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Unit Five The World Famous Three Gorges Project. The World Famous Three Gorges Project. The Grand Three Gorges Project. The First Dam Across the Yangtze. ---The Gezhouba Dam. The Peak Crock.
Unit Five The World Famous Three Gorges Project
The World Famous Three Gorges Project The Grand Three Gorges Project The First Dam Across the Yangtze ---The Gezhouba Dam The Peak Crock
Even in 1919, Dr. Sun Zhongshan advocated the development of the Three Gorges : “By damming up the river , so that boats could go upstream and rich hydroelectric power could be developed as well ”. On April 3 , 1992 , the 7th session of the Chinese National People’s Congress approved “the proposal to build the Yangtze River Three Gorges Project ” that has brought about the construction of the Three Gorges Dam .
The whole construction of the project is done according to the plan of “the first class development , complete construction reserving by steps and continuous emigrants” (移民). The total time limits for the project cost 17 years including three phases. The total investment is estimated to be 203.9 billion RMB yuan . At last , the reservoir will submerge about 28.753 hectares arable lands and force 1.1318 million people to migrate.
With it overall completion , the front water line will be 2,345 meters long , general reservoir level will be 175m high and it has integrate benefits such as flood control , generating , transporting , touring ,etc. We are developing tourism while the project is in progress . The huge site , various advanced facilities ,and beautiful and nice surroundings have absorbed a large number of visitors from home and abroad who are concerned about the building of the project .
The Three Gorges Project was once a dream of Chinese for 100 years . But now , when the dream realized , the old beautiful homeland where we ever lived became a bygone dream . The things in the world cannot satisfy both sides . But facing the smooth lake rising in the high mountains , we have a joyful and gratified sense in our complex emotions . With less peculiar and elegant beauty . The Three Gorges is now more immense .
It is more important that the construction of the Three Gorges Project brought these new towns spreading all over the reservoir areas and modernized the life of the people in the Three Gorges at least half a century ahead of time .
Translation: 世界闻名的长江三峡工程 早在1919年,孙中山先生就提出开发长江三峡的设想:“以闸堰其水, 使舟得以溯流以行,而又可资其水力”。1992年4月3日,第七届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过《关于兴建长江三峡工程的决议》,举世瞩目的长江三峡工程建设从此拉开了序幕。 三峡工程采用“一级开发,一次建成,分期蓄水,连续移民”的方案,工程总工期17年,分三个阶段施工,总投资预计为2039亿元人民币,水库最终将淹没耕地43.13万亩,最终将移民113.18万人。
工程竣工后,挡水前沿总长为2345米,水库正常蓄水位175米,具有防洪、发电、航运、旅游等多种综合效益。工程边施工,边开发旅游,浩大的施工现场和现代化的施工手段、优美整洁、绿草如茵的施工生活环境吸引了无数关心支持三峡工程建设的中外宾客。工程竣工后,挡水前沿总长为2345米,水库正常蓄水位175米,具有防洪、发电、航运、旅游等多种综合效益。工程边施工,边开发旅游,浩大的施工现场和现代化的施工手段、优美整洁、绿草如茵的施工生活环境吸引了无数关心支持三峡工程建设的中外宾客。 三峡工程曾经是中国人的一个世纪之梦,然而, 当今天这个梦想成真之时,我们曾经居住过的古老而美丽的生活家园却又变成了一个逝去的旧梦,世事之事,叹难两全。面对今天的高峡平湖,在我们复杂的情感中,也有足够的畅快和欣慰之感。三峡虽然少了奇险幽深之美,毕竟也新添了浩淼阔远之壮。最重要的是,正因为有了三峡工程的兴建,才有了今天三峡库区这些星罗棋布的现代化新城镇,才使得三峡人能够提前至少半个世纪融入了现代人的生活。 back
Passage 1 The Grand Three Gorges Project
The Three Gorges Project , with its full name the Three Gorges Water Control Project on the Yangtze River , lying at the Sandouping Town of Yichang City situated at the medium part of Xilingxia Gorge ( one of the Three Gorges ) is the most enormous one under development around the world . It is 38.6 kilomters far away from the Yichang City proper and established Gezhouba Dam and 644 km voyage to the upstream city Chongqing . The whole project includes a gravity type dam , water release gates , a hind–sided power plant , permanent ship locks and a ship lift .
