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FVE for human Intelligence (HUMINT) and the 309 th Military Intelligence Battalion. Manuel Del-Villar Post University EDU505 – Prof. Rebecca Waters. Composition and History of 309 th Military Intelligence Battalion.
FVE for human Intelligence (HUMINT) and the 309th Military Intelligence Battalion Manuel Del-Villar Post University EDU505 – Prof. Rebecca Waters
Composition and History of 309th Military Intelligence Battalion The 309th Military Intelligence Battalion is comprised of Active and Reserve component Soldiers, department of the Army civilians (DACs), and contracted instructors provided by companies such as Raytheon, General Dynamics, SAIC, Northrup Grumman, Engility and CACI who support the Military Intelligence professionals on Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Fort Huachuca and the United States Army Center of Intelligence (USAICoE) are charged with training and doctrine (TRADOC). The 309th Military Intelligence Battalion conducts initial entry, collective, and functional training to produce competent, disciplined, and physically fit military intelligence warriors, instilled with the Army values, ready to join the Army at war.
Attributes for success. Training quality – understand the ‘why’ and the ‘how’. Why is this training important? How do I make connection of the ideas, objects and relationships presented? Developmental characteristics – Construct a cognitive curiosity and relevance. Utilize Blooms Taxonomy 6 levels of teaching and learning: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation Education Principles –clearly identify, organize the understanding of self and group collaboration. Foster a sense of shared responsibility and team work.
Technology – Class multipliers. How can the 309th Military Intelligence Battalion deliver quality program of instruction (POI) to future adult learners (trainees)? The 309th Military Intelligence Battalion utilizes state of the Art equipment which enhances cognitive learning abilities. The HUMINT Committee utilizes detention holding facility simulators, weapons simulators, improvised explosive device (IED) simulators, computer labs, black board, Smart board, Video teleconference (VTC), Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) gear, and Distributed Common Ground System – Army (DCGS-A) to provide relevant and up to date training that soldiers would experience if they were in combat or deployed worldwide. All training is concurrent with up to date feedback from the Combined arms Center (CAC) which gathers real time lessons learned from units world wide. Utilizing the CAC, students are given the most up to date information on training, guidance, and Doctrine.
College – Pursue higher learning. How can the 309th Military Intelligence Battalion captivate students to pursue higher learning? The army provides student trainees with college credits for what they learn which makes the students more completive with current college students. The students are evaluated within the school house by HUMINT instructors which feed the information to Cochise College. Cochise College then enters the school house data and generates college transcripts for those students who elect to participate in the college credit program.
Training support, oversight and Evaluations. What proficiencies and services will be needed to support the future student? All 309th Military Intelligence instructors are subject matter experts (SME) in all aspects of Human Intelligence (HUMINT). The 309th Military Intelligence battalion has the training, oversight & evaluations (TO&E) which conducts frequent instructor performance evaluations (IPE), schedules instructors for advanced instructor training which enhances current Instructors confidence, knowledge, and hones current teaching methodologies geared to teaching adult learners utilizing the Army’s Adult learning model (ALM) 2015.
Overview of Scanning “Depending on the organization's beliefs about environmental analyzability and the extent that it intrudes into the environment to understand it, four modes of scanning may be differentiated: undirected viewing, conditioned viewing, enacting, and searching.” (Choo, C. W. (2001, October 1). Environmental scanning as information seeking and organizational learning. Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http://www.informationr.net/ir/7-1/paper112.html). “Scanning —systematic survey of information sources focusing on trends.” (FUTURING. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http:// www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ex-Gov/Futuring.html).
Pros and Cons of Scanning “The benefits of scanning are not solely economic or financial. In an in-depth case study of environmental scanning at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Murphy (1987) concluded that scanning is an important component of the organization's strategic planning process, improving the Center's ability to react to and implement change in response to external factors.” Choo, C. W. (2001, October 1). Environmental scanning as information seeking and organizational learning. Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http://www.informationr.net/ir/7-1/paper112.html).
