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Simulating CO 2 Sequestration

Simulating CO 2 Sequestration. Hans-Joachim Bungartz , Tobias Weinzierl , Aron Ahmadia KAUST-TUM Special Partnership http:// www.mac.tum.de.

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Simulating CO 2 Sequestration

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  1. Simulating CO2 Sequestration Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Tobias Weinzierl, Aron Ahmadia KAUST-TUM Special Partnership http://www.mac.tum.de The goal of this project is to design and investigate novel approaches to modeling and simulation of CO2 sequestration processes in the context of enhanced oil recovery. The project involves both fine-grain simulations - with all related aspects from multi-phase schemes via numerical algorithms to high-performance computing issues - and homogenization approaches to efficiently capture the fine-grain effects on the macro-scale. This work requires experts in flow physics, mathematical modeling, numerical algorithms, optimization and inverse problems, and high-performance to work collaboratively. Three-dimensional three-phase flow domain containing blocks with low permeability. Spatial separation of phases occurs due to the gravity (above). Transition of supercritical CO2 and water into dissolved CO2 (below). Nikolai Botkin and Karl-Heinz Hoffmann A multiscale adaptive Cartesian grid representation of a microscale pore geometry (left) and complex geometries common to porous media typical in oil recovery (right) generated by the Peano CFD solver. The high capability of the KAUST Shaheen supercomputer will allow for even higher fidelity physical models for CO2 sequestration, long-term analysis of flow behavior enabled by load-balanced dynamic adaptivity over regions of interest. Aron Ahmadia, Michael Lieb, Miriam Mehl, Tobias Neckel, and Tobias Weinzierl

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