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Modern Family Dynamics: Trends and Challenges

Explore the societal norms and functions of the family institution worldwide, focusing on American family life, marriage patterns, and disruptions faced. Dive into kinship, marriage-partner patterns, descent patterns, residential patterns, authority patterns, and the functions of the family.

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Modern Family Dynamics: Trends and Challenges

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  1. The Family Chapter 12

  2. Objectives • Describe the norms that influence the ways in which marriage patterns are organized around the world. • Identify the basic societal needs that the institution of the family satisfies. • Explain how American families begin & describe some of the disruptions they might face. • Analyze some of the trends in American family life currently being examined by sociologists.

  3. Family • a group of people who are related by marriage, blood or adoption & who often live together and share economic resources

  4. Nuclear Family • consists of 1 or more parents & their children • Family of Orientation: nuclear family into which one is born or adopted • Family of Procreation: nuclear family consisting of an individual, his or her spouse & their children

  5. Extended Family • consists of 2 or more generations • grandparents, parents, children, uncles, aunts & cousins may all live together

  6. Kinship • a network of people who are related by marriage, birth, or adoption

  7. Marriage & Kinship Patterns

  8. Marriage-Partner Patterns • Monogamy: marriage of 2 partners only • Polygamy: marriage with multiple partners

  9. Descent Patterns • Patrilineal Descent: kinship traced through father’s family • Matrilineal Descent: kinship traced through mother’s family • Bilateral Descent: kinship traced through both parents • important in matters of property ownership & inheritance.

  10. Residential Patterns • Patrilocality: newly married couple expected to live with or near husband’s parents • Matrilocality: newly married couple expected to live with or near wife’s parents • Bilocality: newly married couple allowed to choose • Neolocality: newly married couple free to choose their own locality

  11. Authority Patterns • Patriarchy: system in which men are dominant over women • Matriarchy: system in which women are dominant over men • Egalitarian: a family in which the man & woman share power

  12. Functions of the Family • regulation of sexual activity • Incest: taboo • reproduction • socialization • economic & emotional security

  13. Homogamy • marriage between individuals who have similar social characteristics

  14. Heterogamy • marriage between individuals who have different social characteristics

  15. Trends in American Family Life • delayed marriage • childlessness • dual-earner marriages • delayed childbearing • remarriage • 1-parent families

  16. CLASSWORK:CHAPTER 12 • Pg 304: #2-3 • Pg 317: #2-3 • Pg 318: #1-10 Identifying People & Ideas • Pg 318: #1-5 Understanding Main Ideas • Pg 319: #1-4 Building Social Studies Skills

  17. Exploring Cultural Diversity • Please turn in your books to Pg 298. • Read the following study on changing family life & answer the “Think About It” questions in your journals.

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