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Craig Mitchelmore portfolio l a visionary in the field of human potential. There is a day when we awaken and ask questions of ourselves, them, all, this. And slumbering alongside the question lies a bear ; It is our answer which, staring us in the face seems veiled, invisible
Craig Mitchelmore portfolio l a visionary in the field of human potential
There is a day when we awaken and ask questions of ourselves, them, all, this. And slumbering alongside the question lies a bear; It is our answer which, staring us in the face seems veiled, invisible staring back at one… Waiting, to see if we can overcome the anxiety to prod it out of its hibernation.
content introduction laboutl contactlfees visionary l education crisis l open brilliance coach l life l business l change management speaker l engagements l integrative thinking writer l articles l while my soul breathes lpoet
about Craig sees life differently. His outlook on life has been with a focus on the improvement of his fellow man. His personality is dynamic, creative, deep thinking, outgoing and visionary. These qualities, his love of people and his fascination with human potential have enabled him to reach out to understand, create and engage change. He fundamentally believes we have to explore, create and institute reformulated contexts and constructs in education and business. This is the evolution of society mapped to an accelerated shifting human landscape where we are seeing that the ways mankind did things yesterday, are obsolete for today and tomorrow. Craig life coaches clients and contributes to social upliftment by offering his services as a mentor. His career experience in senior management and executive positions, being well-read and his role as a divorced, involved parent enable him to speak from a variety of real-life angles. His public speaking and writing skills are exceptional, laced with humour and hard-hitting reality. He communicates at all levels, from executive board to junior scholar. introduction laboutl contactlfees
contact telephone +27 (0)82 575 7316 fax +27 (0)11 791 0306 email craig.mitchelmore@vodamail.co.za website www.polarity-consulting.net physical bush hill close, boskruin, randburg, 2188, south africa postal po box 569, douglasdale, 2165, south africa skype craig.mitchelmore facebook www.facebook.com/craig.mitchelmore introduction laboutl contactlfees
fees consulting R900 per hour* speaking engagement R5000 per hour* life coaching R500 per session* (90 mins) business coaching R500 per session* (90 mins) *All fees exclude travel outside of Gauteng, South Africa & exclude accommodation introduction laboutl contactlfees
education crisis South Africa is faced with an education crisis of enormous proportions. It is not a lack of funding, in fact government has radically stepped up fund allocation to education in the past 15 years. The problem lies primarily in context, style and then in content. The world’s demands for knowledge, creativity, solution-mindedness, and unique thinking is rapidly outstripping the supply output from our education systems. Children these days are so far ahead of the education curve in terms of communication, access to information, networking and cultural barrier disintegration. Herein lies the solution, not the problem. Education needs to evolve in terms of context, style, communication, content, research and simple fundamental basics on the classroom environment. Children have to “power down” when they attend school because of the lack of education dynamics relative to the real world. We need to learn from our children's creative prowess, invigorate our appetite to make mistakes, think dynamically and attune ourselves into the world of our children, not them into ours. visionary l education crisis l open brilliance
open brilliance This is Craig’s creative brainchild, developed to shift how we educate our children to empower them to function in a world requiring that we do things differently so that we may achieve different outcomes in our embattled environmental, financial, education, medical and societal landscapes. Open Brilliance is a structured program exploring the real talent and passion of youngsters from 12 – 25 years of age, then mapping that against forecast sector shifts, and global and regional trends. Candidates are then exposed to applicable real world environments to give them hands-on exposure, thinking, application and confidence to leapfrog their starting points post-education. Open Brilliance’s life and business coaching arms consistently guide, nurture and inform the candidate, their parents and the educators in their space. Open Brilliance activates the talent and genius of every child to create individual destinies. visionary l education crisis l open brilliance
life coach Craig’s life coaching interventions, done through his company Polarity, are incredibly simple yet challenging and explorative for his clients , where he exposes his clients to so much more than they believe they knew about themselves, their self-belief systems, their gifts, and defining their immense internal power of creation. He coaches his clients on how to drive their life purpose into existence using practical step-by-step techniques, and where necessary swings into business coaching to amplify and expedite the client’s practical and entrepreneurial delivery of their dream . This work that he does with his clients requires their commitment and the desire to expose their patterns of life that are simply the messages that indicate whether they are either moving with purpose, or grinding against it. www.polarity-consulting.net coach l life l business l change management
