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Welcome to Room 101!. Back to School Night Tuesday, September 18, 2007. Looking Ahead…. Our class mothers Mrs. Gilfillan and Mrs. Szalay will be organizing our participation in the following events:
Welcome to Room 101! Back to School Night Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Looking Ahead… • Our class mothers Mrs. Gilfillan and Mrs. Szalay will be organizing our participation in the following events: • Halloween, December Holidays, 100 DAY/Valentine’s Day, International Day, Field Day, June Class Picnic, Class Field Trips • Please use the sign up sheets for these events and the November Conferences
Important!Arrival: No earlier than 8:20 Lineup on blacktop unless bad weather • Dismissal: Front and side doors. Please do not leave a message concerning a change in your child’s dismissal plan on my voice mail or email during the school day. The best way to keep me informed is to write a note. I check the folders each day and review the notes sent with the children before dismissal.
Important! • Emergencies:If there is an emergency that requires a change during the school day, please phone the office and ASK THE SECRETARY TO PHONE MY CLASSROOM WITH THE MESSAGE. • Bus Students: The school policy states that a “bus child” is a “bus child” without a note even if the child says otherwise. A child scheduled for an Enrichment Class will be sent to the class unless there is a note stating otherwise. • Appropriate clothing for recess please!
Homework • Handwriting – Monday and Tuesday-September to November • – Parental support essential • Math– Monday and Tuesday – December to June – Parental support essential • Spelling – Weekly lists beginning in November – Parental support essential • Reading – Monday through Thursday – “Just Right” books – 20 minutes / night -Parental support essential
FAQ • How do we celebrate birthdays? If your schedule allows you to read a birthday book (selected by your child) to our class, that can be arranged with me. It is not necessary to schedule on the exact day. Often birthday books are read near rather than on the birthday. Summer birthdays can be scheduled any time during the year. If you want to send a book for me to read to the class, that is fine too. There are no “eat treats” involved…just the book. After reading the book, Mom/Dad and birthday child may choose a treat from Mr. Pesapane’s treasure chest.
FAQ What about snacks? A healthy, simple snack is best. Snack time has a ten minute spot in our schedule. Please send it in a bag or container separate from lunch. Snacks may not be shared because of possible allergies. Peanut free snacks. All medications must be administered by our nurse, Karen Leister…even cough drops.
Specials Schedule • Monday – health/library • Tuesday – gym/tech • Wednesday – music • Thursday –art • Friday – gym/CGL
Field Trips Sandy Hook Theater production (TBA)
Behavior Goals • Code of Behavior - Our goals are reflective of the Code of Behavior and the agreement you reviewed with your child last week. • THEMES – caring, confidence, responsibility, teamwork, motivation, effort, common sense, perseverance, initiative, sportsmanship • The themes will be developed through literature, roll playing, and everyday events. • Class rewards – tallies, punch, math • “Fall Survival”
First Grade Curriculum • Language Arts: There is “no cap” on reading, highly individualized, read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, individual reading, and independent reading instruction • -Word Work includes phonics, spelling, mechanics, dictation - Good Habits, Great Readers - Words their Way - Balanced Literacy approach - Writing Workshop includes: language experience, shared writing, interactive writing, guided writing, independent writing, Collins writing - Zaner-Bloser Handwriting
First Grade Curriculum • Math: Harcourt, “hands-on” through the use of manipulatives and games -patterns and functions and how numbers relate -data analysis (graphing) -numerical operations -geometry -sorting and classifying, -estimating -problem solving -language (vocabulary development, explanation of thinking through speaking and writing) -calendar: date, time, temperature, graphing, money observations, recording information
First Grade Curriculum • Social Studies • -communities • - traditions and customs • - history • - geography • - maps • - biographies • - cultures
First Grade Curriculum Science *new curriculum* Students learn science best by doing science. Using inquiry based learning we will study… • How to make observations and predictions • Matter • Living and Non-Living Things • Astronomy • Rocks and Soil • Weather • Scientists
Monet Georgia O’Keeffe Museums on the Move
Sources of Information • SBS Express • SBS Website: • http://www.chatham-nj.org/coin/sbs/welcome.htm
Contact Information : emailrvogel@chatham-nj.org voice mailExtension 342I check both after 7 pm. If I do not respond within a day or two, please send a note. There are problems with both on occasion.
What can you do to help? • Individual actions have collective consequences. • Allow mistakes to be a place to begin again. • Help your child become resourceful and to make meaningful choice. • Encourage risk taking and trial and error learning. • Encourage your child to make observations and predictions.
What can you do to help? • Make math a part of living. Point to math in life experiences…when it has the most meaning. • Keep learning AUTHENTIC. • READ, READ, READ, READ to and with your child. • Remember that homework is to teach responsibility, not to challenge.
YOUR Assignments • See Class Mothers about dues • Sign up for conferences and classroom volunteer work • Leave a note
Team Teaching! The destination (second grade) is important…but let’s enjoy the journey with your child together! Thank you for sharing this evening!