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The Outcomes of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4)

The Outcomes of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4). Aid Quality & Architecture Division Development Co-operation Directorate OECD. HLF-4, 2011 ( Busan ) a turning point for international development co-operation HLF-3, 2008 (Accra) HLF-2, 2005 (Paris)

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The Outcomes of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4)

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  1. The Outcomes of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) Aid Quality & Architecture Division Development Co-operation Directorate OECD

  2. HLF-4, 2011 (Busan) • a turning point for international development co-operation • HLF-3, 2008 (Accra) • HLF-2, 2005 (Paris) • HLF-1, 2003 (Rome)

  3. Busan: a successful forum • Lead role by developing countriesin setting the development agenda • Evidence-based process confirming the broad relevance of the Paris principles and supporting international accountability • Whole-of-government forum ensuring high-level commitment for a global and forward-looking agenda • An inclusive agreement underpinned by transparent negotiations • Complementary, voluntary initiatives to reach common goals

  4. The outcomes of the HLF-4 A new global partnership: the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation • A wide-range of development actors • Combining forces from all development partners • Reaffirmation of the commitment to Paris/Accra principles • Sharedprinciples, differentiatedcommitments


  6. Key commitments • Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation • (includes reaffirmation of commitments contained in theParis Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action) HLF4 Outcome Document Stakeholder-specific efforts to support implementation / deepen commitments

  7. The HLF-4 in relation to results and statistical development – what does the evidence tell? • Significantprogress in: • adoptingresults-orientedframeworks • designing/implementing National Strategies for the Development of Statistics • But progressstilllaggingbehind • Managing for development results should be further targeted and treated as a set of supporting techniques rather than a separate principle in itself • Limited evidence on the extent to whichdonors are using countries’ own M&E systems for theirownreportingneeds

  8. The HLF-4 in relation to results and statistical development – outcomes • Increased focus on development results through: • Joint risk management frameworks • Country-led and country-level results frameworks with performance indicators consistent with national development strategies • A global Action Plan to enhance capacity for statistics to monitor progress, evaluate impact ensure sound, results-focused public sector management • Mutual assessment reviews, with the active participation of all development actors • Strengthening country systems remain central to efforts to build effective institutions: • Use country systems as the default approach • Assess jointly country systems using mutually agreed diagnostic tools

  9. The HLF-4 in relation to results and statistical development – complementary initiatives • The Busan Action Plan for Statistics • A New Consensus on Effective Institutions and Policies • Results Building Block: agreement between developing countries and development co-operation providers to work together to strengthen their cooperation and structures to track results and deepen accountability through country results and accountability agreements: • frameworks that measure the performance of both the developing country and the development cooperation provider, with a limited number of sustainable outcome/output results to be achieved, • use existing structures and frameworks and Strengthen and use Developing Country Systems: e.g. the strengthening of statistical, monitoring, evaluation systems and evidence-based decision making

  10. Busan Action Plan for Statistics – Three Goals • Fully integrate statistics in decision making. • Improve policy makers ability to use statistics • Involve statistical producers in planning, budgeting, and M&E discussions • Promote open access to statistics • Within government and to the public • Increase resources for statistical systems

  11. Busan Action Plan for Statistics – Five Actions • Implement statistical strategies according to national priorities • Facilitate public access to data through standards and new technologies • Increase knowledge and skills needed to use statistics effectively • Global summits to recognize the need for national statistical capacity • Ensure financing is robust and funding mechanisms responsive Implementation arrangements to be discussed at February 2012 UNSC and March 2012 PARIS21 Annual Meetings

  12. www.busanhlf4.org www.oecd.org/dac

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