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EDAB Implementation of APG Technology Hub Initiative

EDAB Implementation of APG Technology Hub Initiative. October 9, 2013. Program Activities Suggested to Address Three Strategic Priorities.

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EDAB Implementation of APG Technology Hub Initiative

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EDAB Implementation of APG Technology Hub Initiative October 9, 2013

  2. Program Activities Suggested to Address Three Strategic Priorities • Targeting outreach marketing to companies doing business with APG organizations, including SBIR companies and those involved in C4ISR and Chem/Bio initiatives. • Establishing commercialization services to promote homegrown technology development among the base of inventors residing in the Aberdeen Region. • Supporting the proposed educational partnership with APG to aggregate and serve as a clearinghouse and program development facilitator • Advancing specialized institutes in high priority skills development and R&D areas requiring university collaborations, such as cybersecurity and chem/bio defense. • Developing a talent connector to graduates of nearby universities and high skilled residents for meeting the demands for STEM-related workforce. • Advancing transit-oriented mixed use development hubs for growing the Aberdeen Region’s Technology District.

  3. Proposed Activities Overview:

  4. Proposed Activities Overview (cont’d.)

  5. EDAB Role:

  6. EDAB Role (cont’d.)

  7. Commercialization Services:“Valley of Death” between technology transfer and developing technologies into products that have market success.

  8. Commercialization Services (cont’d.)“Valley of Death” between technology transfer and developing technologies into products that have market success.

  9. Educational Partnership Clearinghouse

  10. Advancing Specialized Institutes

  11. Advancing Transit-Oriented Mixed Use Development Hubs

  12. Partners for Success University Center @ HEAT Northeast Maryland Higher Education Advisory Board

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