A dam of 2,035 meters long , 185 meters high and 175 meters general reservation , power plants and shipping facilities constitute this project . The plant of 1.82 million KW total installed capacity is made up 26 generators 14 on the left ,12 on the right of 700,000 KW single-machine capacity , which altogether can produce electric energy of 84.7 billion kwh a year . The shipping facilities situated on the left bank are constructed of double 5-step ship locks , by which a 10,000-vessel can transit.
And single 1-step upright ship lift can quickly transport a 1,000-ton passenger liner and its unilateral annual transport ability is 50 million tons . The dynamic total investment is 203.9 billion RMB yuan and time limit for the project is 17 years . In 1993 it was officially started and by 2009 it will be completely ended . There are three periods in plan . First a 5-year ( 1992---1997 ) was contributed to preparation and was well done till the closure day of Nov. 8 , 1997 . During that time the views were well protected .
And second a 6-year ( 1998---2003 ) is mainly for the construction of plant on the left dam, installation for generators and building of water release gates and permanent ship locks . In June 2003, water level rose to the 135 mters line, backwater reached Wanzhou City, the Zhangfei Temple was submerged and the surface of the Three Gorges became quiet but notrapid and dangerous. And last a 6-year (2003---2009) will be aimed for construction of plant on the right dam and the rest installation of generators .
By 2006 water level will rise to 156m line and finally to the 175m line in 2012 , meaning that water level will rise 110m in all . Then the backwater will reach Chongqing and the splendid sight “ Among great gorges appears a smooth lake ” will come true . The Three Gorges Project is a huge comprehensive water conservancy project with profound influence . It will produce many advantages like flood control , power generating and better shipping conditions .
It also can supply more water during the dry seasons for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River . It will also provide water for the south-to-north-water-transfer project , which will easethe water problems in northern China . There are many other advantages such as irrigation, tourism, aquatic products and economic development in the reservoir area . The Three Gorges Project is very important for Chinese social and economic development . Contribution belongs to present age, benefits will last forever !
Notes: 1.张飞庙:张飞庙位于四川省云阳县城,长江南岸的飞凤山麓,祀三国蜀汉名将张飞,此庙已有1700多年历史,由一组匠心独运的古建筑群组成,气势宏伟壮丽,是难得的文武合庙。庙前临江石壁上书有“江上风清”四个大字,字体雄劲秀逸。庙内塑有张飞像,珍藏有汉唐以来的大量诗文碑刻书画及其他文物数百件,多为稀世珍品。素有“三绝”(文章绝世,书法绝世,镌刻绝世)之盛誉,号称“文藻胜地”、“巴渝胜境”。三峡大坝建成以后,此庙严格按照原物、原状、原材料和原工艺进行整体搬迁至云阳新县城——盘石镇。同时按原样再造张飞庙周围的环境,包括地形、山涧、岩坎等,以确保复建的张飞庙内、外的造型布局、面积方位,甚至一桌一椅、一草一木,都跟原来没有两样。
2.to make up : constitute ; compose 构成;组成 eg. Six women and nineteen men make up the committee . This make up 12% of their totel income . to contribute to : help to bring about 有助于;对……有好处 eg. These measures contributed greatly to improve our English study . His carelessness contributed to the accident
New Words: situated a. 位于, contribute v. 捐助, 捐献 voyage n. 航程, 航空 vi. 航海, 航行 closure vt. 使终止 gravity n. 地心引力, 重力 protect vt. 保护 release n. 释放, 解放 installation n. 安装, 装置, 就职 facility n. 设备, 工具 rapid a. 迅速的,飞快的install vt. 安装, 安置 conservancy n. (自然物源的)保护,管理
capacity n. 容量,才能, 地位profound adj. 深刻,深远 generators n. 发电机, 发生器influence n. 影响, 感化 vessel n. 船, 容器, 器皿advantage n. 优势, 利益 transit vt. 横越, 通过 ease vt. 使悠闲, 使安心 unilateral a. 单方面, 单边的irrigation n. 灌溉, 冲洗 dynamic a. 动态的aquatic a. 水的, 水生的 officially ad. 职务上, 正式 kWh . 度,千瓦/小时KW kilowatt [电]千瓦
Exercises: I. Answer the questions: 1. What proposal about the river did Su Zhongshan put forward ? 2. Where is the Three Gorges Project ? 3. How many fcilities does the Three Gorges Project have and what are they ? 4. When did the first-stage works of the project complete ? 5. What are the main functions of the Three Gorges Project ? Key Key