A Conceptual Framework for Environmental Scanning (Choo, 2001: 103)
Overview of Scenarios Scenarios are recognized as an effective method for forecasting the future. Scenarios are beneficial in forecasting because they deal with the uncertainty of a situation. Scenario creation focuses on identifying what might happen. This allows for analyzing the problem and determining what the consequences might be in light of the information available and in light of our own reactions to possible events. Reference: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ex-Gov/Futuring.html#ixzz3ysyqIGeS
Pros and Cons of Scenarios Some of the benefits of scenarios are the already collected data, which saves burden of asking demographic questions and often works well to combine with other data collection strategies Some of the cons may not address all of the questions of interest, nor may the data be gathered using different context or forms of questions than desired. Additional constraints on scenarios may be difficult to develop high quality items as the response rate may often be lower and may also require a great effort to receive reasonable responses, and lastly interpretation of responses can be challenging.
Technology trends • Computer labs • SMART Boards • Blackboard • Avatar • IED Simulators • DCCGS-A • Training detention facilities to simulate real world experiences
Economic and budget Todays Army is facing severe budget cuts, which hinders the training of today’s adult learners in the 309th Military Intelligence Battalion. Sequestration across the board cut hinder and threaten National security and training in today’s Army.
Demographic trends • Active and Reserve component Soldiers • Department of the Army civilians (DACs) • Contracted instructors provided by companies such as Raytheon, General Dynamics, SAIC, Northrup Grumman, Engility, Sotera, STG and CACI
Demographic trends continued • Bottom Line up Front (BLUF) For the sakes of training and training purposes only • The age of Soldiers (adult learners) range from seventeen (17) and above. A student trainee must be at least a high school junior, with the consent of their parents to join the Army. Race and ethnicity are from all different walks of life. The medium community income of the student trainee ranges depending on their rank, time in service and date of rank.
Policy trends • All military service members to include instructors (educators) and adult learners must embrace the Army values. All will adhere to all Army Regulations (AR) that cover SHARP, EO, Substance Abuse and MRT. • Department of Defense Directives 1350.2 • AR 600-20 – Army Command Policy for SHARP and EO • AR 350-53 – Comprehensive Fitness (MRT) • AR 600-85 – The Army Substance Abuse Program
Call to Action • As military members are sent to Fort Huachuca to instruct, many instructors do not want to be stationed here due to long, arduous hours and training conditions. • Award military instructors the same teaching (instructor) badges as those who teach other military courses. Once an instructor, always an instructor (educator). • Continue to refine the coaching and mentorship instructor program which builds confidence and commitment to the instructor job. Some coaches do not take the job seriously and inbound instructors sense that. • Provide the courses that instructors can seek to enhance their educational abilities which will refine their knowledge base. Leaders need to stop selecting which instructors can attend what courses, and afford all instructors to attend courses as man power permits.
Plan for change • Retain military instructors who truly are passionate and enjoy teaching. • Pre-screen inbound military instructors to see if they are willing to embrace educational change and employ futuring, scanning policy changes as needed. • Incentivize instructors who commit to higher learning and devotion to instruction. • Refine evaluation standards so that evaluations are fair across the board, thus alleviating the ‘good ole’ boy regime’. Everyone is evaluated to standard.
References References: Barseghian, T. (2011, Feb 4) Three trends that will shape the future of curriculum. Sass, E. (2014, Feb 13). American Educational History: A Hypertext Timeline. Aud, S., Rathbun, A., Flicker-Wilkinson, S., KristapovichXiaolei, P., Zhang, W., & Notter, L., (May 2013). The Condition of Education 2014.
References Choo, C. W. (2001, October 1). Environmental scanning as information seeking and organizational learning. Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http://www.informationr.net/ir/7-1/paper112.html). FUTURING. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ex-Gov/Futuring.html Millett, S. M. (2003). The future of scenarios. Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http://www.cbpp.uaa.alaska.edu/afef/future_of_scenarios.htm Pros and Cons of Assessment Methods. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, fromhttps://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/vpsa.ndsu.edu/Assessment/Pros_and_cons_of_assessment_tools_2015.pdf http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ex-Gov/Futuring.html#ixzz3ysyqIGeS