business coach • Craig’s business coaching interventions are designed to assist clients to realise the potential of an idea that they create and to provide a platform of support for entrepreneurial aptitude. • This will involve coaching the client through the dynamics and practicalities of: • start-up phase of business, • administrative requirements • strategy and organisational design • financial modelling & forecasting • sales, marketing and relationship management • process efficiencies & engineering • supply chain management • hr related skills • distribution • www.polarity-consulting.net coach l life l business l change management
change management Change management is critical to the long-term success of any shift in the static and dynamic elements of any organisation. Very often this aspect of change project planning, implementation, delivery and analysis is seen as a soft task, yet the ramifications of poor communication, poor training and poor understanding of the change at functional levels in the business can render the project outcomes as failed or struggling. Change management has to include (prior to the change), inputs from every level of the organisation, the accumulation of ideas and concerns and an acute level of understanding. This requires leadership across the business unit, close monitoring of planned outcomes and responsive pro-active management of unplanned direct and indirect effects of the change event. Change is the one true constant in business that has the power to deliver success or failure, dependant on the management thereof. www.polarity-consulting.net coach l life l business l change management
speaking engagements This is where Craig is most comfortable – in front of audiences communicating, creating alternative thought and recognition avenues, and personally in the mix of direct audience interaction. His speaking style is eloquent, classical, and humourous with a quality of English vocabulary that is distinctly intelligent, educated, and professional. His speaking engagements are powerful mixes of great research, lateral thinking, props and audience participation. He is a member of PSASA (Professional Speakers Association of SA) and has spoken at various events throughout his career. Recently he spoke at GIBS (The Gordon Institute of Business Science) in South Africa where he spoke to the global management team of a multinational corporate about “Talent in the year 2025”. He has also spoken to various teams from UCS and Software AG to expand their vistas of creative and lateral thinking, implementation and personal dynamics awareness. Craig says it like it is, invigorates, excites, and holds an audience’s attention in remarkable style. www.polarity-consulting.net speaker l engagements l integrative thinking
integrative thinking This 9 hour (1 day) seminar is an exploration of the mechanics and background of our modern thinking within the full context of society. It is vastly insightful and reveals the mechanisms that limit our thinking as a simple result of the ideology that “we do it like this, because we have always done it like this”. Integrative Thinking will also consolidate various aspects of mental constructs that will shift people to higher and more aware levels of capacity. The programme was developed by Craig for individuals, teams, and corporate environments to provide an avenue for breaking down limiting thought patterns, shedding fear-based behaviours, and creating self-awareness of their potential and stimulating this into actuality, and ultimately creating the space for our clients to maintain success in life, career and business. cost: R1500 per candidate (minimum 15 candidates per seminar) www.polarity-consulting.net speaker l engagements l integrative thinking
writer • Craig’s vision, thinking and ability to communicate is evident in the articles that he writes and posts on www.polarity-consulting.net, with topics such as: • “Letting go of shame-based thinking” • “Coping with divorce” • “Employee performance breakdown during personal trauma” • “Managing talent in recessionary times” • “Is today’s education ready for our children’s future” • He is presently writing a book entitled “While my Soul Breathes” with the aim of providing readers with the ability to gain insights into happiness, the powerful abilities we all have in our human condition, and the gifts that we all have the potential to bring to our fellow men. • His final iteration as a communicator is via poetry. Spurred on by the genius of the poet David Whyte, Craig realised the power of poetry to send a message backed by creative genius and thought provoking style. Some of his poetry can be viewed at www. poemscribe.wordpress.com writer l articles l while my soul breathes l poet
final insight In conclusion, Craig provides this insight into why he does the work he does. “In 2006 I completed a Vision Quest (“Hanblecheyapi”) under the traditions of the Lakota Sioux culture (North American Indians) where I gained intense and intimate spiritual vision during four days and nights of continuous fasting, without shelter, and alone in a wilderness area. This vision of the gift of communication, I was to gain so that in the words of the Sioux “my culture can survive”. I do what I do for this is my real world life direction. I simply wish to make a difference...this is the food of my soul”. (Craig Mitchelmore) conclusion l finalinsight