II. Decide the statements true or false: 1. Only a 5-step ship lock can transport a 1,000 vessel . ( ) 2. The limited time for the Three Gorges Project is seventeen years . ( ) 3. By 2006 water level will rise from 135 meters to 156 meters . ( ) 4. During the first phase of the project , the splendid views in the Three Gorges were all submerged except Zhangfei Temple . ( ) 5. The Three Gorges became calm and smooth when the second phase ended in 2003 . ( ) Key
III. Multiple choices: 1. The Three Gorges Project is one around the world . A. the greatest B. much bigger than C. biggest D. immense 2. The Three Gorges Project will the water problems in northern China . A. relieve B. release C. relax D. decrease 3. During the first phase of the construction of the Three Gorges Project the views were well . A. keep B. preserved C. conserved D. hold Key
4. The Three Gorges became quiet but not and dangerous when the water level rose to 135 meters in 2003 . A. express B. quick C. steep D. fastly 5. The Three Gorges Project will produce many like flood control , power generating and better shipping conditions . A. profit B. interest C. behalf D. good things Key
Translation: 宏伟的三峡工程 三峡工程全称为长江三峡水利枢纽工程,位于风景秀丽的长江三峡西陵峡中段宜昌市的三斗坪镇,是当今世界上在建的最大的水利枢纽工程,距宜昌市中心城区和已建成的葛州坝水利枢纽工程38.6公里,沿长江水路至上游重庆的航运距离是664公里。整个工程包括一座混凝土重力式大坝、泻洪闸、一座坝后式水电站、一座永久性通航船闸和一架升船机。大坝坝顶总长2,035米,坝高185米,正常蓄水位175米。水电站左岸装机14台,右岸装机12台,总装机26台,单机容量为70万千瓦,总装机容量为1820万千瓦,年均发电量847亿千瓦时。
第三期为六年(2003---2009),主要完成右岸大坝和电站的施工,并继续完成全部机组安装,2006年水位提高到156米,2012年,最终坝上水位海拔高度将达175米,水位实际提升110米,回水上溯到重庆,“高峡出平湖”的壮丽景观真正形成。三峡工程规模巨大,影响深远,是一个综合利用的水利工程,有防洪、发电、航运等效益,还可增加长江中下游枯水期流量,有利于沿江城市的供水,还有利于南水北调,缓解北方地区缺水的矛盾,并有灌溉、水产、旅游、发展库区经济等效益。第三期为六年(2003---2009),主要完成右岸大坝和电站的施工,并继续完成全部机组安装,2006年水位提高到156米,2012年,最终坝上水位海拔高度将达175米,水位实际提升110米,回水上溯到重庆,“高峡出平湖”的壮丽景观真正形成。三峡工程规模巨大,影响深远,是一个综合利用的水利工程,有防洪、发电、航运等效益,还可增加长江中下游枯水期流量,有利于沿江城市的供水,还有利于南水北调,缓解北方地区缺水的矛盾,并有灌溉、水产、旅游、发展库区经济等效益。 三峡工程的兴建,对促进中国经济和社会发展都具有十分重要的意义。功在当代,利在千秋 。 back
Passage 2 The First Dam Across the Yangtze ---The Gezhouba Dam
Gezhouba Project is the first project across the Yangtze River , also the first hydropower project completely researched , designed and built by Chinese ourselves . It is the experimental project for the Three Gorges Project . The dam site is located 2.3 kilometers downstream from Nanjin Pass , the lower end of the Three Gorges and about 38 kilometers from the proposed Three Gorges Project in its upstream. After rushing out of Nanjin Pass , the Yangtze River suddenly becomes open and wide . Its width extends from 300 to 2,200 meters .
The river was separated into three currentsby two islands , Gezhouba and Xiba . The hydropower project was named for being built here . On the north bank , the Gezhouba Dam reaches the Zhenjing Hill , while on the south bank , it touches the Shizibao . The total 2,606.5 meters long and 70 high dam completely cuts the Yangtze River . Covering about 9 square kilometers , the project consists mainly of two power stations , three ship locks , a spillway, two silt-scouringsluices, silt-prevention dykes , and a water retaining concrete dam .
The 27–bay spillway discharges 110 thousand cubic meters flood per second . All 21 generators with generation capacity about 2.715 million KW can generate 15.7 billion kWh electricity annually .
The electricity is transported to Shanghai, Henan , Hunan , Wuhan and other big cities . There are three single-step locks, of which, two can allow the passage of 10,000-ton jumboships , the total annual single-way transportation capacity of the ship is over 50 million tons . The construction of the dam began on December 30 , 1970 , and ended on December 10 , 1998. The first-stage works started to reserve water in May 1981. It was completed on December 20, 1998 .
