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INFANCY GOSPEL OF JAMES And the high priest said, "Joseph, fear the Lord your God and remember what God did to Dathan and Abiron and Kore, how the earth split open and swallowed them because of their rebellion. Now fear God, Joseph, so that these things do not happen in your house."
APOCALYPSE OF PETER And near this flame there is a great and very deep pit and into it there flow all kinds of things from everywhere: judgement (?), horrifying things and excretions. And the women (are) swallowed up (by this) up to their necks and are punished with great pains. These are they who have procured abortions and have ruined the work of God which he has created. Opposite them is another place where the children sit, but both alive, and they cry to God…And they sigh and cry to God because of their parents, ‘These are they who neglected and cursed and transgressed thy commandment. They killed us and cursed the angel who created (us) and hung us up.’
PAPYRUS OXY. 840 Replying to [the Pharisee], the savior said, "Woe to blind people who do not see! You have washed in the gushing waters that dogs and pigs are thrown into day and night. And when you washed yourself, you scrubbed the outer layer of skin, the layer of skin that prostitutes and flute-girls anoint and wash and scrub when they put on make up to become the desire of the men. But inside they are filled with scorpions and all unrighteousness. But my disciples and I, whom you say have not washed, we have washed in waters of eternal life that come from the God of heaven. But woe to those . . . " (P.Oxy 840)
GOSPEL OF THOMAS Jesus said, "Damn the Pharisees! They are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger: the dog neither eats nor [lets] the cattle eat.“ (Gos. Thom. 102)
SECRET BOOK OF JAMES Woe to those who have seen the Son of Man! Blessed are those who have not seen the Man, and who have not consorted with him, and who have not spoken with him, and who have not listened to anything from him. Yours is life! Know, therefore, that he healed you when you were ill, in order that you might reign. Woe to those who have rested from their illness, because they will relapse again into illness! Blessed are those who have not been ill, and have known rest before they became ill. (Ch. 3) Now when he saw our rejoicing, he said: "Woe to you who are in want of an advocate! Woe to you who are in need of grace! Blessed are those who have spoken freely and have produced grace for themselves.” (Ch. 7) Blessed are those who have known me. Woe to those who have heard and have not believed! Blessed are those who have not seen but have had faith! (Ch. 8)
BOOK OF THOMAS Then the savior continued, saying, "Woe to you, godless ones, who have no hope, who rely on things that will not happen! "Woe to you who hope in the flesh and in the prison that will perish!…” "Woe to you within the grip of the burning that is in you, for it will devour your flesh openly and rend your souls secretly, and prepare you for your companions! "Woe to you who love intimacy with womankind and polluted intercourse with them! Woe to you in the grip of the powers of your body, for they will afflict you! Woe to you in the grip of the forces of the evil demons! Woe to you who beguile your limbs with fire! Who is it that will rain a refreshing dew on you to extinguish the mass of fire from you along with your burning? Who is it that will cause the sun to shine upon you to disperse the darkness in you and hide the darkness and polluted water?”
HISTORY OF JOSEPH Woe to the day on which I was born into the world! Woe to the womb which bare me! Woe to the bowels which admitted me! Woe to the breasts which suckled me! Woe to the feet upon which I sat and rested! Woe to the hands which carried me and reared me until I grew up! For I was conceived in iniquity, and in sins did my mother desire me. Woe to my tongue and my lips, which have brought forth and spoken vanity, detraction, falsehood, ignorance, derision, idle tales, craft, and hypocrisy! Woe to my eyes, which have looked upon scandalous things! Woe to mine ears, which have delighted in the words of slanderers! Woe to my hands, which have seized what did not of right belong to them! Woe to my belly and my bowels, which have lusted after food unlawful to be eaten! Woe to my throat, which like a fire has consumed all that it found! Woe to my feet, which have too often walked in ways displeasing to God! (ch. 26).
EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLES But they that walk in truth and in the knowledge of the faith, and have love towards me--for they have endured insult--they shall be praised for that they walk in poverty and endure them that hate them and put them to shame. Men have stripped them naked, for they despised them because they continued in hunger and thirst, but after they have endured patiently, they shall have the blessedness of heaven, and they shall be with me for ever. But woe unto them that walk in pride and boasting, for their end is perdition. (Ep. Apos. 38)
ADDITIONAL CURSE STORIES Children Turned into Goats (Syriac Life of Mary and Slav. Infancy Gospel of Thomas).
ADDITIONAL CURSE STORIES Children Turned into Goats (Syriac Life of Mary and Slav. Infancy Gospel of Thomas). Curse on a man who would not consort with his wife (Arab. Gos. Inf. 29).
ADDITIONAL CURSE STORIES Children Turned into Goats (Syriac Life of Mary and Slav. Infancy Gospel of Thomas). Curse on a man who would not consort with his wife (Arab. Gos. Inf. 29). Mother of Cleopas cast down a well (Arab. Gos. Inf. 39).
ADDITIONAL CURSE STORIES Children Turned into Goats (Syriac Life of Mary and Slav. Infancy Gospel of Thomas). Curse on a man who would not consort with his wife (Arab. Gos. Inf. 29). Mother of Cleopas cast down a well (Arab. Gos. Inf. 39). Dormition of Mary 8 (John says “let those who crucified you and did not believe in you be troubled”), 35 (Jews who try to burn Mary’s house are burnt by a fire sent by an angel), 46 (an angel severs the hands of a Jew trying to interfere with Mary’s body).
INFANCY GOSPEL OF JAMES And the midwife went in and said, "Mary, position yourself, for not a small test concerning you is about to take place.“ When Mary heard these things, she positioned herself. And Salome inserted her finger into her body. And Salome cried out and said, "Woe for my lawlessness and the unbelief that made me test the living God. Look, my hand is falling away from me and being consumed in fire." And Salome dropped to her knees before the Lord, saying, "God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, do not expose me to the children of Israel, but give me back to the poor. For you know, Lord, that I have performed service and received my wage from you." Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared, saying to her, "Salome, Salome, the Lord of all has heard your entreaty. Stretch out your hand to the child and lift him up and he will be salvation and joy for you."