4.1 L’s 3.3 L’s 62.0 l’s 65.3 l’s 4.1 L’s 65.3 l’s 56 genes 6.4L’s 4.9 l’s 11.3 L’s 4.9L’s 38 l’s 42.9 l’s 11.3L’s 42.9l’s 54.1genes 4th generation 4.1=.06=p 25.3 =.94=q 69.9 69.4 3rd generation 11.3=.21=p 42.9=.79=q 54.1 54.1

  10. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #11 240=q2=0.04 6000 240=camou=q2 5760=solid=p2+2pq 6000 p=1-.2 p=.8 q2=.04 q=.2 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .82 + 2(.8 x .2) + .22 =1 .64 + .32 + .04 = 1 RR Rr rr 64X.1 32X.1 4 6.4 3.2 4 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 (.59)2 + 2(.59 x .41)+ (.41)2=1 .34 + .48 + .17 =.99 RR Rr rr a. .8 e. .59 b. .2 f. .41 c. .32 g. .34 d. .64 h. .48 12.8L’s 3.2 l’s 16 L’s 3.2L’s 8 l’s 11.2 l’s 16 L’s 11.2 l’s 27.2 genes 16=.59=p 11.2=.41=q 27.2 27.2

  11. Hardy-Weinberg Problems #12 1200=total sample=p2+2pq+q2 - 27=sickle-cell=q2 1173=p2+2pq q2=.0225 q=.15 p=1- .15 p=.85 27=q2=0.0225 1200 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 .852 + 2(.85 x.15) + .152 =1 .7225 + .255 + .0225 = 1 AA Aa aa 722.5X.2 255 22.5 144.5 255 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 (.68)2 + 2(.68 x .32)+(.32)2=1 .46 + .44 + .10 =.99 AA Aa aa X a. .15 b. .85 c. .7225 d. .255 e. 68 f. .32 g. .46 h. .44 289A’s 255a’s 255A’s 544A’s 544A’s 799 genes 544=.68=p 255=.32=q 799 799

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