The total investment of the project cost 4.8 billion RMB. The whole project was designed by the Yangtze Valley Planning Office, and constructed by the Yangtze Gezhouba Construction Bureau . The reservoir in the upstream contains 1.58 billion cubic meters water in an area of 100 square kilometers . In the historical heaviest floods happened in 1981 and 1998 , the dam stayed as solid as a rock .
Apart from economic benefit , the Gezhouba project is a boon to tourism . With its overall completion , a number of gardens appeared along this section of the river together with tree-shaded roads at the sites of the three channels . Chinese and foreign travelers visiting the Three Gorges will be tempted to include Gezhouba Project in their itinerary . They will find this man-made wonder a feast to the eye and the imagination , a monument to human ingenuity in taming China’s longest river .
1. 葛洲坝:在举世闻名的长江葛洲坝水利枢纽工程兴建之前,葛洲坝是宜昌市郊上游的一个江心小岛,呈梭子形,自北至南顺江,有肥沃土地约300亩。它原是一座古城的遗址。椐《水经注》记载:“江水出峡,东南流,泾故城洲,洲附北岸,洲头曰郭洲,长二里,广一里。上有步阐故城,方圆称洲,周回略满。”因方言中“郭”、“葛”音相同,便被人们称为“葛洲坝”。据考古学家在葛洲坝下发掘的文物看,葛洲坝已有2000年的历史。 2. 葛洲坝水利枢纽:葛洲坝水利枢纽,是座反调节三峡水利枢纽尾水流态、改善两坝区间江段航运条件的梯级水电站。三峡水利枢纽工程竣工后,葛洲坝水力发电厂的保证出力将提高43万千瓦。所以,三峡水利枢纽和葛洲坝水利枢纽是一对风雨同舟的孪生兄弟。 Notes:
New Words: experimental adj.实验的, 根据实验的 sluice n. 水闸, 泄水 vt.开闸放水, 流出, 冲洗 current n. 电流, 水流, 气流dyke n. (=dike) 沟, 渠,坝 ship lock 船闸concrete n. 混凝土 spillway n. 溢洪道, 泄洪道discharge vt. 卸下, 放出 silt n. 淤泥, 残渣, 泥沙jumbo a. [美] 巨大的 scouring vi. 擦, 洗, 冲刷 bureau n. [美]局, 办公署
Exercises: • Answer the questions : • By whom was the Gezhouba Project designed and constructed ? • 2. Why was the project named Gezhouba Dam ? • 3. Where has the electricity generated by the Gezhouba Project been carried to ? • 4. How many sets of turbo generators altogether are there in the two power stations ? Key Key
II. Decide the statements true or false : 1. Building a dam across the main section of a river which is wide , deep and has an enormous flood is something unheard-of before . ( ) 2. The designing and construction of the dam and the installation of the equipment were all undertaken by Chinese personnel . ( ) 3. Apart from economic benefit , the Gezhouba Project is a boon to tourism . ( ) 4. The Gezhouba Project has accumulated experience for the Three Gorges Project . ( ) 5. The Gezhouba Project has stood up the tests of the heaviest floods happened in 1981 and 1998 . ( ) Key
Translation: 万里长江第一坝 葛洲坝是长江上第一座水利枢纽工程,它是由我国自行研究、设计、施工而建成的大型水电站,是三峡工程的实验坝。 葛洲坝位于长江三峡出口----湖北宜昌市区,距西陵峡口南津关2.3公里,距上游的三峡大坝38公里。长江之水冲出南津关后,江面豁然开朗,由三百米骤然展宽至2,200多米,江水被江中的葛洲坝和西坝两个小岛分为三股,水利枢纽工程就因建在葛洲坝而得名。
大坝北抵江北镇镜山,南接江南狮子包,横卧长江,全长2606.5米,高70米,工区占地面积9平方公里,主要由两座水力发电厂房、三座船闸、、一座泻洪闸、两座冲沙闸,防淤堤及挡水墙组成。墙内装有27孔泻洪闸,每秒可排泄11万立方米特大洪水。发电装机21台,总装机容量271.5万千瓦 ,年发电量 157亿千瓦时,所发电力送往上海、河南、湖南、武汉等地。葛洲坝有三座单级船闸,其中两座可通过万吨级的轮船,通航建筑物年单向通过能力超过五千万吨。 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程自1970年12月30日动工兴建,1981年5月一期工程下闸蓄水,于1988年12月20日全面竣工,工程建设总投资48亿元人民币。
整个工程由长江流域规划办公室设计,长江葛洲坝工程局施工。葛洲坝的总库容量15.8亿立方米,控制坝上流域100平方公里,经受了1981年和1998年两次百年不遇的特大洪水的考验,大坝安然无恙。整个工程由长江流域规划办公室设计,长江葛洲坝工程局施工。葛洲坝的总库容量15.8亿立方米,控制坝上流域100平方公里,经受了1981年和1998年两次百年不遇的特大洪水的考验,大坝安然无恙。 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程不仅在经济上具有巨大的综合效益,在三峡旅游线上,也是极好的旅游胜地。工程全部建成后,沿江到处都是公园,三江、二江和大江的岸边,是郁郁葱葱的林荫大道。到三峡旅游的中外游客无不把游览葛洲坝列入自己的旅游日程。他们将发现这个人造奇迹令人赏心悦目,真使人有三峡虽美而人定胜天之感。 back
Passage 3 The Peak Crock
There is a hill named the Peak Crock( in Chinese, it pronounces Tanziling ) in the work area of the Three Gorges Project . It looks like a pretty girl with the head on the ridge of the hill and foot in the river , lying across the shore of the Three Gorges . It is a place that could not be found on a county-grade map several years ago. Being the highest point between the temporaryship lock and the permanent ship lock on the north bank , the hill was preserved as the permanent sight-viewing platform when the construction started .
It is said that in the ancient times when King Da Yu led people dredge the watercourse and fought against the flood , he was too involved to enter the door even when he passed his home three times . With the help of the magic ox , he excavated 200-kilometer watercourse . People sent him 24 pigs and a big crock of wine by boat for giving thanks to him . When the boat reached Sandouping , they saw the magic ox went away by clouds , just leaving its image on the mountain (just the place where is called Huangniuyan nowadays) .
Hastily , Da Yu went away to chase the ox , and left a big rock for memory .People were so moved by what happened that they keep the boat waiting in the river . Then , the boat turned into an island (just the island which is called Zhongbaodao Island ). Twenty-four pigs on the boat were thrown into the river to turn into 24 reefs . And , that big crock of wine was put on the north bank by the river and turned into the Peak Crock . So , it is said nowadays when it is suny , the nice smell of the wine is spreadinghere and there with the mildwind to make people intoxicate.
There is a granite of about more than 20 tons shown on the Peak Crock. Commonly , we call it the “eternal riverbed rock”. Actually , it is over 800 million years old . It is the river eroded the shape in long term . From the rock , people could get to know the very past of the Yangtze . Standing in front of the rock , we’ll recall with deep emotion that time brings great changes to the world. Now, we can see some bores on the rock which were left by the geologists and the hydropower specialists who first came to explore the dam site .These bores gave voice to the dreams of generations of Chinese .
The altitude of the Peak Crock is about 262.48 meters where it is the best place to have the full sight for the view of the entire 15.28 square kilometers construction site. The total area of Peak is about 100 thousand square meters, including the Sight-viewing Platform, the Great Basso-relievo, the Eternal Riverbed Rock, the Hall of the Project Model, The Great Steel-iron Book, etc. They comprehensively emerged the Three Gorges culture of a distant source and a long stream, expressed the distinct theme of human idea to change floods into water conservancy, and showing the determination of man, and to ensure human merge nature.
Notes: 坛子岭 坛子岭景区是国家首批AAAA级景区,也是三峡坝区最早开发的景区,现已成为三峡工地的代名词,于1997年正式开始接待中外游人。站在坛子岭上可以鸟瞰整个三峡大坝雄姿,全景式展示坝区“高峡平湖”的秀美风光。坛子岭景区是党和国家领导人视察三峡工程的必经之地,是中外游客游览长江三峡参观举世瞩目的三峡工程建设的最佳场所。
New Words: temporary a. 暂时的, 临时的riverbed n. 河床 dredge v. 挖掘, 疏浚bore n. 孔 watercourse n. 水道, 河道geologist n. 地质学者 involve vt. 潜心于, 使陷于specialists n. 专家 crock n. 坛子, 瓦罐碴give voice to 表达 image n. 图象, 肖像, 偶像eroded vt. 侵蚀, 腐蚀,
hastily adv. 急速地, 慌忙地memory n. 回忆 basso-relievo n. (=bas-relief) 浮雕, 雕 emerge vi. 显现,显现出来 distinct a. 清楚的, 明显的 reef n. 暗礁, 收帆 granite n. 花岗岩 eternal a. 永恒(远)的 intoxicate vt. 使陶醉, 醉人 theme n. 题目, 主题 determination n. 决心, 果断